International Journal of Mediterranean Ecology - Ecologia ...

International Journal of Mediterranean Ecology - Ecologia ...

International Journal of Mediterranean Ecology - Ecologia ...


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Material and methods<br />

Seed collection sites<br />

Seeds <strong>of</strong> the three Calligonum species were<br />

obtained from wild plants which were collected<br />

at El Borma (31 o 63’N, 09 o 27’E, 277 m<br />

a.s.l.) for C. azel and C. arich and Tiert<br />

(30 o 88’N, 10 o 16’E, 360 m a.s.l.) for C. comosum<br />

in the Eastern Great Erg <strong>of</strong> Southern<br />

Tunisia. The month and year <strong>of</strong> seed collection,<br />

seed size and seed dry mass <strong>of</strong> the three<br />

Calligonum species are shown in Table 1.<br />

Seeds were cleaned and stored in the seed<br />

bank at the Laboratory <strong>of</strong> the Arid Regions<br />

Institute until further use (20 o C, 30% RH).<br />

Both sites have an arid-type climate with dry<br />

and hot summers and cold winters. The rains<br />

are infrequent and irregular, sometimes with<br />

no rain during long periods <strong>of</strong> several years.<br />

The mean annual rainfall for 10 years is<br />

52.3 mm and 61.6 mm, and the mean annual<br />

temperature is 22 o C and 20 o C for El Borma<br />

and Tiert, respectively (INM 1996). According<br />

to Dhief et al. (2009), the mean maximum<br />

temperature <strong>of</strong> the warmest month (August)<br />

is 41.5 o C and 40.5 o C, and the minimum temperature<br />

<strong>of</strong> the coldest month (January) is<br />

3.8 o C and 2.2 o C for El Borma and Tiert sites,<br />

respectively. Seed viability is variable, generally<br />

between 22 and 57% (Dhief et al. unpubl.<br />

data).<br />

Germination experiments<br />

Seeds were surface sterilized with Na<br />

hypochlorite (12 o Chl) for one minute, subsequently<br />

washed with deionized water and airdried<br />

before being used in experiments to<br />

avoid fungus attack. Seeds were sown on two<br />

layers <strong>of</strong> filter paper (Whatman, No. 1) in<br />

90-mm glass Petri dishes with 5 ml <strong>of</strong> deionized<br />

water kept in a germination compartment<br />

adjusted to day/night temperature <strong>of</strong> 25/10 o C<br />

and 14 h <strong>of</strong> light (Luminincube II, analys,<br />

Belgium; MLR-350, Sanyo, Japan). A completely<br />

randomised design was used in the<br />

germination tests. Seeds were subjected to six<br />

pretreatments and one control. C: untreated<br />

seeds (control); T1 : mechanical scarification<br />

by grinding seeds in a mortar with a pinch <strong>of</strong><br />

clean silica sand; T2 : mechanical scarification<br />

by rubbing seeds with sandpaper;<br />

T3: immersion in boiling water for 10 min;<br />

T4: immersion in concentrated sulphuric acid<br />

(96%) for 10 min; T5 : immersion in concentrated<br />

sulphuric acid for 20 min; T6 : immer-<br />

ecologia mediterranea – Vol. 38 (1) – 2012<br />

Effects <strong>of</strong> some seed-coat dormancy breaking treatments on germination<br />

<strong>of</strong> three Calligonum species occurring in Southern desert <strong>of</strong> Tunisia<br />

sion in concentrated sulphuric acid for<br />

30 min. In T3, the seeds were immersed in<br />

boiling water in a beaker for 10 min before<br />

being removed and left to cool for 24 h. For<br />

sulphuric acid treatments (T4-T6), seeds were<br />

immersed in acid in a beaker for 10, 20 or<br />

30 min, while stirring with a magnetic stirrer,<br />

before being rinsed in running water for<br />

45 min. For each treatment, four replicates <strong>of</strong><br />

25 seeds each were used. During 30 days, the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> germinated seeds was counted and<br />

removed every 2 days. A seed is considered<br />

to have germinated when the emerging radical<br />

elongated to 2 mm. Ungerminated seeds<br />

were soaked in water at 30 o C for 24 h to test<br />

their viability using tetrazolium chloride test.<br />

Seeds were cut and the embryo soaked in 1%<br />

tetrazolium chloride for 24 hours at 30 o C.<br />

Pink embryos were scored as viable.<br />

Germination calculation<br />

From all germination data collected, the following<br />

variables were determined according<br />

to these formulas:<br />

• germination percentage (%) = (number <strong>of</strong><br />

germinating seeds/number <strong>of</strong> seeds initiated)<br />

× 100;<br />

• relative germination percentage (%) = (number<br />

<strong>of</strong> germinating seeds/number <strong>of</strong> viable<br />

seeds initiated) × 100;<br />

• germination index = G/t, where G is the relative<br />

germination percentage at 2-day intervals<br />

and t is the total germination period;<br />

• dormancy percentage (%) = (number <strong>of</strong><br />

ungerminated but viable seeds/number <strong>of</strong><br />

seeds initiated) × 100;<br />

• relative dormancy percentage (%) = (number<br />

<strong>of</strong> ungerminated but viable seeds/number<br />

<strong>of</strong> viable seeds initiated) × 100;<br />

• mortality percentage (%) = (number <strong>of</strong> unviable<br />

seeds/number <strong>of</strong> seeds initiated) × 100.<br />

Statistical analysis<br />

The germination data were transformed<br />

before statistical analysis to ensure the homogeneity<br />

<strong>of</strong> variance. The data were analysed<br />

using SPSS for windows, version 11.5 (SPSS,<br />

2002). A two-way analysis <strong>of</strong> variance<br />

(ANOVA) was carried out to test the effects<br />

<strong>of</strong> the main factors and their interaction on<br />

germination characteristics. Duncan test was<br />

used to estimate the least significant range<br />

between means.<br />


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