Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea


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kurnet-es-sauda Eig.; Allium chloranthum<br />

Boiss.; Malus trilobata (Lab.) C. K. Schneid.;<br />

Papaver umbonatum Boiss., and Verbascum<br />

libanoticum Murb. & Thieb. were recently<br />

recorded in the study area when compared<br />

with the location defined by Mouterde (1966).<br />

Asperula libanotica Boiss.; Berberis libanotica<br />

Ehren.; Senecio mouterdii Arenes, and<br />

Origanum libanoticum Boiss. recorded the<br />

highest frequency of endemics, ranging<br />

between 18% and 44% (Table 2).<br />

Species richness is high, ranging from the<br />

average of 19 species/400 m 2 to 49 species/<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 38 (2) – 2012<br />

Towards the establishment of a natural park in Eastern <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n forests in Mount Makmel:<br />

Botanical assessment and communities participation practices<br />

400 m 2 (Table 3). These values are high in<br />

comparison with other regions in Lebanon<br />

(Sattout 2007; Sattout 2009). Gamma diversity<br />

registered high values in the different<br />

areas.<br />

The beta diversity values showed differences<br />

in the ranges of species richness between the<br />

different sub-regions. The highest difference<br />

in species richness was observed between<br />

Michmich and Qammoua while the lowest<br />

range was between Jayroun and Qemmamine<br />

(Table 4). Low similarity indices ranging from<br />

1.2% to 20.5% were observed in permanent<br />

Table 2 – Frequency, dominance, and distribution of endemic species surveyed in the study area.<br />

Plant Name Frequency Dominance* Distribution<br />

Eastern <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n<br />

Acantholimon antilibanoticum Mout. 2.08 2-3 Patchy<br />

Allium chloranthum Boiss. 2.08 2 Mixed<br />

Astragalus cruentiflorus Boiss. 4.16 2 Patchy<br />

Astragalus dictyocarpus Boiss. 4.16 2 Patchy<br />

Astragalus hermoneus Boiss. 2.08 + Patchy<br />

Aubrietia libanotica Boiss. 2.08 2 Patchy<br />

Berberis libanotica Ehren. 43.75 1-6 Patchy<br />

Galium libanoticum Ehren. 2.08 3 Patchy<br />

Geranium libanoticum Schenk 4.16 3 Uniform/mixed<br />

Papaver umbonatum Boiss. 4.16 2 Patchy<br />

Tulipa aleppensis Boiss.<br />

Lebanon<br />

2.08 2 Patchy<br />

Asperula libanotica Boiss. 18.75 2 Uniform/mixed<br />

Astragalus angulosus DC. 6.25 4 Patchy<br />

Astragalus kurnet-es-sauda Eig. 2.08 + Patchy<br />

Astragalus sofarensis Thieb. 2.08 + Patchy<br />

Cousinia libanotica DC. 2.08 1-3 Uniform/mixed<br />

Helichrysum virgineum DC. 2.08 2 Patchy<br />

Malus trilobata (Lab.) C. K. Schneid. 6.25 6 Mixed<br />

Origanum libanoticum Boiss. 29.16 4 Uniform/mixed<br />

Senecio mouterdei Arenes 16.67 2 Uniform/mixed<br />

Verbascum libanoticum Murb. & Thieb. 2.08 + Mixed<br />

* Domin Scale.<br />

Table 3 – Vegetation zoning and diversity indices of the sub-regions.<br />

Region Vegetation Zone Diversity Indices<br />

Alpha Gamma<br />

Qammoua Mountain <strong>Mediterranea</strong>n 19 52<br />

Michmich Supra-<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n 29 76<br />

Jayroun Supra-<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n 49 49<br />

Hrar Thermo-<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n 30 57<br />

Qemmamine Eu-<strong>Mediterranea</strong>n 32 57<br />

Table 4 – Jaccard’s similarity indices between the regions in permanent quadrats.<br />

Region Jayroun Qemmamine Hrar Michmich Qammoua<br />

Jayroun 1 0.154 0.205 0.033 0.2<br />

Qemmamine 1 0.188 0.09 0.038<br />

Hrar 1 0.127 0.019<br />

Michmich 1 0.041<br />

Qammoua 1<br />


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