Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecologia Mediterranea


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subsequently 12 hours later. During the cold<br />

season, from November to March, the traps<br />

were disarmed at night.<br />

Captured animals were transferred from the<br />

trap to a sealed transparent plastic box, used<br />

as a pre-anaesthetisation chamber, in which<br />

cotton imbibed with ethyl ether was introduced.<br />

Each animal was weighed to evaluate<br />

the exact dose of anaesthetic and intramuscularly<br />

injected with ketamine. Anaesthesia<br />

lasted an average of 10 minutes per animal.<br />

During this period some samples of hair bulb<br />

were taken and immediately kept frozen at<br />

– 80 o C and each captured animal was marked<br />

with an individually numbered transponder<br />

tag (Trovan, UK), inserted subcutaneously<br />

between the shoulder blades.<br />

Genetic data<br />

We used 11 polymorphic microsatellites loci,<br />

isolated from other mustelid species (Table 1)<br />

and tested in weasel by Pertoldi et al. (2006)<br />

and Wang et al. (2002).<br />

DNA was extracted from hair samples using<br />

the ChargeSwitch® Forensic DNA Purification<br />

Kit (Invitrogen, Inc.), validated for DNA<br />

extraction from human hair bulb. DNA amplification<br />

was performed in the following steps:<br />

at 94 o C for 2 min, then 40 cycles of denaturation<br />

at 94 o C for 15 s, annealing at 52.5 o C<br />

for 15 s, polymerization at 72 o C for 15 s, and<br />

final polymerization at 72 o C for 10 min.<br />

Annealing temperature for MVI57 locus was<br />

57.5 o C. The forward (F) primer was fluorescently<br />

labelled with different markers (HEX,<br />

TAMRA, 6-FAM); then PCR products were<br />

analysed by electrophoresis by a DNA AB310<br />

automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems,<br />

Inc.).<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 38 (2) – 2012<br />

Pilot study of genetic relatedness in a solitary small carnivore, the weasel: implications for kinship and dispersal<br />

Table 1 – Used microsatellite loci and their features.<br />

Allele number and heterozygosity (H) were<br />

calculated using the program GIMLET<br />

v.1.3.3. (Valiere 2002; http://pbil.univlyon1.fr/software/gimlet).<br />

Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium<br />

were tested using the program GENEPOP v.4.<br />

(Raymond and Rousset 1995;<br />

http://kimura.univmontp2.fr/~rousset/genepop).<br />

Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons<br />

were used to find critical significance<br />

levels for both locus MLUT20 and MER022<br />

(equivalent to p ≤ 0.05). Finally, genetic kinship<br />

among animals was analyzed using the<br />

program KINGROUP v.2.0.8.+ (Konovalov et<br />

al. 2004; http://code.google.com/p/kingroup).<br />

We tested two kinds of first order of relatedness<br />

(primary hypothesis): parent/offspring<br />

and full siblings versus the null hypothesis of<br />

unrelatedness, using the likelihood formulas<br />

of Goodnight and Queller (1999).<br />

Results<br />

During the study, 14 weasels were captured<br />

(11 males and 3 females).<br />

All the 11 analyzed microsatellite loci were<br />

found polymorphic, with a variable number<br />

of alleles (Table 1). The average number of<br />

alleles per locus was 5.36.<br />

Mean observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity<br />

for the 11 loci within the studied<br />

population (N=14), were 0.46 and 0.62<br />

respectively (Table 1), ranging from 0.07 to<br />

0.93 for Ho and from 0.07 to 0.85 for He.<br />

After Bonferroni corrections, comparison<br />

between Ho and He for both locus MLUT20<br />

and MER022 showed p values ≥ 0.05. So no<br />

significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg<br />

Source species Locus primer name Reference N alleles P value Ho He<br />

Mustela lutreola MLUT20 Cabria et al. 2007 9 0,02* 0,64 0,83<br />

MLUT25 Cabria et al. 2007 2 - 0,07 0,07<br />

MLUT27 Cabria et al. 2007 6 0,83 0,71 0,63<br />

MLUT35 Cabria et al. 2007 10 0,07 0,93 0,85<br />

Meles meles MEL1 Bijlsma et al. 2000 8 0,83 0,71 0,75<br />

Mustela erminea MER009 Fleming et al. 1999 5 0,11 0,50 0,66<br />

MER022 Fleming et al. 1999 4 0,01* 0,57 0,70<br />

MER041 Fleming et al. 1999 4 0,17 0,43 0,46<br />

Gulo gulo GGU216 Duffy et al. 1998 4 0,29 0,14 0,64<br />

GGU234 Duffy et al. 1998 5 0,34 0,19 0,76<br />

Mustela vison MVI057 O’Connell et al.1996 2 1,00 0,19 0,50<br />

* Means that Bonferroni correction was applied.<br />


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