Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea


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66<br />

Micevski B., 2002. Inventory of Macedonian wetlands<br />

as natural resources. Skopje, Bird Study and Protection<br />

Society of Macedonia, 72 p.<br />

Michev T.M. & Profirov L., 2003. Mid-winter numbers<br />

of waterbirds in Bulgaria (1977-2001). Sofia-Moscow,<br />

Pensoft Publ., 160 p.<br />

Michev T.M. & Stoyneva M.P., 2007. Inventory of Bulgarian<br />

wetlands and their biodiversity. Part 1: Nonlotic<br />

wetlands. Sofia, Elsi-M Publ., 364 p. + CD<br />

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Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005. Ecosystems<br />

and human well-being: wetlands and water – Synthesis.<br />

Washington D.C., World Resources Institute,<br />

68 p.<br />

Mima M., Fitoka E.N. & Bego F., 2003. Inventory of<br />

Albanian wetlands. Tirana, Albania, Environmental<br />

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Centre (EKBY), 414 p.<br />

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Terrestrial Ecoregions. Conservation International,<br />

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Nivet C. & Frazier S., 2004. A Review of European Wetland<br />

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Pullan R.A., 1988. A survey of the past and present wetlands<br />

of the Western Algarve. Portugal. University<br />

of Liverpool, Liverpool Papers in Geography n o 2,<br />

100 p.<br />

Ramsar Secretariat, 2008. Strategic Framework and<br />

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Sadoul N., Walmsley J. & Charpentier B., 1998. Salinas<br />

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Valat/MedWet Conservation Series n o 9, 95 p.<br />

Scott D.A., 1995. A directory of wetlands In the Middle<br />

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Tourenq C., 2000. Valeurs et fonctions des rizières pour<br />

les communautés d’oiseaux d’eau en Camargue.<br />

Ph.D. Thesis. Montpellier II University, 258 p. (+<br />

annexes).<br />

Tourenq C., Bennetts R.E., Kowalski H., Vialet E., Lucchesi<br />

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Walpole M., Almond R.E.A., Besançon C., Butchart<br />

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A.M., Galloway J.N., Gill M., Goverse T., Hockings<br />

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(+ annexes).<br />

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Greek wetlands as natural resources. Thessaloniki,<br />

Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY), XVI<br />

+ 448 p.<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 38 (2) – 2012

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