Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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398 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 autorit6s agronautiques des Parties contractantes, cette consultation devant commencer dans un dalai de soixante jours compter de la demande. Toute modification de l'annexe convenue entre lesdites autorit6s entrera en vigueur d~s qu'elle aura 6 confirm6e par un 6change de notes diplomatiques. e) Chaque Partie contractante pourra, h tout moment, notifier h l'autre son d6sir de mettre fin au pr6sent accord. Cette notification sera communiquge simultangment h l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale. La notification faite, le present accord prendra fin douze mois aprbs la date de sa rgception par l'autre Partie contractante, i moins que ladite notification ne soit retir6e d'un commun accord avant l'expiration de ce dlai. En l'absence d'accus6 de r6ception 6manant de cette Partie contractante, la notification sera tenue pour reque quatorze jours apr~s ftre parvenue i l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale. Article 12 Pour l'application du present accord et de son annexe, sauf autre indication du contexte : a) L'expression # autorit6 agronautique # signifie: en ce qui concerne le Luxembourg, le Minist~re des transports, Aronautique civile, ou toute personne ou tout organisme autoris6 A assumer les fonctions actuellement exerc6es par ledit Minist~re; en ce qui concerne la Suisse, le D~partement f~d6ral des postes et des chemins de fer, Office de l'air, ou toute personne ou tout organisme autoris6 a assumer les fonctions actuellement exerc~es par ledit D~partement; b) L'expression #entreprise d~sign6e# signifie l'entreprise de transports a6riens que l'autorit6 a~ronautique d'une Partie contractante annoncera par 6crit h l'autorit6 a~ronautique de l'autre Partie contractante comme 6tant d~sign~e, aux termes des articles 1 et 2 ci-dessus, pour exploiter les services a~riens mentionn~s dans cette notification; c) L'expression ( territoire)) correspond h la d6finition qui en est donn~e h l'article 2 de la convention relative l'aviation civile internationale, sign~e, it Chicago, le 7 d~cembre 1944; d) Les expressions d~finies h l'article 96, paragraphes a), b) et d) de la convention relative h l'aviation civile internationale, sign~e, h Chicago, le 7 d~cembre 1944, ont la signification que leur donne cette disposition. FAIT h Berne, le 9 avril 1951, en double exemplaire, en langue franqaise. Pour le Gouvernement Pour le Conseil F~d~ral du Grand-Duch6 de Luxembourg: Suisse : (Signi) Jean STURM (Signi) Max PETITPIERRE No. 3601

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 399 authorities of the Contracting Parties, such consultation to begin within sixty days from the date of the request. Any modification of the Annex agreed to by the said aeronautical authorities shall come into force as soon as it has been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. (e) Either Contracting Party may at any time give notice to the other of its desire to terminate the present Agreement. Such notice shall be sent simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organization. If such notice is given, the present Agreement shall terminate six months after the date of receipt of the notice by the other Contracting Party, unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement before expiry of this period. In the absence of acknowledgment of receipt by the other Contracting Party, notice shall be deemed to have been received fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Article 12 For the purposes of the present Agreement and its Annex and unless otherwise provided : (a) the term " aeronautical authority " shall mean: in the case of Luxembourg, the " Minist~re des transports, A6ronautique civile " or any person or agency authorized to perform the functions presently exercised by the said ministry; in the case of Switzerland, the " D~partement f~d~ral des postes et des chemins de fer, Office de l'air or any person or agency authorized to perform the functions presently exercised by the said department; (b) the term " designated airline " shall mean the air transport enterprise which the aeronautical authority of one of the Contracting Parties has notified in writing to the aeronautical authority of the other Contracting Party as the airline designated by it, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of the present Agreement, to operate the air services specified in such notification; (c) the term " territory " shall have the meaning assigned to it by Article 2 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944; (d) the definitions given in paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of Article 96 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944 shall apply to the present Agreement. DONE at Bern on 9 April 1951 in two copies in the French language. For the Government For the Swiss Federal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Council : (Signed) Jean STURM (Signed) Max PETITPIERRE N ° 3601

1956 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei des Traitds 399<br />

authorities of the Contracting Parties, such consultation to begin within sixty<br />

days from the date of the request. Any modification of the Annex agreed to<br />

by the said aeronautical authorities shall come into force as soon as it has been<br />

confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes.<br />

(e) Either Contracting Party may at any time give notice to the other of<br />

its desire to terminate the present Agreement. Such notice shall be sent<br />

simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organization. If such notice<br />

is given, the present Agreement shall terminate six months after the date of<br />

receipt of the notice by the other Contracting Party, unless the notice is withdrawn<br />

by agreement before expiry of this period. In the absence of acknowledgment<br />

of receipt by the other Contracting Party, notice shall be deemed to<br />

have been received fourteen days after the receipt of the notice by the International<br />

Civil Aviation Organization.<br />

Article 12<br />

For the purposes of the present Agreement and its Annex and unless<br />

otherwise provided :<br />

(a) the term " aeronautical authority " shall mean:<br />

in the case of Luxembourg,<br />

the " Minist~re des transports, A6ronautique civile " or any person or<br />

agency authorized to perform the functions presently exercised by the said<br />

ministry;<br />

in the case of Switzerland,<br />

the " D~partement f~d~ral des postes et des chemins de fer, Office de l'air<br />

or any person or agency authorized to perform the functions presently exercised<br />

by the said department;<br />

(b) the term " designated airline " shall mean the air transport enterprise<br />

which the aeronautical authority of one of the Contracting Parties has notified<br />

in writing to the aeronautical authority of the other Contracting Party as the<br />

airline designated by it, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of the present<br />

Agreement, to operate the air services specified in such notification;<br />

(c) the term " territory " shall have the meaning assigned to it by Article 2<br />

of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December<br />

1944;<br />

(d) the definitions given in paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of Article 96 of the<br />

Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December<br />

1944 shall apply to the present Agreement.<br />

DONE at Bern on 9 April 1951 in two copies in the French language.<br />

For the Government For the Swiss Federal<br />

of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Council :<br />

(Signed) Jean STURM (Signed) Max PETITPIERRE<br />

N ° 3601

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