Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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298 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 charges, even though such supplies be used or consumed by or in such aircraft while in that territory. Article 6 Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid by one Contracting State and still valid shall be recognized as valid by the other Contracting State for the operation of the agreed services. Each Contracting State reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognize, for the purpose of flight above its own territory, certificates of competency and licences granted to its own nationals by the other Contracting State. Article 7 (a) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to entry into or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation, or to flights of such aircraft above its territory, shall be applied to all the airlines designated by the Contracting Parties. (b) The laws and regulations in force in the territory of one Contracting Party respecting the entry, stay and departure of passengers, crews, mail or cargo, as well as those relating to border crossings, procedure, immigration, passports, customs and quarantine, shall be applied to passengers, crews or cargo carried by the aircraft of the designated airlines of the other Contracting Party while within that territory. Article 8 (a) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to withhold or revoke an operating permit in respect of an airline designated by the other Contracting Party, or to attach special conditions to such a permit whenever it is not satisfied that substantial ownership and effective control are vested in the Contracting Party which has designated the airline or in its nationals. (b) Each Contracting Party may after consultation with the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party, exercise the right specified in paragraph (a) of the present Article whenever an airline designated by the other Contracting Party fails to comply with the laws and regulations referred to in Article 7 or otherwise to operate in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the present Agreement. Article 9 (a) If any dispute arises between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation or application of the present Agreement the Contracting Parties shall in the first place endeavour to settle it by negotiation between themselves. No. 3597

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 299 droits et taxes, mme si ces approvisionnements sont employ~s ou consomm6s par ces a~ronefs ou a leur bord pendant qu'ils se trouvent sur ce territoire. Article 6 Les certificats de navigabilit6, les brevets d'aptitude et les licences d6livr6s ou valid6s par une partie contractante et encore en force seront reconnus par l'autre pour 1'exploitation des services convenus. Chaque partie contractante se r6serve cependant le droit de ne pas reconnaitre pour la circulation au-dessus de son territoire les brevets d'aptitude et les licences d~livr6s h ses propres ressortissants par l'autre partie contractante. Article 7 a. Les lois et r~glements d'une partie contractante qui r~gissent sur son territoire, l'entr~e et la sortie des aronefs affect~s h la navigation a6rienne internationale ou les vols de ces a~ronefs au-dessus dudit territoire s'appliqueront A toutes les entreprises d~sign6es par les parties contractantes. b. Les lois et r~glements d'une partie contractante qui r~gissent, sur son territoire, l'entr~e, le sjour et la sortie des passagers, 6quipages, envois postaux ou marchandises, de m~me que ceux qui concernent le passage de la frontire, les formalit~s, l'immigration, les passeports, la douane et la quarantaine, s'appliqueront aux passagers, 6quipages ou marchandises transport~s par les a6ronefs des entreprises d~sign6es par l'autre partie contractante, aussi longtemps que ces a~ronefs se trouvent sur le territoire de la premiere partie contractante. Article 8 a. Chaque partie contractante se r~serve le droit de refuser une autorisation d'exploitation a une entreprise d~sign~e par l'autre partie contractante, de la r~voquer ou de la faire d~pendre de conditions particuli~res lorsqu'elle n'a pas la preuve qu'une part importante de la propri~t6 et le contr6le effectif de cette entreprise sont entre les mains de la partie contractante qui l'a d~sign6e ou de ses ressortissants. b. Chaque partie contractante peut, apr~s avoir pris contact avec l'autorit6 aronautique de l'autre partie, faire usage des droits mentionn~s h l'alin~a a cidessus lorsqu'une entreprise d~sign6e par l'autre partie contractante ne se conforme pas aux lois et r~glements vis~s a l'article 7 ou si, de quelque autre mani&re, elle n'assure pas son exploitation conform~ment aux conditions fix~es par le present accord. Article 9 a. S'il s'6lve entre les parties contractantes un diff~rend relatif h l'interprotation ou l'application du present accord ou de son annexe, elles chercheron en premier lieu a r~gler ce diffrend par voie de n~gociations directes. No 3597

298 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

charges, even though such supplies be used or consumed by or in such aircraft<br />

while in that territory.<br />

Article 6<br />

Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licences issued<br />

or rendered valid by one Contracting State and still valid shall be recognized as<br />

valid by the other Contracting State for the operation of the agreed services.<br />

Each Contracting State reserves the right, however, to refuse to recognize, for<br />

the purpose of flight above its own territory, certificates of competency and<br />

licences granted to its own nationals by the other Contracting State.<br />

Article 7<br />

(a) The laws and regulations of one Contracting Party relating to entry into<br />

or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation,<br />

or to flights of such aircraft above its territory, shall be applied to all the airlines<br />

designated by the Contracting Parties.<br />

(b) The laws and regulations in force in the territory of one Contracting<br />

Party respecting the entry, stay and departure of passengers, crews, mail or cargo,<br />

as well as those relating to border crossings, procedure, immigration, passports,<br />

customs and quarantine, shall be applied to passengers, crews or cargo carried by<br />

the aircraft of the designated airlines of the other Contracting Party while within<br />

that territory.<br />

Article 8<br />

(a) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to withhold or revoke an<br />

operating permit in respect of an airline designated by the other Contracting<br />

Party, or to attach special conditions to such a permit whenever it is not satisfied<br />

that substantial ownership and effective control are vested in the Contracting<br />

Party which has designated the airline or in its nationals.<br />

(b) Each Contracting Party may after consultation with the aeronautical<br />

authorities of the other Contracting Party, exercise the right specified in paragraph<br />

(a) of the present Article whenever an airline designated by the other<br />

Contracting Party fails to comply with the laws and regulations referred to in<br />

Article 7 or otherwise to operate in accordance with the conditions prescribed<br />

in the present Agreement.<br />

Article 9<br />

(a) If any dispute arises between the Contracting Parties relating to the<br />

interpretation or application of the present Agreement the Contracting Parties<br />

shall in the first place endeavour to settle it by negotiation between themselves.<br />

No. 3597

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