Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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92 United Nations - Treaty Series 1953 toirement assujetti A ladite loi et qui a d6pass6 35 ans; pour l'application de l'article 75 de cette loi, l'assurance obligatoire est cens~e avoir commenc6 A 35 ans. Article 20 Dans le cas ott la prestation est compos6e d'16ments dus par les institutions de plusieurs pays contractants, le requrant peut presenter sa demande A une seule des institutions auxquelles il a 6t6 affili6. Si le requ6rant r6side dans un pays contractant autre que le pays d'affiliation, il peut presenter sa demande A l'institution comptente pour son lieu de residence. L'institution vis6e dans chacun des deux cas ci-dessus saisit les autres institutions int~ress~es qui sont indiqu6es dans la demande. TITRE III. DISPOSITIONS ADMINISTRATIVES Article 21 1. Les autorit~s ainsi que les institutions de s6curit6 sociale des pays contractants se prteront mutuellement leurs bons offices, dans la m~me mesure que s'il s'agissait de l'application de leur propre l6gislation de s6curit6 sociale. 2. L'entr'aide administrative des autorit6s et des institutions de s6curit6 sociale est, en principe, gratuite; toutefois, ces autorit~s et institutions peuvent convenir du remboursement de certains frais. Article 22 1. Le ben~fice des exemptions de taxes, de timbres, de droits de greffe ou d'enregistrement, pr~vues par la l~gislation d'un pays contractant pour les pices h produire aux autorit6s ou aux institutions de s6curit6 sociale, est 6tendu aux pi~ces correspondantes A produire aux autorit6s ou institutions de s6curit6 sociale de tout autre pays contractant. 2. Tous actes, documents et pieces quelconques A produire pour l'ex6cution du pr6sent Accord sont dispens6s du visa de l6galisation des autorit6s diplomatiques et consulaires. Article 23 Les recours qui auraient dfi tre introduits dans un d6lai d6termin6 aupr~s d'une autorit6 ou d'un organisme comptent pour recevoir des recours en mati~re de s~curit6 sociale dans l'un des pays contractants, sont recevables s'ils sont pr~sent~s dans le m~me d~lai A une autorit6 ou un organisme correspondant .No. 2186

1953 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 93 never been compulsorily covered by that Act, and who is over the age of 35; for the purposes of the application of Article 75 of that Act, compulsory insurance is deemed to have commenced at the age of 35. Article 20 In cases where the benefit is made up of parts due from institutions of two or more contracting countries, the claimant need submit his claim to only one of the institutions with which he has been insured. If the claimant resides in a contracting country other than the country where he has been insured, he may submit his claim to the institution competent for his place of residence. In each of these cases, the institution referred to shall notify the other institutions mentioned in the claim. PART III. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Article 21 1. The authorities and social security institutions of each contracting country shall afford assistance to those of other contracting countries to the same extent as if they were applying their own laws and regulations relating to social security. 2. Mutual assistance by the authorities and social security institutions in administrative matters shall, as a rule, be furnished free of charge, but such authorities and institutions may agree as to the repayment of certain expenses. Article 22 1. Any exemption from fees, stamp duty or legal dues in connection with registration granted by the laws or regulations of a contracting country in respect of documents to be furnished to its authorities or social security institutions shall be extended to the corresponding documents to be furnished to the authorities or social security institutions of any other contracting country. 2. The requirement of legitimation by the diplomatic and consular authorities shall be waived in respect of all certificates, documents and papers to be furnished for the purposes of this Agreement. Article 23 Appeals that should have been lodged within a prescribed period with an authority or body competent in appeals relating to social security in one of the contracting countries shall be admissible if they are lodged within the same period with a corresponding authority or body in another contracting country. N- 2186

1953 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei <strong>des</strong> Traitds 93<br />

never been compulsorily covered by that Act, and who is over the age of 35; for<br />

the purposes of the application of Article 75 of that Act, compulsory insurance<br />

is deemed to have commenced at the age of 35.<br />

Article 20<br />

In cases where the benefit is made up of parts due from institutions of two<br />

or more contracting countries, the claimant need submit his claim to only one<br />

of the institutions with which he has been insured. If the claimant resi<strong>des</strong> in a<br />

contracting country other than the country where he has been insured, he may<br />

submit his claim to the institution competent for his place of residence. In each<br />

of these cases, the institution referred to shall notify the other institutions mentioned<br />

in the claim.<br />


Article 21<br />

1. The authorities and social security institutions of each contracting<br />

country shall afford assistance to those of other contracting countries to the same<br />

extent as if they were applying their own laws and regulations relating to social<br />

security.<br />

2. Mutual assistance by the authorities and social security institutions in<br />

administrative matters shall, as a rule, be furnished free of charge, but such<br />

authorities and institutions may agree as to the repayment of certain expenses.<br />

Article 22<br />

1. Any exemption from fees, stamp duty or legal dues in connection with<br />

registration granted by the laws or regulations of a contracting country in respect<br />

of documents to be furnished to its authorities or social security institutions shall<br />

be extended to the corresponding documents to be furnished to the authorities<br />

or social security institutions of any other contracting country.<br />

2. The requirement of legitimation by the diplomatic and consular<br />

authorities shall be waived in respect of all certificates, documents and papers<br />

to be furnished for the purposes of this Agreement.<br />

Article 23<br />

Appeals that should have been lodged within a prescribed period with an<br />

authority or body competent in appeals relating to social security in one of the<br />

contracting countries shall be admissible if they are lodged within the same<br />

period with a corresponding authority or body in another contracting country.<br />

N- 2186

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