Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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390 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 No 3601. ACCORD' ENTRE LE GRAND-DUCHI DE LUXEM- BOURG ET LA SUISSE RELATIF AUX TRANSPORTS AIRIENS. SIGNIR A BERNE, LE 9 AVRIL 1951 Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duch de Luxembourg et le Gouvernement F6d~ral Suisse, considrant : que les possibilit~s de l'aviation commerciale, en tant que mode de transport, se sont consid6rablement accrues; qu'il convient d'organiser d'une mani~re sCire et ordonn6e les communications a6riennes r6gulires et de poursuivre dans la plus large mesure possible le d~veloppement de la coop6ration internationale dans ce domaine; et qu'il y a lieu, en consequence, de conclure un accord r~glementant les communications ariennes r~guli~res entre les territoires luxembourgeois et suisse ou en transit par eux; ont d~sign6 des repr6sentants h cet effet, lesquels, daiment autoris6s, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes : Article 1 " a) Les Parties contractantes s'accordent l'une l'autre les droits sp~cifi~s h l'annexe 2 pour l'tablissement des services a~riens internationaux d6finis h cette annexe, qui traversent ou desservent leurs territoires respectifs. b) Chaque Partie contractante d~signera une entreprise de transports a~riens pour l'exploitation des services qu'elle peut ainsi 6tablir et d6cidera de leur date d'ouverture. Article 2 a) Chaque Partie contractante devra, sous reserve de l'article 8 ci-apr~s, dlivrer l'autorisation d'exploitation n~cessaire h l'entreprise d~sign6e de l'autre Partie contractante. b) Toutefois, avant d'tre autoris~es ouvrir les services a6riens d6finis h l'annexe, les entreprises d6sign6es pourront tre appel6es justifier de leurs qualifications, conform~ment aux lois et r~glements normalement appliques par les autorit~s a~ronautiques habilit~es ddivrer l'autorisation d'exploitation. I Mis en application le 9 avril 1951 et entr6 en vigueur le 27 f6vrier 1953, conform6ment & Particle 11. 2 Voir p. 400 de ce volume.

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 391 [TRANSLATION' - TRADUCTION 2 ] No. 3601. AIR TRANSPORT AGREEMENT 3 BETWEEN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG AND SWITZER- LAND. SIGNED AT BERNE, ON 9 APRIL 1951 The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Swiss Federal Government considering : that the possibilities of commercial aviation as a means of transport have considerably increased; that it is desirable to organize scheduled air communications in a safe and orderly manner and to promote as far as possible international cooperation in this field; and that it is necessary to conclude an agreement regulating scheduled air communications between and through the territories of Luxembourg and Switzerland, have appointed representatives for this purpose who, being duly authorized, have agreed as follows Article 1 (a) The Contracting Parties grant to each other the rights specified in the Annex 4 hereto for the establishment of the international air services set forth in that Annex which pass through or serve their respective territories. (b) Each Contracting Party shall designate an airline to operate any services so established and shall decide upon the date of opening of such services. Article 2 (a) Each Contracting Party shall, subject to Article 8 hereof, grant the necessary operating permission to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party. (b) Nevertheless, before being permitted to operate the air services specified in the Annex hereto, the designated airlines may be required to afford proof of their qualifications in accordance with the laws and regulations normally applied by the aeronautical authorities issuing the operating permit. ' Translation by the Secretariat of the International Civil Aviation Organization. ' Traduction du Secretariat de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale. 8 Applied on 9 April 1951 and came into force on 27 February 1953, in accordance with article 11. 4 See p. 401 of this volume. Vol. 254-26

1956 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei des Traitds 391<br />





The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Swiss<br />

Federal Government considering :<br />

that the possibilities of commercial aviation as a means of transport have<br />

considerably increased;<br />

that it is desirable to organize scheduled air communications in a safe and<br />

orderly manner and to promote as far as possible international cooperation in<br />

this field; and<br />

that it is necessary to conclude an agreement regulating scheduled air communications<br />

between and through the territories of Luxembourg and Switzerland,<br />

have appointed representatives for this purpose who, being duly authorized,<br />

have agreed as follows<br />

Article 1<br />

(a) The Contracting Parties grant to each other the rights specified in the<br />

Annex 4 hereto for the establishment of the international air services set forth in<br />

that Annex which pass through or serve their respective territories.<br />

(b) Each Contracting Party shall designate an airline to operate any services<br />

so established and shall decide upon the date of opening of such services.<br />

Article 2<br />

(a) Each Contracting Party shall, subject to Article 8 hereof, grant the necessary<br />

operating permission to the designated airline of the other Contracting<br />

Party.<br />

(b) Nevertheless, before being permitted to operate the air services specified<br />

in the Annex hereto, the designated airlines may be required to afford proof of<br />

their qualifications in accordance with the laws and regulations normally applied<br />

by the aeronautical authorities issuing the operating permit.<br />

' Translation by the Secretariat of the International Civil Aviation Organization.<br />

' Traduction du Secretariat de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale.<br />

8 Applied on 9 April 1951 and came into force on 27 February 1953, in accordance with article 11.<br />

4 See p. 401 of this volume.<br />

<strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>254</strong>-26

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