Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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316 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 No 2196. I2CHANGE DE LETTRES CONSTITUANT UN AC- CORD' ENTRE LA GRtCE ET LA FRANCE TENDANT A JITER LA DOUBLE IMPOSITION DES BRNRFICES R1RALISIRS PAR DES ENTREPRISES DE TRANSPORTS AIfRIENS ET MARITIMES. ATHtNES, 9 D]RCEMBRE 1950 No 228 Monsieur le Pr6sident, RIPUBLIQUE FRAN9AISE AMBASSADE DE FRANCE EN GRhCE Ath~nes, le 9 d~cembre 1950 Afin de mettre jour la Convention franco-hell6nique du 18 f6vrier 1929 et d'6tendre aux Compagnies de navigation a6rienne les exemptions fiscales qu'elle pr~voit, le Gouvernement de la R~publique Frangaise a propos6 et le Gouvernement Royal Hell6nique a accept6 de convenir de ce qui suit: (Le Gouvernement frangais s'engage a ne percevoir aucun imp6t assis sur lea b6n6fices r~alis~s en France par lea navires de mer portant pavilion hellnique ou par les a6ronefs immatricul6s en Gr&e, appartenant k des particuliers ou des socit~s 6tablies hors du territoire de la France. ((En cons6quence, les entreprises de navigation maritime ou adrienne hellniques seront exempt~es, en France, de l'imp6t sur les soci&6ts et de l'imp6t sur le revenu des personnes physiques. o Le Gouvernement hell6nique, de son c6t6, s'engage ne percevoir aucun imp6t sur lea b6n6fices r6alis6s par les navires de mer portant pavilion franqais ou par les a6ronefs imrnatricul6s en France, appartenant a des particuliers ou' des soci&6ts 6tablies hors du territoire de la Grace. e En cons6quence, lea entreprises de navigation maritime ou a6rienne frangaises seront exempt6es, en Grace, de l'imp6t sur le revenu net. (Le pr6sent accord se substitue celui du 18 f6vrier 1929 et il comporte, autant que de besoin, un effet r6troactif. * IEntr6 en vigueur le 9 d6cembre 1950, par l'6change desdites lettres.

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitis 317 [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION ] No. 2196. EXCHANGE OF LETTERS CONSTITUTING AN AGREEMENT' BETWEEN GREECE AND FRANCE FOR THE RELIEF FROM DOUBLE TAXATION OF PROFITS DERIVED FROM AIR AND SEA TRANSPORTATION. ATHENS, 9 DECEMBER 1950 No. 228 Excellency, FRENCH REPUBLIC FRENCH EMBASSY IN GREECE Athens, 9 December 1950 With a view to bringing up to date the Agreement of 18 February 1929 between France and Greece and to extending the tax exemptions provided therein to air transport enterprises, the Government of the French Republic has proposed and the Royal Government of Greece has accepted the following provisions : " The French Government undertakes to levy no tax on income derived in France from seagoing ships flying the Greek flag or from aircraft registered in Greece and belonging to individuals or companies established outside the territory of France. "Greek shipping and air transport undertakings shall therefore be exempted in France from company tax and individual income tax. " The Greek Government, in return, undertakes to levy no tax on income derived from seagoing ships flying the French flag or from aircraft registered in France and belonging to individuals or companies established outside the territory of Greece. " French shipping and air transport undertakings shall therefore be exempted in Greece from tax on net income. " This agreement shall replace that of 18 February 1929 and shall have retroactive effect where necessary." 1 Came into force on 9 December 1950, by the exchange of the said letters.

1953 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei <strong>des</strong> Traitis 317<br />






ATHENS, 9 DECEMBER 1950<br />

No. 228<br />

Excellency,<br />



Athens, 9 December 1950<br />

With a view to bringing up to date the Agreement of 18 February 1929<br />

between France and Greece and to extending the tax exemptions provided<br />

therein to air transport enterprises, the Government of the French Republic<br />

has proposed and the Royal Government of Greece has accepted the following<br />

provisions :<br />

" The French Government undertakes to levy no tax on income derived in France<br />

from seagoing ships flying the Greek flag or from aircraft registered in Greece and<br />

belonging to individuals or companies established outside the territory of France.<br />

"Greek shipping and air transport undertakings shall therefore be exempted in<br />

France from company tax and individual income tax.<br />

" The Greek Government, in return, undertakes to levy no tax on income derived<br />

from seagoing ships flying the French flag or from aircraft registered in France and<br />

belonging to individuals or companies established outside the territory of Greece.<br />

" French shipping and air transport undertakings shall therefore be exempted in<br />

Greece from tax on net income.<br />

" This agreement shall replace that of 18 February 1929 and shall have retroactive<br />

effect where necessary."<br />

1 Came into force on 9 December 1950, by the exchange of the said letters.

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