LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection LEAGUE OF NATIONS - United Nations Treaty Collection

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110 Societe des Nations - Recuei des Traitds. 1931 No, di tarif Droits douanier Denomination de$ marchandises d'entr6e roumain en Lei Par ioo kg. 796 Livres, revues, journaux et tous genres de publications en langues 6trang~res : I Livres de pri~res : ex a) Cartonn~s, broch~s ou en feuilles Livres de pri~res, en toute a;utre langue que le roumain . b) Reli6s en toile : I Les m~mes, en toute autre langue que le roumain, reli6s en papier, toile, cuir artificiel, celluloide, m~me combines avec mati~res communes . . .... ............. .. .... exempts exempts c) Reliesencuir : Les m~mes ............ ....................... 500 819 Tissus, tricots, passementeries, rubans et bandes en fils de caoutchouc, revftus de : a) Fils de toute mati~re textile autre que la soie ....... ... b) Fils de soie ou contenant de la soie .. ............ .... 12.000 25.000 845 R6sine et autres mati&res similaires, pr~par6es pour goudronner les ffits ......... ............................ ..... 200 ex 862 Terres, argiles, marnes: b) Lav~es, broy6es, m~me en pate, mais non combinfes avec d'autres mati~res :. La boue min6rale de Piegt'any et de Tren~iansk6 Teplice, mrme comprim~e en cubes ou autres formes, dans nimporte quel emballage, sera d~douan~e d'apr6s l'alinfa b) de cet article avec de droit de 6.- L par ioo kg. 878 Pierres meuli6res, simples ou garnies de fer ....... ........... 40 889 Monuments et ouvrages artistiques, mme en pifces d6mont6es, pesant ensemble plus do 500 kg., en mat6riaux figurant sous les articles 886 h 888 ........... ..................... 300 ex 893 Objets, en 6meri naturel ou artificiel : c) Objets en 6meri, tels que meules, disques pour afffiter et couper, limes, pierres d'6meri, etc ......... ................. 200 933 Mortier r~fractaire, compos6 d'un m~lange de matires r6fractaires, crues et cuites, moulues .......... ................... 50 935 936 937 ex 938 953 954 971 Articles de m~nage tels qu'assiettes, tasses, cruches, cuvettes, etc., en faience : a) Blancs ou d'une seule couleur, m~me avec reliefs ...... b) Avec d~corations en nne ou plusieurs couleurs, m~me argent~s, dor~s ...... ................... .... ........ Plaques en faYence blanche ou de couleur naturelle jaune, mais non d6cor~es ............. .......................... Les m~mes, color~es ou d~cor~es d'une fa~on quelconque ..... Appareils sanitaires et articles hygi~niques tels que W.-C., lavabos, cuvettes, etc., en faYence : a).Blancs on jaunes ........... ..................... Plaques en gras pour pavages, carrelages et rev~tements de murs, de toutes 6paisseurs, avec ou sans reliefs : a) D'une seule couleur .......... ................... b) Dc plusieurs couleurs .......... ................... c) Emailldes ............ ........................ Tuyaux et pisces diverses sp~ciales en gras pour canalisation, 6maill~s ou non, de toutes sortes .......... ................... Bouteilles et flacons spfciaux pour syphons, eaux gazeuses ou limonades, sans monture, avec ou sans inscriptions, pouvant avoir un revftement en fil mdtallique ......... ............... 400 6oo 200 350 300 8o 120 200 120 750 No 2742

1931 League of Nations - Treaty Series. 111 No. in Roumanian cription of Goods Duty Customs Des in lei Tariff 796 Books, reviews, newspapers and publications of all kinds in foreign languages: Prayer books ex (a) In boards, stitched, or in leaves Prayer books in any but the Roumanian language ...... ... (b) Cloth bound : The same in any but the Roumanian language, bound in paper, cloth, artificial leather or celluloid, even combined with common materials ........ ................ (c) Leather bound: The same ............ ........................ Per oo kg. exempt exempt 500 819 Fabrics, knitted wares, trimmings, ribbons and bands made of rubber threads, covered : (a) With threads of any textile except silk ............ (b) With threads of silk or containing silk .... ...... ... .... 12,000 25,000 845 Resine and other similar materials prepared for coating casks . . . 200 ex 862 Earths, clays and marls : (b) Washed, ground, even in paste, but not combined with other materials : Mineral mud from Pie~tany or from Trenciansk6 Teplice, even compressed in cubes or other shapes, in any kind of packing, will be dutiable under paragraph (b) of this item at the rate of 6 lei per ioo kg. 878 Millstones, plain or with iron fittings ........ .............. 40 889 Artistic monuments and works, even dismantled, weighing in the aggregate more than 5oo kg. made of the materials mentioned under Nos. 886-888 ........... ..................... 300 ex 893 Articles made of natural or artificial emery: (c) Articles made of emery, such as grindstones, sharpening and cutting disks, files, emery-stones, etc ...... .......... 2oo 933 Refractory mortar, consisting of a ground admixture or refractory calcined or non-calcined materials ........ .............. 50 935 Household articles such as plates, cups, cans, basins, etc., of faience. (a) White or in a single colour, even with reliefs ....... .400 (b) With ornaments in one or more colours, even silvered or gilt 6oo 936 Slabs of faience, white or of natural yellow colour, not worked . . 200 937 The same, coloured or decorated in any manner ......... ... 350 ex 938 Sanitary appliances and hygienic articles such as W. C. pans, washstands, basins, etc., of faience : (a) White or yellow ..... .................... ..... 300 953 Sandstone slabs for paving flooring or wall-lining, of any thickness, with or without reliefs : (a) In one colour ............ ...................... So (b) In several colours .......... ................... 120 No. 2742 (c) Enamelled 20....................... oo 954 Pipes and various special appliances made of sandstone for canalisation, enamelled or not, of any kind ...... ........... 120 971 Special bottles and flasks for use as siphons, for aerated waters or lemonades, without fittings, with or witout inscriptions, whether or not wickered with metal .... ................. .... 750

1931 League of <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series. 111<br />

No.<br />

in Roumanian cription of Goods Duty<br />

Customs Des in lei<br />

Tariff<br />

796 Books, reviews, newspapers and publications of all kinds in foreign<br />

languages:<br />

Prayer books<br />

ex (a) In boards, stitched, or in leaves<br />

Prayer books in any but the Roumanian language ...... ...<br />

(b) Cloth bound :<br />

The same in any but the Roumanian language, bound in<br />

paper, cloth, artificial leather or celluloid, even combined<br />

with common materials ........ ................<br />

(c) Leather bound:<br />

The same ............ ........................<br />

Per oo kg.<br />

exempt<br />

exempt<br />

500<br />

819 Fabrics, knitted wares, trimmings, ribbons and bands made of rubber<br />

threads, covered :<br />

(a) With threads of any textile except silk ............<br />

(b) With threads of silk or containing silk .... ......<br />

...<br />

....<br />

12,000<br />

25,000<br />

845 Resine and other similar materials prepared for coating casks . . . 200<br />

ex 862 Earths, clays and marls :<br />

(b) Washed, ground, even in paste, but not combined with other<br />

materials :<br />

Mineral mud from Pie~tany or from Trenciansk6 Teplice, even<br />

compressed in cubes or other shapes, in any kind of packing,<br />

will be dutiable under paragraph (b) of this item at the<br />

rate of 6 lei per ioo kg.<br />

878 Millstones, plain or with iron fittings ........ .............. 40<br />

889 Artistic monuments and works, even dismantled, weighing in the<br />

aggregate more than 5oo kg. made of the materials mentioned<br />

under Nos. 886-888 ........... ..................... 300<br />

ex 893 Articles made of natural or artificial emery:<br />

(c) Articles made of emery, such as grindstones, sharpening<br />

and cutting disks, files, emery-stones, etc ...... .......... 2oo<br />

933 Refractory mortar, consisting of a ground admixture or refractory<br />

calcined or non-calcined materials ........ .............. 50<br />

935 Household articles such as plates, cups, cans, basins, etc., of faience.<br />

(a) White or in a single colour, even with reliefs ....... .400<br />

(b) With ornaments in one or more colours, even silvered or gilt 6oo<br />

936 Slabs of faience, white or of natural yellow colour, not worked . . 200<br />

937 The same, coloured or decorated in any manner ......... ... 350<br />

ex 938 Sanitary appliances and hygienic articles such as W. C. pans, washstands,<br />

basins, etc., of faience :<br />

(a) White or yellow ..... .................... ..... 300<br />

953 Sandstone slabs for paving flooring or wall-lining, of any thickness,<br />

with or without reliefs :<br />

(a) In one colour ............ ...................... So<br />

(b) In several colours .......... ................... 120<br />

No. 2742<br />

(c) Enamelled 20....................... oo<br />

954 Pipes and various special appliances made of sandstone for canalisation,<br />

enamelled or not, of any kind ...... ........... 120<br />

971 Special bottles and flasks for use as siphons, for aerated waters or<br />

lemonades, without fittings, with or witout inscriptions, whether<br />

or not wickered with metal .... ................. .... 750

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