Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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44 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 Section III The aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties shall consult together from time to time with a view to examining the conditions in which the provisions of this Agreement are applied by the designated Swedish and Spanish airlines and to ensuring that the interests of the local, regional and long-distance services are not injured. Section IV At least eight days before the inauguration of their respective services, the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the timetables and types of aircraft to be used on the said services. They shall likewise notify each other of any changes in these arrangements. Section V Subject to authorization by the competent aeronautical authorities, each designated airline may maintain its own technical and administrative staffs at the airports of the other Contracting Party. It is understood that such authorization shall cover the minimum staffs necessary for the normal operation of the services. Section VI (1) Rates shall be fixed at reasonable levels, regard being paid in particular to economy of operation, reasonable profit, the rates charged by other airlines operating all or part of the same route, and the characteristics of each service, such as speed and comfort. (2) The rates charged by the airline or airlines of one of the Contracting Parties for traffic picked up or set down at intermediate stops on any route shall not be lower than those charged by the airlines of the other Contracting Party in the operation of the same route. (3) The rates to be charged on the services specified in the Annex between the points in Swedish and Spanish territory listed in the annexed schedules shall, so far as possible, be agreed between the designated Swedish and Spanish airlines. (4) The rates so fixed shall be submitted to the aeronautical authorities of each Contracting Party for approval not less than thirty (30) days before the date laid down for their entry into force; in special cases this time limit may be reduced subject to the agreement of the said authorities. (5) Should the designated airlines fail to agree on the fixing of a rate in accordance with paragraph 3 above, or should one of the Contracting Parties make known its dissatisfaction with the rate submitted to it in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 above, the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall endeavour to reach a satisfactory solution. No. 2184

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 45 Section III Les autorit~s a~ronautiques des deux Parties contractantes se consulteront p~riodiquement afin d'examiner les conditions dans lesquelles les entreprises su~doises et espagnoles d~signes appliquent les dispositions du present Accord, et de s'assurer qu'il n'est pas port6 atteinte aux intrfts des services locaux et r~gionaux ni ceux des services long-courriers. Section IV Les autorit~s a~ronautiques des deux Parties contractantes se communiqueront, huit jours au moins avant l'inauguration de leurs services respectifs, les horaires et les types d'a~ronefs affectfs h ces services. Toute modification h ces donn6es devra 6galement 6tre communiqu~e. Section V Chaque entreprise d~signe pourra 6tablir dans les aroports de l'autre Partie contractante son propre personnel technique et administratif, sous r6serve de l'autorisation de l'autorit6 a6ronautique comp~tente de cette Partie. II est entendu que cette autorisation portera sur le personnel minimum indispensable au fonctionnement normal des lignes. Section VI 1. Les tarifs seront fixes h des taux raisonnables, compte tenu en particulier des conditions d'une exploitation 6conomique, de la rfalisation d'un b6nffice normal, des tarifs appliques par les autres entreprises exploitant tout ou partie de la m~me route, ainsi que des caract~ristiques de chaque service, telles que les conditions de vitesse et de confort. 2. Les tarifs que 'entreprise ou les entreprises de l'une des Parties contractantes appliqueront au trafic charg6 ou d~charg6 aux diverses escales situ~es sur une route donn~e, ne pourront 6tre inffrieurs ceux qu'appliquent les entreprises de l'autre Partie contractante sur le m~me parcours. 3. Les tarifs h appliquer sur les services spcifi~s dans l'annexe entre les points du territoire su~dois et du territoire espagnol1mentionnfs aux tableaux ci-joints seront fixfs, dans la mesure du possible, par voie d'accord.entre les entreprises su~doises et espagnoles d6sign6es. 4. Les tarifs ainsi fixes devront &re soumis A l'approbation des autorit~s a~ronautiques de chacune des Parties contractantes trente (30) jours au moins avant la date pr~vue pour leur entree en vigueur, ce d~lai pouvant{tre r~duit dans des cas spfciaux, sous reserve de 'agrfment desditesFautoritfs. 5. Si les entreprises d~sign~es ne parviennent pas se mettre d'accord pour fixer un tarif conformfment aux dispositions du paragraphe 3 de la pr6sente section, ou si 'une des Parties contractantes n'approuve pas un tarif soumis conform~ment au paragraphe 4, les autoritfs aronautiques des deux Parties contractantes s'efforceront d'aboutir un r~glement satisfaisant. NO 2184

44 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1953<br />

Section III<br />

The aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties shall consult together<br />

from time to time with a view to examining the conditions in which the provisions of<br />

this Agreement are applied by the <strong>des</strong>ignated Swedish and Spanish airlines and to ensuring<br />

that the interests of the local, regional and long-distance services are not injured.<br />

Section IV<br />

At least eight days before the inauguration of their respective services, the aeronautical<br />

authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the timetables<br />

and types of aircraft to be used on the said services. They shall likewise notify<br />

each other of any changes in these arrangements.<br />

Section V<br />

Subject to authorization by the competent aeronautical authorities, each <strong>des</strong>ignated<br />

airline may maintain its own technical and administrative staffs at the airports of the<br />

other Contracting Party. It is understood that such authorization shall cover the minimum<br />

staffs necessary for the normal operation of the services.<br />

Section VI<br />

(1) Rates shall be fixed at reasonable levels, regard being paid in particular to<br />

economy of operation, reasonable profit, the rates charged by other airlines operating<br />

all or part of the same route, and the characteristics of each service, such as speed and<br />

comfort.<br />

(2) The rates charged by the airline or airlines of one of the Contracting Parties<br />

for traffic picked up or set down at intermediate stops on any route shall not be lower<br />

than those charged by the airlines of the other Contracting Party in the operation of<br />

the same route.<br />

(3) The rates to be charged on the services specified in the Annex between the points<br />

in Swedish and Spanish territory listed in the annexed schedules shall, so far as possible,<br />

be agreed between the <strong>des</strong>ignated Swedish and Spanish airlines.<br />

(4) The rates so fixed shall be submitted to the aeronautical authorities of each<br />

Contracting Party for approval not less than thirty (30) days before the date laid down<br />

for their entry into force; in special cases this time limit may be reduced subject to the<br />

agreement of the said authorities.<br />

(5) Should the <strong>des</strong>ignated airlines fail to agree on the fixing of a rate in accordance<br />

with paragraph 3 above, or should one of the Contracting Parties make known its dissatisfaction<br />

with the rate submitted to it in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4<br />

above, the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall endeavour to<br />

reach a satisfactory solution.<br />

No. 2184

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