Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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68 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 v.C.16.12.Su.2. - JR IECHANGE DE NOTES I D PARTEMENT POLITIQUE FgD.RAL Se r~frant aux n~gociations qui ont abouti, en date de ce jour, A la signature d'un accord relatif aux services a~riens entre la Suisse et la Suede, le D6partement Politique F~d~ral a rhonneur de pr~ciser encore, A 1intention de la L~gation Royale de Suede, les points suivants qui ont 6t6 abord~s oralement au cours desdites n~gociations : 1) L'exercice des droits commerciaux A Hambourg, Francfort, Stuttgart et Munich par 1'entreprise d~sign~e par la Suede devra faire encore l'objet d'une entente entre les entreprises d6sign~es des parties contractantes. Si cette entente ne peut 6tre obtenue, les autorit6s a~ronautiques des parties contractantes s'emploieront trouver une solution. 2) L'entreprise d~sign~e par la Suede pourra, i son choix, effectuer des escales commerciales A Lydda, soit lors de l'exploitation de son service Su~de- Nairobi et au-delA, soit lors de rexploitation de son service Suede-Bangkok et au-del . Les entreprises d~sign~es des deux parties contractantes s'abstiendront de desservir le meme jour le parcours Suisse-Lydda ou le parcours Lydda-Suisse, la priorit6 quant au choix du jour 6tant accord~e h l'entreprise d~sign~e par la Suisse. 3) Les entreprises d6sign6es b6n6ficieront, tant en Suisse qu'en Suede, de possibilit~s 6gales et 6quitables pour l'exploitation des services convenus. Le D~partement saisit cette occasion pour renouveler i la Lgation Royale l'assurance de sa haute consideration. Berne, le 18 octobre 1950. A la Lgation Royale de Suede Berne No. 2185

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 69 v.C.16.12.Su.2-JR [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] EXCHANGE OF NOTES I FEDERAL POLITICAL DEPARTMENT With reference to the negotiations leading to the signature this day of an agreement between Switzerland and Sweden relating to air services, the Federal Political Department has the honour to set forth, for the cognizance of the Royal Swedish Legation, the following points which were dealt with orally during the said negotiations : (1) The exercise of the commercial rights at Hamburg, Frankfort, Stuttgart and Munich by the airline designated by Sweden shall form the subject of an agreement between the airlines designated by the Contracting Parties. If the airlines are unable to reach agreeement, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to find a solution. (2) The airline designated by Sweden may, at its option, effect traffic stops at Lydda either in the operation of its service from Sweden to Nairobi and beyond or in the operation of its service from Sweden to Bangkok and beyond. The airlines designated by the two Contracting Parties shall refrain from serving the Switzerland-Lydda route or the Lydda-Switzerland route on the same day, priority in the choice of the day being granted to the airline designated by Switzerland. (3) The designated airlines shall, both in Switzerland and in Sweden, have fair and equal opportunity to operate the agreed services. The Department has the honour, etc. Berne, 18 October 1950. The Royal Swedish Legation Berne No 2185

1953 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei <strong>des</strong> Traitds 69<br />

v.C.16.12.Su.2-JR<br />



I<br />


With reference to the negotiations leading to the signature this day of an<br />

agreement between Switzerland and Sweden relating to air services, the Federal<br />

Political Department has the honour to set forth, for the cognizance of the Royal<br />

Swedish Legation, the following points which were dealt with orally during the<br />

said negotiations :<br />

(1) The exercise of the commercial rights at Hamburg, Frankfort, Stuttgart<br />

and Munich by the airline <strong>des</strong>ignated by Sweden shall form the subject of an<br />

agreement between the airlines <strong>des</strong>ignated by the Contracting Parties. If the<br />

airlines are unable to reach agreeement, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting<br />

Parties shall endeavour to find a solution.<br />

(2) The airline <strong>des</strong>ignated by Sweden may, at its option, effect traffic stops<br />

at Lydda either in the operation of its service from Sweden to Nairobi and beyond<br />

or in the operation of its service from Sweden to Bangkok and beyond. The<br />

airlines <strong>des</strong>ignated by the two Contracting Parties shall refrain from serving the<br />

Switzerland-Lydda route or the Lydda-Switzerland route on the same day,<br />

priority in the choice of the day being granted to the airline <strong>des</strong>ignated by Switzerland.<br />

(3) The <strong>des</strong>ignated airlines shall, both in Switzerland and in Sweden, have<br />

fair and equal opportunity to operate the agreed services.<br />

The Department has the honour, etc.<br />

Berne, 18 October 1950.<br />

The Royal Swedish Legation<br />

Berne<br />

No 2185

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