Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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412 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 No. 2545. CONVENTION RELATING TO THE STATUS OF REFUGEES. SIGNED AT GENEVA, ON 28 JULY 19511 ACCESSION Instrument deposited on: 29 November 1956 IRELAND (To take effect on 27 February 1957.) With the following declarations and reservations: "1. The Government of Ireland understand the words 'events occurring before 1 January 1951' in Article 1, Section A, to mean 'events occurring in Europe or elsewhere before 1 January 1951'. "2. The Government of Ireland understand the words 'public order' in Article 32 (1) and the words 'in accordance with due process of law' in Article 32 (2) to mean, respectively, 'public policy' and 'in accordance with a procedure provided by law'. "3. With regard to Article 17 the Government of Ireland do not undertake to grant to refugees rights of wage-earning employment more favourable than those granted to aliens generally. "4. The Government of Ireland undertake to give effect to Article 25 only in so far as may be practicable and permissible under the laws of Ireland. "5. With regard to Article 29 (1), the Government of Ireland do not undertake to accord to refugees treatment more favourable than that accorded to aliens generally with respect to "(a) the Stamp Duty chargeable in Ireland in connection with cc nveyances, transfers and leases of lands, tenements and hereditaments, "(b) the rebate of duty granted in Ireland on leaf tobacco used in tabacco factories controlled by resident Irish nationals, and "(c) ) Income Tax (including Surtax)." 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 189, p. 137; Vol. 190, p. 385; Vol. 191, p. 409; Vol. 199, p. 357; Vol. 200, p. 336; Vol. 201, p. 387; Vol. 202, p. 368; Vol. 214, p. 376; Vol. 223, p. 377; Vol. 230, p. 440; Vol. 237, Vol. 252 and Vol. 253.

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 413 N e 2545. CONVENTION RELATIVE AU STATUT DES RjIFUGIRS. SIGNPE A GENPVE, LE 28 JUILLET 19511 ADHtSION Instrument diposd le: 29 novembre 1956 IRLANDE (Pour prendre effet le 27 f~vrier 1957.) Avec les d~clarations et les r~serves suivantes: [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] 1 1. Le Gouvernement de rIrlande d~clare que l'expression (a (vnements survenus avant le lerjanvier 1951 a), figurant l'article 1, section A, sera comprise comme se r6f~rant aux (a (vnements survenus avant le ler janvier 1951 en Europe ou ailleurs a. ( 2. Le Gouvernement de l'Irlande considre que, dans le texte anglais de la Convention, les mots (public order ), figurant au paragraphe I de l'article 32, et les mots a in accordance with due process of law ), figurant au paragraphe 2 de 'article 32, signifient, respectivement, a public policy a et ( in accordance with a procedure provided by law ). ( 3. En ce qui concerne l'article 17, le Gouvernement de l'Irlande ne s'engage pas accorder aux r~fugi~s, en ce qui concerne 1'exercice d'une activit6 professionnelle salari~e, des droits plus favorables que ceux dont jouissent les 6trangers en g~n~ral. ( 4. Le Gouvernement de l'Irlande ne s'engage donner effet aux dispositions de l'article 25 que dans la mesure oi il lui est possible et permis de le faire en vertu de la 16gislation irlandaise. a 5. Pour ce qui est du paragraphe 1 de l'article 29, le Gouvernement de l'Irlande ne s'engage pas accorder aux r~fugi~s un traitement plus favorable que celui dont jouissent les 6trangers en g~n~ral en ce qui concerne : ( a) Le droit de timbre persu en Irlande A l'occasion des alienations, cessions et locations de terrains, b~timents ou bien successoraux, ( b) La reduction de l'imp6t sur le tabac en feuilles utilis6 dans les manufactures exploit~es par des ressortissants irlandais r~sidant dans le pays, et ( c) L'imp6t sur le revenu (y compris la surtaxe). a 1 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitis, vol. 189, p. 137; vol. 190, p. 385; vol. 191, p. 409; vol. 199, p. 357; vol. 200, p. 336; vol. 201, p. 387; vol. 202, p. 368; vol. 214, p. 376; vol. 223, p. 377; vol. 230, p. 440; vol. 237, vol. 252 et vol. 253.

412 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />


SIGNED AT GENEVA, ON 28 JULY 19511<br />


Instrument deposited on:<br />

29 November 1956<br />


(To take effect on 27 February 1957.)<br />

With the following declarations and reservations:<br />

"1. The Government of Ireland understand the words 'events occurring before 1<br />

January 1951' in Article 1, Section A, to mean 'events occurring in Europe or elsewhere<br />

before 1 January 1951'.<br />

"2. The Government of Ireland understand the words 'public order' in Article<br />

32 (1) and the words 'in accordance with due process of law' in Article 32 (2) to mean,<br />

respectively, 'public policy' and 'in accordance with a procedure provided by law'.<br />

"3. With regard to Article 17 the Government of Ireland do not undertake to grant<br />

to refugees rights of wage-earning employment more favourable than those granted to<br />

aliens generally.<br />

"4. The Government of Ireland undertake to give effect to Article 25 only in so far<br />

as may be practicable and permissible under the laws of Ireland.<br />

"5. With regard to Article 29 (1), the Government of Ireland do not undertake to<br />

accord to refugees treatment more favourable than that accorded to aliens generally<br />

with respect to<br />

"(a) the Stamp Duty chargeable in Ireland in connection with cc nveyances, transfers<br />

and leases of lands, tenements and hereditaments,<br />

"(b) the rebate of duty granted in Ireland on leaf tobacco used in tabacco factories<br />

controlled by resident Irish nationals, and<br />

"(c) ) Income Tax (including Surtax)."<br />

1 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 189, p. 137; <strong>Vol</strong>. 190, p. 385; <strong>Vol</strong>. 191, p. 409; <strong>Vol</strong>. 199,<br />

p. 357; <strong>Vol</strong>. 200, p. 336; <strong>Vol</strong>. 201, p. 387; <strong>Vol</strong>. 202, p. 368; <strong>Vol</strong>. 214, p. 376; <strong>Vol</strong>. 223, p. 377;<br />

<strong>Vol</strong>. 230, p. 440; <strong>Vol</strong>. 237, <strong>Vol</strong>. 252 and <strong>Vol</strong>. 253.

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