Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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80 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 4. Dans les cas visas aux paragraphes precedents, les dispositions lkgislatives et r6glementaires applicables sont celles de l'institution qui sert les prestations. 5. L'institution d'affiliation est tenue de rembourser le montant effectif des prestations en nature h l'institution qui les a servies. Les autorit~s administratives des pays contractants pourront, par un accord administratif intervenu entre tous ces pays, convenir d'autres modalit6s de remboursement ou renoncer h tout remboursement. Chapitre 2. Invaliditi (pensions) Article 8 1. Pour les assur6s qui ont 6t6 successivement ou alternativement affili6s dans deux ou plusieurs des pays contractants, les p~riodes accomplies dans tous les r~gimes, ainsi que les p&iodes assimil~es, sont totalis~es, la condition qu'elles ne se superposent pas, tant en vue de l'acquisition du droit aux prestations qu'en vue du maintien ou du recouvrement de ce droit. Toutefois, les pdriodes acquises dans un pays contractant au titre d'une activit6 autre que celle de batelier rh~nan ne sont totalis~es, pour l'application du present article, que si l'assur6 a travaill6 dans ce pays un an au moins en qualit6 de batelier rh~nan. 2. Si la l6gislation de l'un des pays contractants subordonne certains avantages h la condition que les p6riodes aient &6 accomplies dans un r6gime sp6cial, ne sont totalis6es - en vue de 'octroi de ces avantages - que les p6riodes accomplies sous les r6gimes sp6ciaux correspondants des autres pays. Si l'un de ces autres pays ne poss~de pas de r~gime special correspondant, sont prises en consideration les p6riodes accomplies sous son r6gime g~n~ral dans un emploi qui aurait 6t6 soumis au susdit r~gime special s'il avait exist6. Ces dispositions s'appliquent sous r~serve des dispositions du paragraphe precedent. 3. Si le montant de la pension d'invalidit6 varie avec la duroe de l'assurance, toutes les p~riodes vis6es aux paragraphes prec6dents doivent, pour le calcul de ce montant, tre prises en compte selon la lkgislation appliqu6e par l'institution qui attribue la pension. 4. S'il r6sulte de la l6gislation de l'un des pays contractants que le calcul de la pension d'invalidit6 repose sur un salaire moyen, une cotisation moyenne ou une majoration moyenne, ces moyennes sont d6termin~es, pour le calcul de la pension d'invalidit6 h la charge de l'institution de ce pays, compte tenu des seules p~riodes d'assurance accomplies en vertu de la l6gislation dudit pays. No. 2186

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 81 4. In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the appropriate provisions of laws and regulations shall be those applying to the institution furnishing benefit. 5. The institution with which the person concerned is insured shall refund the actual cost of benefits in kind to the institution which furnished them. The administrative authorities of the contracting countries may, by an administrative agreement between all the countries, make other arrangements for repayment or renounce their claim to any refund. Section 2. Invalidity (Pensions) Article 8 1. In the case of persons who have been insured successively or alternately under the schemes of two or more contracting countries, insurance periods spent under all such schemes and equivalent periods shall, in so far as they do not overlap, be aggregated for the purposes both of the acquisition of the right to benefit and of the maintenance or recovery of such right. Nevertheless, periods credited in a contracting country in an occupation other than that of Rhine boatman shall be aggregated for the purposes of this Article only if the insured person has worked for at least one year as a Rhine boatman in that country. 2. If the laws or regulations of a contracting country make it a condition for the granting of certain advantages that the periods shall have been spent under a special scheme, only periods spent under the corresponding special schemes of the other countries shall be aggregated for the purposes of granting such advantages. If one of these other countries does not possess a corresponding special scheme, any periods spent under its general scheme in an employment which would have been subject to such special scheme had it existed shall be taken into consideration. These provisions shall apply subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 3. If the rate of the invalidity pension varies according to the duration of insurance, all the periods referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall, in calculating the rate, be taken into account in accordance with the laws and regulations applied by the institution which awards the pension. 4. If the laws or regulations of a contracting country base the calculation of the invalidity pension on an average wage, an average contribution, or an average increment, any such average shall, for the purpose of calculating the invalidity pension to be charged to the institution of such country, be determined with reference solely to insurance periods spent under the laws or regulations of such country. NO 2186

1953 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei <strong>des</strong> Traitds 81<br />

4. In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the appropriate<br />

provisions of laws and regulations shall be those applying to the institution<br />

furnishing benefit.<br />

5. The institution with which the person concerned is insured shall refund<br />

the actual cost of benefits in kind to the institution which furnished them.<br />

The administrative authorities of the contracting countries may, by an administrative<br />

agreement between all the countries, make other arrangements for<br />

repayment or renounce their claim to any refund.<br />

Section 2. Invalidity (Pensions)<br />

Article 8<br />

1. In the case of persons who have been insured successively or alternately<br />

under the schemes of two or more contracting countries, insurance periods spent<br />

under all such schemes and equivalent periods shall, in so far as they do not<br />

overlap, be aggregated for the purposes both of the acquisition of the right to<br />

benefit and of the maintenance or recovery of such right. Nevertheless, periods<br />

credited in a contracting country in an occupation other than that of Rhine<br />

boatman shall be aggregated for the purposes of this Article only if the insured<br />

person has worked for at least one year as a Rhine boatman in that country.<br />

2. If the laws or regulations of a contracting country make it a condition<br />

for the granting of certain advantages that the periods shall have been spent under<br />

a special scheme, only periods spent under the corresponding special schemes<br />

of the other countries shall be aggregated for the purposes of granting such<br />

advantages. If one of these other countries does not possess a corresponding<br />

special scheme, any periods spent under its general scheme in an employment<br />

which would have been subject to such special scheme had it existed shall be<br />

taken into consideration. These provisions shall apply subject to the provisions<br />

of the preceding paragraph.<br />

3. If the rate of the invalidity pension varies according to the duration of<br />

insurance, all the periods referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall, in<br />

calculating the rate, be taken into account in accordance with the laws and<br />

regulations applied by the institution which awards the pension.<br />

4. If the laws or regulations of a contracting country base the calculation<br />

of the invalidity pension on an average wage, an average contribution, or an<br />

average increment, any such average shall, for the purpose of calculating the<br />

invalidity pension to be charged to the institution of such country, be determined<br />

with reference solely to insurance periods spent under the laws or regulations<br />

of such country.<br />

NO 2186

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