LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection


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1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 125<br />

Consignments of materials and products of animal origin of all kinds, the return of which<br />

has not been authorised by the State through which they are conveyed in transit shall also be<br />

admitted and shall be dealt with in accordance with the veterinary regulations in force in the<br />

importing country.<br />

If after passing the frontier station of the importing country, a contagious disease makes<br />

its appearance among the imported animals, the consignment may not be sent back. In this case,<br />

the State veterinary surgeon shall draw up a report, a copy of which shall be sent direct by the<br />

competent authority to the veterinary authority of the country of origin.<br />

In all cases mentioned in this Article, the veterinary authority of the importing country shall<br />

immediately notify the veterinary representative of the other High Contracting Party direct,<br />

if such a representative has been appointed in accordance with Article 8.<br />

Article 6.<br />

In the event of an outbreak of cattle plague in the territory of one of the High Contracting<br />

Parties, the other Party shall be entitled to prohibit or restrict, so long as the danger of infection<br />

exists, the importation and transit of ruminants, pigs and raw materials and products derived<br />

from these animals and in general any articles likely to carry infection.<br />

Article 7.<br />

If, in consequence of the traffic in animals, a notifiable epizootic disease has been carried<br />

from the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties into the territory of the other, or if a<br />

dangerous outbreak of such a disease should occur in the territory of one of the Parties, the other<br />

Party shall, during the dangerous period, be entitled to restrict or prohibit the importation and<br />

transit from the infected or threatened areas of animals liable to contract the disease or of any<br />

animal skins, products of animal origin or articles liable to carry infection.<br />

This provision may be applied in all circumstances in the case of the appearance of contagious<br />

pleuro-pneumonia of cattle and dourine as regards the respective species and materials.<br />

In the case of anthrax, malignant anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia, rabies, swine erysipelas,<br />

tuberculosis, mange and vesicular exanthema, importation may not be prohibited.<br />

The present Convention shall not affect the legal enactments of the High Contracting Parties<br />

relating to veterinary police measures, which provide that when a contagious epizootic disease<br />

appears at or in the neighbourhood of the frontier, traffic between the administrative frontier<br />

districts of the two countries and traffic between the threatened frontier districts may be subjected<br />

o certain restrictions or prohibitions designed to prevent and arrest the spread of infection.<br />

Article 8.<br />

Each of the Contracting Parties shall be entitled to send veterinary representatives into the<br />

territory of the other without previous notice, and even to keep such representatives there<br />

permanently, for the purpose of procuring information as to health conditions among domestic<br />

animals, the organisation of cattle fairs, slaughter-houses and fattening and quarantine<br />

establishments in the stations or ports of embarkation, etc., and the enforcement of the veterinary<br />

police regulations.<br />

The two Parties shall instruct their authorities to give assistance and all necessary information<br />

to the technical representatives of the other Party as soon as the latter have made a request to<br />

this effect and have established their status.<br />

Article 9.<br />

Each of the High Contracting Parties undertakes to publish as soon as possible a bulletin<br />

regarding the position in relation to Veterinary matters for the period from the Ist to the 15 of<br />

No. 2742

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