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No. 10823. Multilateral CONVENTION ON THE NON-APPLI- CABILITY OF STATUTORY LIMITA- TIONS TO WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. NEW YORK, 26 NOVEMBER 1968' ACCESSION (WITH DECLARATION) Peru Deposit of instrument with the Secretary- General of the United Nations: 11 August 2003 Date of effect: 9 November 2003 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, II August 2003 declaration: Volume 2223, A-10823 No. 10823. Multilateral CONVENTION SUR L'IMPRE- SCRIPTIBILITE DES CRIMES DE GUERRE ET DES CRIMES CONTRE L'HUMANITt. NEW YORK, 26 NO- VEMBRE 1968' ADHItSION (AVEC DtCLARATION) Perou D~p6t de l'instrument aupr~s du Secr~taire g~n~ral de l'Organisation des Nations Unies I I aofit 2003 Date de prise d'effet: 9 novembre 2003 Enregistrement auprbs du Secrtariat des Nations Unies : d'office, 11 aoat 2003 d~claration: [ SPANISH TEXT - TEXTE ESPAGNOL ] 1.1 "De conformidad con el Articulo 103 ° de su Constituci6n Politica, el Estado Peruano se adhiere a la "Convenci6n sobre Imprescriptibilidad de los Crimenes de Guerra y de los Crimenes de Lesa Humanidad", adoptada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, el 26 de noviembre de 1968, para los crimenes que consagra la convenci6n, cometidos con postenoridad a su entrada en vigor para el Peri". [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] In conformity with article 103 of its Political Constitution, the Peruvian State accedes to the 'Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity', adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 26 November 1968, with respect to crimes covered by the Convention that are committed after its entry into force for Peru. [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] Conform~ment A l'article 103 de sa Constitution politique, I'ltat p~ruvien adh&re A la Convention sur l'imprescriptibilit6 des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre I'humanit6, adopt~e par I'Assembl6e g~n~rale des Nations Unies le 26 novembre 1968, en ce qui concerne les crimes visas par la Convention commis post~rieurement A l'entr~e en vigueur de celle-ci pour le Prou. 1. United Nations, Treaty Series Vol. 754,1-10823 - Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitgs Vol. 754, 1- 10823

ACCESSION Argentina Deposit of instrument with the Secretary- General of the United Nations: 26 August 2003 Date of effect: 24 November 2003 Registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations: ex officio, 26 August 2003 Volume 2223, A-10823 ADHtSION Argentine Ddp6t de l'instrument auprds du Secrdtaire gdndral de I'Organisation des Nations Unies : 26 aoat 2003 Date deprise d'effet : 24 novembre 2003 Enregistrement auprds du Secrdtariat des Nations Unies : d'office, 26 aofit 2003


Argentina<br />

Deposit of instrument with the Secretary-<br />

General of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>: 26<br />

August 2003<br />

Date of effect: 24 November 2003<br />

Registration with the Secretariat of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>: ex officio, 26 August<br />

2003<br />

Volume 2223, A-10823<br />

ADHtSION<br />

Argentine<br />

Ddp6t de l'instrument auprds du<br />

Secrdtaire gdndral de I'Organisation<br />

<strong>des</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Unies : 26 aoat 2003<br />

Date deprise d'effet : 24 novembre 2003<br />

Enregistrement auprds du Secrdtariat<br />

<strong>des</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Unies : d'office, 26 aofit<br />


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