Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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216 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 VI. Children's Allowances Ordinary allowances for children under the Act of 26 July 1947 respecting ordinary allowances for children. Special allowances for children under the Act of 26 July 1947 respecting special allowances for the children of widows, disabled persons, etc. VII. Payment in Advance of Maintenance Allowances Advances on maintenance allowances under the Act of 11 June 1943 providing for such advances. VIII. Public Assistance Assistance under the Public Assistance Act of 14 June 1918. Assistance under article 22, paragraphs (a) and (b), and article 29 of the Child Welfare Act of 6 June 1924. DENMARK: I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and Old-Age Benefits Invalidity and old-age pensions with supplements, including children's supplements, under the Social Insurance Act of 20 May 1933 or the Acts of 31 March 1949 for the Faroe Islands concerning invalidity pensions and old-age pensions respectively. Assistance and care under article 62 of the Social Insurance Act. Medical attendance, treatment and care for pensioners under article 79 of the Social Insurance Act, article 28 of the Faroe Islands Invalidity Pensions Act, or article 6, paragraph 3 of the Faroe Islands Old-Age Pensions Act. Treatment under article 60 of the Social Insurance Act or article 21 of the Faroe Islands Invalidity Pensions Act. Chronic sickness benefit under articles 247 to 249 of the Public Assistance Act of 20 May 1933. Right to be admitted to a home for the aged under article 54 of the Social Insurance Act or article 13 of the Faroe Islands Old-Age Pensions Act. Rental allowance for pensioners and recipients of assistance for the chronically sick under chapters X and XI of the Act of 14.April 1955 respecting the financing of housing and other construction from public funds. II. Sickness Benefits Benefits under division I of the Social Insurance Act of 20 May 1933 or the Order of 21 February 1930 respecting recognized sick funds in the Faroe Islands. No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 217 VI. Allocations familiales Les allocations du r~gime gtn6ral pr~vues par la loi du 26 juillet 1947 sur les allocations familiales g~n~rales. Les allocations spciales pr6vues par la loi du 26 juillet 1947 sur les allocations familiales sp~ciales aux veuves et aux invalides ayant plusieurs enfants. VII. Avances sur allocations d'entretien Les avances sur allocations d'entretien pr~vues par la loi du 11 juin 1943. VIII. Assistance publique L'assistance pr~vue par la loi du 14 juin 1 918 sur l'assistance publique. L'assistance pr~vue par les paragraphes a et b de l'article 22 et par l'article 29 de la loi du 6 juin 1924 sur la protection de l'enfance. DANEMARK: I. Prestations en cas de riduction de la capaciti de travail et prestations de survivants et de vieillesse Les pensions d'invalidit6 et de vieillesse, et les supplkments h ces pensions, y compris les supplkments pour enfants, pr~vus par la loi du 20 mai 1933 concernant l'assurance sociale, et les lois du 31 mars 1949 concernant respectivement les pensions d'invalidit6 et les pensions de vieillesse aux iles F&o6. L'assistance et les soins pr~vus par l'article 62 de la loi sur l'assurance sociale. L'assistance m~dicale, le traitement et les soins pr6vus en faveur des retrait~s par l'article 79 de la loi sur l'assurance sociale, l'article 28 de la loi sur les pensions d'invalidit6 aux iles F&o6, ou le paragraphe 3 de l'article 6 de la loi sur les pensions de vieillesse aux iles F~ro6. Les prestations pr6vues par l'article 60 de la loi sur l'assurance sociale ou l'article 21 de la loi sur les pensions d'invalidit6 aux iles F6ro6. Les prestations en cas de maladie chronique pr~vues par les articles 247 h 249 de la loi du 20 mai 1933 sur l'assistance publique. L'admission dans un asile de vieillards pr~vue par l'article 54 de la loi sur l'assurance sociale ou l'article 13 de la loi sur les pensions de vieillesse aux iles Fro6. L'allocation de logement vers&e aux retrait6s et aux b6n6ficiaires des prestations pour maladie chronique en vertu des chapitres X et XI de la loi du 14 avril 1955 concernant l'aide de l'tat h la construction. II. Prestations de maladie Les prestations pr~vues par le titre I de la loi du 20 mai 1933 sur l'assistance sociale ou par l'ordonnance du 21 f~vrier 1930 sur les caisses de maladie reconnues aux iles F6ro6. N O 3593

216 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

VI. Children's Allowances<br />

Ordinary allowances for children under the Act of 26 July 1947 respecting<br />

ordinary allowances for children.<br />

Special allowances for children under the Act of 26 July 1947 respecting<br />

special allowances for the children of widows, disabled persons, etc.<br />

VII. Payment in Advance of Maintenance Allowances<br />

Advances on maintenance allowances under the Act of 11 June 1943<br />

providing for such advances.<br />

VIII. Public Assistance<br />

Assistance under the Public Assistance Act of 14 June 1918.<br />

Assistance under article 22, paragraphs (a) and (b), and article 29 of the<br />

Child Welfare Act of 6 June 1924.<br />

DENMARK:<br />

I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and<br />

Old-Age Benefits<br />

Invalidity and old-age pensions with supplements, including children's<br />

supplements, under the Social Insurance Act of 20 May 1933 or the Acts of 31<br />

March 1949 for the Faroe Islands concerning invalidity pensions and old-age<br />

pensions respectively.<br />

Assistance and care under article 62 of the Social Insurance Act.<br />

Medical attendance, treatment and care for pensioners under article 79 of<br />

the Social Insurance Act, article 28 of the Faroe Islands Invalidity Pensions Act,<br />

or article 6, paragraph 3 of the Faroe Islands Old-Age Pensions Act.<br />

Treatment under article 60 of the Social Insurance Act or article 21 of the<br />

Faroe Islands Invalidity Pensions Act.<br />

Chronic sickness benefit under articles 247 to 249 of the Public Assistance<br />

Act of 20 May 1933.<br />

Right to be admitted to a home for the aged under article 54 of the Social<br />

Insurance Act or article 13 of the Faroe Islands Old-Age Pensions Act.<br />

Rental allowance for pensioners and recipients of assistance for the chronically<br />

sick under chapters X and XI of the Act of 14.April 1955 respecting the<br />

financing of housing and other construction from public funds.<br />

II. Sickness Benefits<br />

Benefits under division I of the Social Insurance Act of 20 May 1933 or<br />

the Order of 21 February 1930 respecting recognized sick funds in the Faroe<br />

Islands.<br />

No. 3593

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