Faire campagne en ville - L'agriculture urbaine en Atrique de I'Est

Faire campagne en ville - L'agriculture urbaine en Atrique de I'Est Faire campagne en ville - L'agriculture urbaine en Atrique de I'Est

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Bibliographie / 145 MABOGUNJE, A., 1990, , African Studies Review, vol. 33, n° 2, p. 121—203. MASCARENHAS, A., 1986, Some Issues in Feeding African Urban Areas, Service Paper, n° 86/3, Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzanie), Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam. MAZAMBANI, D., 1982, Aspects of Pen-urban Cultivation and Deforestation around Salisbury, 1955—1980, these de maitrise, Harare ( Zimbabwe ), University of Zimbabwe. MAZINGIRA INSTITUTE, 1987, Urban Food Production and the Cooking Fuel Situation in Urban Kenya, Nairobi (Kenya ), Mazingira Institute. NAIPUL, VS., 1981, A New King for the Congo : Mobutu and the Nihilism of Africa, New York ( New York, E.-U. ), Vintage Books. 011 ( ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DU TRAVAIL), 1985, The Informal Sector in Africa, Addis-Abeba ( ), Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa, OIT. OVERHOLD, C., ANDERSON, MB., CLOUD, K. ET AUSTIN, J.E. ( DIR. ), 1985, Gender Roles in Development Projects : A Casebook, West Hartford Connecticut, E.-U. ), Kumarian Press. PORTES, A. ET WALTON,J., 1981, , dans Labour; Class and the International System, New York (New York, ), Academic Press, p. 67—106. PNUD ( PROGRAMME DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT), 1991, Cities, People and Poverty : Urban Development Cooperation for the 1990s: A UNDP Strategy Paper, New York ( New York, ), PNUD. 1992, The Urban Environment in Developing Countries, New York (New York, E.-U. ), PNUD. PRYER, J. ET CROOK, N., 1988, Cities of Hunger : Urban Malnutrition in Developing Countries, Oxford ( R.-U. ), Oxfam. RAKODI, C., 1985, >, African Urban Studies, n° 21, p. 53—63. RAKODI, C. ET SCHLYTER, A., 1981, Upgrading in Lusaka : Participation and Physical Changes, Gavle ( Suede ), National Swedish Institute for Building Research. RUTISHAUSER, l.H., 1965,

146 / Faire campagne en yule SANYAL, B., 1988,

146 / <strong>Faire</strong> <strong>campagne</strong> <strong>en</strong> yule<br />

SANYAL, B., 1988,

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