LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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128 Socidte' des Nations - Recuei des Traite's. 1931 frontire, ainsi que l'indication de la zone du territoire de fronti~re dans laquelle doivent travailler les animaux qui viennent de la zone frontire de l'autre Partie contractante. De plus, l'autorit6 locale doit certifier et, au cas du passage A travers le territoire d'une autre commune, m6me dans cette dernire, qu'il n'y a aucune maladie transmissible A l'esp~ce des animaux en question et soumise la d6claration. Dans les cas d'urgence (incendie, inondation ou n'importe quelle calamit6, assistance religieuse, m~dicale ou v~t6rinaire) les passeports d'animaux ne seront pas exig~s. 30 L'apparition sporadique du charbon bact~rien, du charbon bact~ridien, de la septic6mie h~morragique, de la rage, du rouget du porc, de la tuberculose, de la gale et de l'exanth~me coital dans la commune n'emp~chera pas la d~livrance des certificats en question pour les animaux 6num~r~s sous les chiffres i et 2, si ces maladies n'apparaissent pas aux fermes dont les animaux passent la frontire. Cependant, de pareils cas de maladie doivent 6tre port~s sur les certificats. 40 Les certificats attestant que les communes sont indemnes sont valables, en ce qui concerne les animaux destines au travail et au pAturage - au cas oii il s'agit de passages de la fronti~re plus frequents - pour un d6lai de trente jours et, pour ce qui concerne les animaux des voituriers et les animaux destines A la ch~trure, au traitement v~t~rinaire et au pesage, pour un d6lai de dix jours, A condition que, pendant ce temps, aucune 6pizootie qui exigerait l'annulation de ces certificats n 'ait 6clat6 ; les d~lais ci-dessus 6tant expires, les certificats doivent 6tre prolong~s. 50 .Si, toutefois, pendant le pacage ou le travail une maladie contagieuse transmissible A l'espce des animaux respectifs venait aL 6clater, soit dans une partie du troupeau ou des animaux de travail, soit sur le territoire de la commune oil se trouvent les animaux, soit sur la route par laquelle ils doivent rentrer, le retour des animaux sur le territoire de l'autre Etat sera interdit pour autant que la force majeure (manque de fourrage, intemp~ries, etc.) ne contraigne pas a faire une exception. Dans ce cas, le retour des animaux ne pourra s'effectuer qu'en application des mesures de sfiret6 convenues par les autorit~s des circonscriptions administratives compktentes en vue d'empcher l'importation des pizooties * 60 Les animaux 6num~rs sous les chiffres i et , ne seront pas soumis, lors du passage de la fronti~re, au contr6le v6t6rinaire de fronti re. Pour permettre de constater leur identit6, le retour des animaux devra s'effectuer par le m~me poste fronti~re par lequel a eu lieu la sortie. 70 Des dispositions sp~ciales qui, 6ventuellement, seront n6cessaires pour maintenir des exploitations agricoles dans les zones fronti~res, seront prises d'un commun accord par les Minist~res de l'Agriculture des deux Etats apr~s avoir entendu le Ministre des Finances. Article 12. Les restrictions et les prohibitions qui, 6ventuellement, pourraient exister encore au moment de l'entr~e en vigueur de la pr~sente convention et qui ne seraient pas conformes A ces dispositions, seront levees. Article 13. Si un d6saccord venait A se produire entre les deux Hautes Parties contractantes, sur l'application de la prsente convention et si l'accord n'a pu 6tre r~alis6 dans les cinq j ours suivants, il sera proc~d6 sur la demande d'une des Hautes Pbrties contractantes, A lanomination immediate d'une Commission mixte, dont l'avis sera obligatoire s'il est pris a la majorit6. Dans ce but, chacune des Parties nommera deux mnembres pour constituer la commission qui proc~dera sans retard a examiner le litige. Dans le cas oii l'avis ne pourra 6tre pris A la majorit6, ou bien si la Commission mixte n'aurait pas donn6 son avis dans un d~lai de dix jours a compter de sa constitution, le litige sera d6fr6 h la Commission pr~vue A l'article XXXIX du pr6sent trait6. I1 est entendu que les mesures prises resteront en vigueur jusqu'a la solution du litige. No 2742

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 129 frontier and the frontier zone in which animals coming from the frontier zone of the other Contracting Party will have to work. The local authority must also certify that no notifiable disease communicable to the species of animal concerned exists either in its own commune or in any other commune through which the animals may have to pass. In cases of emergency (fire, flood or any calamity needing religious, medical or veterinary assistance) animal passports shall not be required. (3) The sporadic appearance of anthrax, irilignant anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia, rabies, swine erysipelas, mange, and vesicular exanthema in a commune shall not prevent the issue of the certificates in question for the animals specified under Nos I and 2, unless these diseases make their appearance at the farms from which the animals crossing the frontier come. Nevertheless, such cases of disease must be mentioned in the certificates. (4) Certificates testifying that communes are free from infection are valid in the case of animals destined for agricultural or other work or being driven to pasture, for a period of 30 days (where such animals cross the frontier on several occasions), and in the case of draught animals and animals intented for castration, veterinary treatment or weighing, for a period of io days, on condition that, during that period, no case of an epizootic disease which would entail the cancellation of such certificates has occurred. (5) If, howevr, while the animals are out at pasture or are working, a contagious disease communicable to that particular species should occur among them or in the territory of the commune where they are, or on the route to be taken by them on their return, they shall not be allowed to return to the territory of the other State except for urgent reasons (lack of forage, bad weather conditions, etc.,). If they are so allowed, their return shall be subject to the application of the precautionary measures adopted by the competent local authorities to prevent epizootic diseases from being brought into the country. (6) The animals specified under Nos. i and 2 shall not be subjected to veterinary inspection when crossing the frontier. In order to enable the identity of the animals to be established, however, they must recross the frontier at the frontier-post where they went out. (7) Any special measures which may be necessary to ensure the working of farms in the frontier zones shall be taken by mutual agreement between the Ministries of Agriculture of the two States after agreement with the Finance Ministry. Article 12. Any restrictions and prohibitions which may be in force at the date of the coming into force of the present Convention, and which may be at variance with its provisions, shall be repealed. Article 13. Should any difference arise between the High Contracting Parties as regards the application of the present Convention, and should no agreement be arrived at during the following five days, a mixed Board shall, at the request of one of the High Contracting Parties, be immediately appointed, whose decisions (which must be taken by a majority) shall have force of law. The Board shall be constituted by the appointment of two members by each of the Parties and shall examine the dispute without delay. Should it not be possible to obtain a majority decision or should the Mixed Board not make known its opinion within ten days from the date on which it was set up, the dispute shall be referred to the Committee provided for in Article XXXIX of the present Treaty. It is understood that any measures which have been taken shall remain in force until the dispute has been settled. 9 No. 2742

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 129<br />

frontier and the frontier zone in which animals coming from the frontier zone of the other Contracting<br />

Party will have to work. The local authority must also certify that no notifiable disease<br />

communicable to the species of animal concerned exists either in its own commune or in any other<br />

commune through which the animals may have to pass.<br />

In cases of emergency (fire, flood or any calamity needing religious, medical or veterinary<br />

assistance) animal passports shall not be required.<br />

(3) The sporadic appearance of anthrax, irilignant anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia,<br />

rabies, swine erysipelas, mange, and vesicular exanthema in a commune shall not prevent the<br />

issue of the certificates in question for the animals specified under Nos I and 2, unless these diseases<br />

make their appearance at the farms from which the animals crossing the frontier come. Nevertheless,<br />

such cases of disease must be mentioned in the certificates.<br />

(4) Certificates testifying that communes are free from infection are valid in the case of<br />

animals destined for agricultural or other work or being driven to pasture, for a period of 30 days<br />

(where such animals cross the frontier on several occasions), and in the case of draught animals<br />

and animals intented for castration, veterinary treatment or weighing, for a period of io days, on<br />

condition that, during that period, no case of an epizootic disease which would entail the cancellation<br />

of such certificates has occurred.<br />

(5) If, howevr, while the animals are out at pasture or are working, a contagious disease<br />

communicable to that particular species should occur among them or in the territory of the commune<br />

where they are, or on the route to be taken by them on their return, they shall not be allowed to<br />

return to the territory of the other State except for urgent reasons (lack of forage, bad weather<br />

conditions, etc.,). If they are so allowed, their return shall be subject to the application of the<br />

precautionary measures adopted by the competent local authorities to prevent epizootic diseases<br />

from being brought into the country.<br />

(6) The animals specified under Nos. i and 2 shall not be subjected to veterinary inspection<br />

when crossing the frontier. In order to enable the identity of the animals to be established, however,<br />

they must recross the frontier at the frontier-post where they went out.<br />

(7) Any special measures which may be necessary to ensure the working of farms in the<br />

frontier zones shall be taken by mutual agreement between the Ministries of Agriculture of the<br />

two States after agreement with the Finance Ministry.<br />

Article 12.<br />

Any restrictions and prohibitions which may be in force at the date of the coming into force<br />

of the present Convention, and which may be at variance with its provisions, shall be repealed.<br />

Article 13.<br />

Should any difference arise between the High Contracting Parties as regards the application<br />

of the present Convention, and should no agreement be arrived at during the following five days,<br />

a mixed Board shall, at the request of one of the High Contracting Parties, be immediately<br />

appointed, whose decisions (which must be taken by a majority) shall have force of law.<br />

The Board shall be constituted by the appointment of two members by each of the Parties<br />

and shall examine the dispute without delay.<br />

Should it not be possible to obtain a majority decision or should the Mixed Board not make<br />

known its opinion within ten days from the date on which it was set up, the dispute shall be referred<br />

to the Committee provided for in Article XXXIX of the present <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

It is understood that any measures which have been taken shall remain in force until the<br />

dispute has been settled.<br />

9 No. 2742

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