Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection ...

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection ... Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection ...
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No. 15410. Multilateral CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION AND PUNISHMENT OF CRIMES AGAINST INTERNATIONALLY PROTECTED PERSONS, INCLUDING DIPLOMATIC AGENTS. NEW YORK, 14 DECEMBER 1973' ACCESSION (WITH COMMUNICATIONS AND DECLARATIONS) France Deposit of instrument with the Secretary- General of the United Nations: 26 August 2003 Date of effect: 25 September 2003 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 26 August 2003 declarations: Volume 2223, A-15410 No. 15410. Multilateral CONVENTION SUR LA PRtVENTION ET LA RtPRESSION DES INFRAC- TIONS CONTRE LES PERSONNES JOUISSANT D'UNE PROTECTION INTERNATIONALE, Y COMPRIS LES AGENTS DIPLOMATIQUES. NEW YORK, 14 DtCEMBRE 19731 ADHESION (AVEC COMMUNICATIONS ET D1tCLARATIONS) France Dp6t de l'instrument auprs du Secrdtaire g~nral de l'Organisation des Nations Unies: 26 aofit 2003 Date de prise d'effet: 25 septembre 2003 Enregistrement aupris du Secretariat des Nations Unies : d'office, 26 aott 2003 ddclarations: [ FRENCH TEXT - TEXTE FRANCAIS ] "La France comprend que seuls les Actes pouvant 8tre qualifi6s d'actes de terrorisme constituent des infractions au sens de l'article 2 de la pr~sente Convention. L'application de la pr~sente Convention est sans pr6judice de la Convention adopt6e A New York le 9 d6cembre 1994 sur la s~curit& du personnel des Nations Unies et du personnel associ6." [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] France understands that only acts which may be defined as acts of terrorism constitute crimes within the meaning of article 2 of the Convention. The application of the Convention shall be without prejudice to the Convention adopted at New York on 9 December 1994 on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel. 1. United Nations, Treaty Series Vol. 1035, 1-15410 -Nations Unies, Recueil des Trait6s Vol. 1035, 1-15410

Volume 2223, A-15410 communications: communications: [FRENCH TEXT - TEXTE FRANQAIS ] "La France conteste l'interpr~tation faite par l'Iraq le 28 f~vrier 1978 selon laquelle la Resolution de l'Assemblge Ggnrale des Nations Unies a laquelle est annex~e la Convention susmentionnge ferait partie int~grante de celle-ci et objecte A la reserve de l'Iraq portant sur le paragraphe I b) de Particle I er de ladite Convention. La France objecte A la declaration faite par le Burundi le 17 dgcembre 1980 limitant l'application des dispositions du paragraphe 2 de P'article 2 et du paragraphe 1 de larticle 6." [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] France contests the interpretation made by Iraq on 28 February 1978 that the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly with which the above-mentioned Convention is enclosed should be considered to be an integral part of the Convention, and objects to Iraq's reservation relating to article 1, paragraph 1 (b) of the Convention. France objects to the declaration made by Burundi on 17 December 1980 limiting the application of the provisions of article 2, paragraph 2 and article 6, paragraph 1.

Volume 2223, A-15410<br />

communications: communications:<br />


"La France conteste l'interpr~tation faite par l'Iraq le 28 f~vrier 1978 selon laquelle la<br />

Resolution de l'Assemblge Ggnrale <strong>des</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Unies a laquelle est annex~e la Convention<br />

susmentionnge ferait partie int~grante de celle-ci et objecte A la reserve de l'Iraq portant<br />

sur le paragraphe I b) de Particle I er de ladite Convention.<br />

La France objecte A la declaration faite par le Burundi le 17 dgcembre 1980 limitant<br />

l'application <strong>des</strong> dispositions du paragraphe 2 de P'article 2 et du paragraphe 1 de larticle 6."<br />


France contests the interpretation made by Iraq on 28 February 1978 that the resolution<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> General Assembly with which the above-mentioned Convention is<br />

enclosed should be considered to be an integral part of the Convention, and objects to Iraq's<br />

reservation relating to article 1, paragraph 1 (b) of the Convention.<br />

France objects to the declaration made by Burundi on 17 December 1980 limiting the<br />

application of the provisions of article 2, paragraph 2 and article 6, paragraph 1.

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