LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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140 Socie't des Nations - Recuei des Traitds. 1931 A l'article XX. Au point 2. Les dispositions du point 2 de cet article ne font pas obstacle A ce que le vendeur appose son nom et son adresse sur le conditionnement du produit. Toutefois il sera tenu, A d6faut d'appellation g~ographique d'origine, de completer cette mention par l'indication de l'Etat, de la region ou du lieu oil la marchandise a t6 produite, chaque fois que par l'opposition du nom et de l'adresse, il pourrait y avoir confusion avec une region ou une localit6 situ6e dans un autre pays. N'est pas consider&e comme une fausse indication de provenance la d~nomination dont le nom est employ6 g~n~riquement et indique la nature du produit (son genre), except6 le cas oii cette denomination est suivie d'une mention telle que , originale ,), ((veritable ), qui pourrait induire en erreur. Il est entendu que ce principe ne pourra porter aucune atteinte A la protection des appellations g6ographiques d'origine des produits indiqu6s au point 2, alin~a i, ni A la protection des appellations d'autres produits, auxquels le caract~re exclusif des appellations g~ographiques d'origine sera express~ment accord6 par des lois ou r~glements. Les mesures que chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes s'engage A prendre devront prvoir la repression par la saisie, et toute autre sanction ar'propri&e, notamment la prohibition de l'importation, de l'exportation, de l'entreposage, de la cii.ulation, de la vente et de la mise en vente des produits, dans le cas oii figurerait sur les ffits, bouteilles, emballages ou caisses les contenant, ainsi que sur les factures, des noms, inscriptions, illustrations ou signes quelconques 6voquant des appellations d'origine, employes abusivement. La saisie des produits incrimin~s ou les autres sanctions seront appliqu~es A la requite du minist~re public, ou de tout int~ress6, individu, association ou syndicat, conformment A ]a 16gislation respective de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes. A l'article XXIV. Il est entendu que les dispositions sp&iales pr~vues dans la Convention postale de Portorose du 23 novembre 1921, continueront A 6tre appliqu~es par les Administrations postales des deux Hautes Parties contractantes. A l'article XXVII. Les Hautes Parties contractantes sont d'accord de ne considrer comme clause prohibitive aux termes de 1 article XXVII que les conditions d'application d'un tarif r6duit qui ont pour but d'exclure du b~n~fice du tarif r~duit les marchandises similaires, mais d'une provenance 6trang~re. Par contre ne seront pas consid6r~es comme clauses prohibitives les conditions d'application d'un tarif r~duit prescrites dans le but d'assurer la satisfaction aux besoins de la consommation int6rieure en ce qui concerne certains articles ou d'assurer le d~veloppement des ports maritimes ou fluviaux, ainsi que les conditions d'application imposes par des consid6rations puis6es dans le domaine l6gitime de l'exploitation ferroviaire, par exemple 1 acquisition de nouveaux transports, la reduction des frais de traction, etc. Conform~ment A cette interpretation seront consid~r6es i. Comme clauses prohibitives : La condition de provenance nationale de la marchandise en question L'exigence que la marchandise soit diclar~e sous un nom non accessible A une marchandise trangre de la mme esp~ce ; La condition de faire parvenir la marchandise A la station d'exp~dition par camion ou par voie ferr~e industrielle priv6e; La condition que la mati~re premire dont est fabriqu6e la marchandise jouissant d'un tarif rdduit soit transport6e par les chemins de fer nationaux. 2. Comme clauses admissibles : Condition de consommation int~rieure; Condition de transport combines par voie de fer et d'eau; No 2742

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 141 Ad Article XX. Ad point 2: The provisions of point 2 of this Article shall not affect the right of the seller to mark the wrapping of the article with his name and address. Nevertheless, in the absence of a geographical appellation of origin, he shall be required to supplement this mark by an indication of the State, district or place where the goods were produced, whenever the indication of his name and address might cause confusion with the name of a district or place situated in another country. The use of a name in its generic meaning in order to indicate the nature of a product (its kind) shall not be regarded as a false designation of origin unless such name is followed by some such *word as "original" or " veritable" which might be misleading. It is understood that this principle shall in no way affect the protection of geographical appellations of origin in the case of the products enumerated in point 2, paragraph I, or the protection of appellations of other products to which exclusive geographical appellations of origin are expressly assigned under the provisions of laws or regulations. The measures which each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes to adopt shall provide for repression by seizure and any other appropriate penalty, in particular prohibition to import, export, warehouse, circulate, sell or offer for sale the products in question, in cases in which the barrels, bottles, packings or cases containing products the invoices relating to them bear names, inscriptions, illustrations or any signs whatever denoting appellations of origin falsely used. The goods in question may be seized or any other penalties imposed on the application of the Public Prosecutor or of any interested party, individual, association or syndicate, in accordance with the laws of either of the High Contracting Parties. Ad Article XXIV. It is understood that the special provisions contained in the Postal Convention of Porto Rose of November 23, 1921, shall continue to be applied by the postal administrations of the two High Contracting Parties. Ad Article XXVII. The High Contracting Parties agree that they will only regard as prohibitive conditions within the meaning of Article XXVII conditions concerning the application of a reduced tariff the object of which is to exclude similar goods of foreign origin from the benefit of such reduced tariff. On the other hand, conditions concerning the application of a reduced tariff which are prescribed for the purpose of satisfying requirements in respect of the domestic consumption of certain articles or in order to facilitate the development of maritime or river ports, and conditions imposed for purposes of legitimate railway exploitation (e. g. the acquisition of new rolling stock, the reduction of haulage costs, etc.) shall not be regarded as prohibitive. In accordance with these terms as interpreted above, the following shall be regarded as i. Prohibitive conditions : That the goods in question must be of domestic origin That the goods must be declared under a name not applicable to foreign goods of the same description ; That the goods must be sent to the station from which they are to be despatched by lorry or by private industrial light railway ; That the raw materials from which the goods benefiting by the reduced tariff are made must be conveyed by national railways; 2. Admissible conditions : That the goods nmust be for domestic consumption That the goods must be conveyed by rail and water combined; .No. 2742

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 141<br />

Ad Article XX.<br />

Ad point 2: The provisions of point 2 of this Article shall not affect the right of the seller to<br />

mark the wrapping of the article with his name and address. Nevertheless, in the absence of a<br />

geographical appellation of origin, he shall be required to supplement this mark by an indication<br />

of the State, district or place where the goods were produced, whenever the indication of his name<br />

and address might cause confusion with the name of a district or place situated in another country.<br />

The use of a name in its generic meaning in order to indicate the nature of a product (its kind)<br />

shall not be regarded as a false designation of origin unless such name is followed by some such<br />

*word as "original" or " veritable" which might be misleading. It is understood that this principle<br />

shall in no way affect the protection of geographical appellations of origin in the case of the products<br />

enumerated in point 2, paragraph I, or the protection of appellations of other products to which<br />

exclusive geographical appellations of origin are expressly assigned under the provisions of laws<br />

or regulations.<br />

The measures which each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes to adopt shall provide<br />

for repression by seizure and any other appropriate penalty, in particular prohibition to import,<br />

export, warehouse, circulate, sell or offer for sale the products in question, in cases in which the<br />

barrels, bottles, packings or cases containing products the invoices relating to them bear names,<br />

inscriptions, illustrations or any signs whatever denoting appellations of origin falsely used.<br />

The goods in question may be seized or any other penalties imposed on the application of the<br />

Public Prosecutor or of any interested party, individual, association or syndicate, in accordance<br />

with the laws of either of the High Contracting Parties.<br />

Ad Article XXIV.<br />

It is understood that the special provisions contained in the Postal Convention of Porto Rose<br />

of November 23, 1921, shall continue to be applied by the postal administrations of the two High<br />

Contracting Parties.<br />

Ad Article XXVII.<br />

The High Contracting Parties agree that they will only regard as prohibitive conditions within<br />

the meaning of Article XXVII conditions concerning the application of a reduced tariff the object<br />

of which is to exclude similar goods of foreign origin from the benefit of such reduced tariff. On<br />

the other hand, conditions concerning the application of a reduced tariff which are prescribed for<br />

the purpose of satisfying requirements in respect of the domestic consumption of certain articles<br />

or in order to facilitate the development of maritime or river ports, and conditions imposed for<br />

purposes of legitimate railway exploitation (e. g. the acquisition of new rolling stock, the reduction<br />

of haulage costs, etc.) shall not be regarded as prohibitive.<br />

In accordance with these terms as interpreted above, the following shall be regarded as<br />

i. Prohibitive conditions :<br />

That the goods in question must be of domestic origin<br />

That the goods must be declared under a name not applicable to foreign goods of the same<br />

description ;<br />

That the goods must be sent to the station from which they are to be despatched by lorry or<br />

by private industrial light railway ;<br />

That the raw materials from which the goods benefiting by the reduced tariff are made must<br />

be conveyed by national railways;<br />

2. Admissible conditions :<br />

That the goods nmust be for domestic consumption<br />

That the goods must be conveyed by rail and water combined;<br />

.No. 2742

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