Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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310 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 4. Les biens exempt6s aux termes du paragraphe pr6c6dent ne pourront itre d~barqu~s sans le consentement des autorit~s douani~res de l'autre Partie Contractante. Au cas oi ils ne pourraient tre employ~s ou consomm6s, ils devront 6tre r~export6s. Dans l'attente de la r6exportation ils seront conserves sous le contr6le des susdites Autorit6s tout en restant h la disposition des entreprises. Article 5 Les certificats de navigabilit6, les brevets d'aptitude et les licenses, d6livr6s ou valid6s par l'une des Parties Contractantes et non p~rim~s, sont reconnus valables par l'autre Partie Contractante aux fins de 1'exploitation des services sp~cifi~s a l'Annexe du pr6sent Accord. Chaque Partie Contractante se r6serve toutefois le droit de ne pas reconnaitre valable, pour les vols au-dessus de son propre territoire, les brevets d'aptitude et les licenses d~livr~s h un de ses ressortissants par les autorit~s de l'autre Partie Contractante ou d'un autre ttat. Article 6 1. Les lois et r~glements d'une Partie Contractante qui concernent l'entr~e et la sortie de son territoire pour les aronefs affect~s h la navigation a6rienne internationale, l'exploitation et la navigation de ces m~mes a6ronefs pendant leur sjour i l'int~rieur du dit territoire, s'appliquent aux a~ronefs employ~s par les entreprises d~sign6es par l'autre Partie Contractante. 2. Les lois et r~glements d'une Partie Contractante qui concernent l'entr6e et la sortie de son territoire pour les passagers, l'quipage et le chargement des a~ronefs de m~me que les dispositions qui concernent l'entr~e, la sortie, l'immigration, les passeports, la douane, la quarantaine et les formalit6s de contr6le en g~nral, s'appliquent aux passagers, h l'quipage et au chargement des a~ronefs employ~s par les entreprises d~sign~es par l'autre Partie Contractante, soit h l'entr6e, soit h la sortie, soit pendant le sjour sur le territoire de la premiere Partie Contractante. Article 7 Chaque Partie Contractante se reserve le droit de refuser h une entreprise d~sign~e par l'autre Partie Contractante l'exercice des droits d~rivant des dispositions contenues h l'Annexe du present Accord, ou de r~voquer un tel exercice, lorsque cette derni~re n'est pas i mme de fournir, sur demande, la preuve qu'une part pr~pondrante de la propri~t6 et le contr6le effectif de l'entreprise appartiennent it des ressortissants ou h des organismes de l'autre Partie Contractante. Chaque Partie Contractante peut en outre r~voquer l'autorisation, lorsque l'entreprise ci-dessus ou le Gouvernement qui l'a d6sign6e ne se conforment pas aux lois et r~glements indiqu~s h Particle 6 du present Accord, ou bien ne rem- No. 3598

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 311 (d) Goods exempted under the terms of the foregoing paragraph may not be disembarked save with the approval of the customs authorities of the other Contracting Party. In case they cannot be used or consumed, they must be reexported. They shall be kept, until re-exportation, under the supervision of the said authorities, but shall remain at the disposal of the airlines. Article V Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid by one of the Contracting Parties and still in force shall be recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party for the purposes of operating the services described in the Annex to the present Agreement. Each Contracting Party, however, reserves the right to refuse to recognize, for the purpose of flight above its own territory, certificates of competency and licences granted to its nationals by the authorities of the other Contracting Party or of another State. Article VI (a) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to entry into or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall apply to aircraft of the designated airlines of the other Contracting Party. (b) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the entry into and departure from its territory of passengers, crews and cargo of aircraft, as well as the regulations concerning entry, departure, immigration, passports, customs, quarantine and clearance formalities in general, shall apply to the passengers, crews and cargos of the aircraft of the designated airlines by the other Contracting Party, on entry, departure or while within the territory of the first Contracting Party. Article VII Each Contracting Party reserves the right to withold or revoke the exercise of the rights specified in the Annex to this Agreement by an airline designated by the other Contracting Party, upon failure of the latter Contracting Party to supply, upon request, the proof that substantial ownership and effective conrtol of that airline is vested in nationals or agencies of such Contracting Party. Each Contracting Party may also revoke the authorization whenever the above airline or the Government which designated it fails to comply with the laws and regulations referred to in Article VI of this Agreement, or fails to Vol. 254-21 N- 3598

1956 <strong>Nations</strong> Unies - Recuei des Traitds 311<br />

(d) Goods exempted under the terms of the foregoing paragraph may not be<br />

disembarked save with the approval of the customs authorities of the other<br />

Contracting Party. In case they cannot be used or consumed, they must be reexported.<br />

They shall be kept, until re-exportation, under the supervision of the<br />

said authorities, but shall remain at the disposal of the airlines.<br />

Article V<br />

Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued<br />

or rendered valid by one of the Contracting Parties and still in force shall be<br />

recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party for the purposes of operating<br />

the services described in the Annex to the present Agreement. Each Contracting<br />

Party, however, reserves the right to refuse to recognize, for the purpose of<br />

flight above its own territory, certificates of competency and licences granted to<br />

its nationals by the authorities of the other Contracting Party or of another State.<br />

Article VI<br />

(a) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to entry into<br />

or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation<br />

or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall<br />

apply to aircraft of the designated airlines of the other Contracting Party.<br />

(b) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to the entry<br />

into and departure from its territory of passengers, crews and cargo of aircraft, as<br />

well as the regulations concerning entry, departure, immigration, passports,<br />

customs, quarantine and clearance formalities in general, shall apply to the<br />

passengers, crews and cargos of the aircraft of the designated airlines by the other<br />

Contracting Party, on entry, departure or while within the territory of the first<br />

Contracting Party.<br />

Article VII<br />

Each Contracting Party reserves the right to withold or revoke the exercise<br />

of the rights specified in the Annex to this Agreement by an airline designated by<br />

the other Contracting Party, upon failure of the latter Contracting Party to supply,<br />

upon request, the proof that substantial ownership and effective conrtol of that<br />

airline is vested in nationals or agencies of such Contracting Party.<br />

Each Contracting Party may also revoke the authorization whenever the<br />

above airline or the Government which designated it fails to comply with the<br />

laws and regulations referred to in Article VI of this Agreement, or fails to<br />

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