Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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12 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 de la SAS enregistr~s au Danemark ou en Norv~ge ainsi que des 6 quipages d'origine danoise ou norvggienne soient utilis6s sur ce parcours. Cet arrangement pourra 6tre dgnonc6 avec un pr~avis de six mois. Votre Excellence a bien voulu me faire savoir que le Gouvernement belge est 6galement pr~t A accepter l'accord ci-dessus. Si cette mani~re de proc6der convient Votre Excellence, il sera entendu que la pr6sente lettre et la rgponse qu'Elle voudra bien me faire parvenir, constituent l'accord intervenu entre nos deux Gouvernements en cette matire. Cet arrangement entrera en vigueur en date de ce jour. Veuillez agrger, Monsieur le Ministre, les assurances de ma haute consid6ration. (Signi) G. DE REUTERSKI6LD Son Excellence Monsieur J. Meurice Ministre du commerce ext~rieur charg6 du Portefeuille des affaires trangres Bruxelles Direction G6nrale B. N- B' 620.88/50.426. Monsieur le Ministre, II MINISTtRE DES AFFAIRES tTRANGtRES ET DU COMMERCE EXTARIEUR Bruxelles, le 21 avril 1952 J'ai l'honneur d'accuser la r6ception de la lettre en date de ce jour, par laquelle Votre Excellence me propose, au nom de Son Gouvernement, la conclusion d'un accord sur 1'exploitation du trafic a6rien r6gulier entre la Belgique et la Suede ainsi conqu : [Voir lettre I] J'ai l'honneur de confirmer Votre Excellence l'accord du Gouvernement belge sur le texte ci-dessus. La pr6sente lettre ainsi que la lettre de Votre Excellence constituent l'accord intervenu entre nos deux Gouvernements en cette mati~re. Cet arrangement entrera en vigueur h la date de ce jour. Je saisis cette occasion, Monsieur le Ministre, de renouveler A Votre Excellence l'assurance de ma haute consid6ration. (Signi) J. MEURICE Son Excellence Monsieur Gunnar de Reuterski6ld Ministre de Suede A Bruxelles No. 2183

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 13 of SAS aircraft registered in Denmark or in Norway, or of crews of Danish or Norwegian origin. This arrangement may be denounced subject to six months' notice." You have been good enough to inform me that the Belgian Government is also prepared to accept the foregoing agreement. If this procedure is agreeable to you, it will be understood that this note and your reply constitute the agreement between our two Governments in this matter. This arrangement shall enter into force this day. I have the honour to be, etc. His Excellency Mr. J. Meurice Minister of Foreign Trade in charge of Foreign Affairs Brussels Directorate-General B No. B 4 620.88/50.426 Your Excellency, II MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND FOREIGN TRADE (Signed) G. DE REUTERSKI6LD Brussels, 21 April 1952 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day's date in which you propose on behalf of your Government the conclusion of an agreement concerning the operation of regular air transport services between Belgium and Sweden, in the following terms: [See letter I ] I have the honour to confirm that the Belgian Government is in agreement with the foregoing. Your note and this reply constitute the agreement between our Governments in this matter. This arrangement shall enter into force this day. I have the honour to be, etc. His Excellency Mr. Gunnar de Reuterskiold Minister of Sweden at Brussels (Signed) J. MEURICE N- 2183

1953 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei <strong>des</strong> Traitds 13<br />

of SAS aircraft registered in Denmark or in Norway, or of crews of Danish or<br />

Norwegian origin.<br />

This arrangement may be denounced subject to six months' notice."<br />

You have been good enough to inform me that the Belgian Government<br />

is also prepared to accept the foregoing agreement.<br />

If this procedure is agreeable to you, it will be understood that this note<br />

and your reply constitute the agreement between our two Governments in this<br />

matter. This arrangement shall enter into force this day.<br />

I have the honour to be, etc.<br />

His Excellency Mr. J. Meurice<br />

Minister of Foreign Trade<br />

in charge of Foreign Affairs<br />

Brussels<br />

Directorate-General B<br />

No. B 4 620.88/50.426<br />

Your Excellency,<br />

II<br />



(Signed) G. DE REUTERSKI6LD<br />

Brussels, 21 April 1952<br />

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day's date<br />

in which you propose on behalf of your Government the conclusion of an<br />

agreement concerning the operation of regular air transport services between<br />

Belgium and Sweden, in the following terms:<br />

[See letter I ]<br />

I have the honour to confirm that the Belgian Government is in agreement<br />

with the foregoing.<br />

Your note and this reply constitute the agreement between our Governments<br />

in this matter. This arrangement shall enter into force this day.<br />

I have the honour to be, etc.<br />

His Excellency Mr. Gunnar de Reuterskiold<br />

Minister of Sweden at Brussels<br />

(Signed) J. MEURICE<br />

N- 2183

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