Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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212 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 VI. Children's Allowances Benefits under the Act of 24 October 1946 respecting children's allowances. VIII. Public Assistance Benefits under-: The Public Assistance Act of 19 May 1900. The Child Welfare Act of 17 July 1953. Article 12 of the Act of 26 February 1932 respecting temperance committees and treatment of inebriates. SWEDEN: I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and Old-Age Benefits Old-age, invalidity and widows' pensions, sickness allowance and supplements to such benefits under the Act of 29 June 1946 respecting the national pensions system. Allowance for widows and widowers with children under the Act of 26 July 1947 providing for such allowances. Facilities provided by State or State-aided schemes for the prevention of invalidity, and State or State-aided welfare services for the disabled, including welfare services for deaf-mutes and blind persons. II. Sickness Benefits Sickness benefit under the Act of 3 January 1947 respecting public sickness insurance. Medicaments under the Order of 4 June 1954 respecting the provision of medicaments free of charge or at reduced cost. III. Benefits in Respect of Accidents and Occupational Diseases Compensation under : The Employment Injury Insurance Act of 14 May 1954. The Act of 14 May 1954 respecting war-risk insurance for seamen and others. The Order of 14 May 1954 concerning Government compensation in respect of accidents occurring to seamen and others as a result of war measures. No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 213 VI. Allocations familiales Les prestations pr~vues par la loi du 24 octobre 1946 relative aux allocations familiales. VIII. Assistance publique Les prestations pr6vues par: La loi du 19 mai 1900 sur l'assistance publique. La loi du 17 juillet 1953 sur la protection de l'enfance. L'article 12 de la loi du 26 f~vrier 1932 relative aux comit~s de temperance et au traitement des alcooliques. SUtDE: I. Prestations en cas de riduction de la capaciti de travail et prestations de survivants et de vieillesse Les retraites, pensions d'invalidit6 et pensions de veuves, les allocations de maladie et les supplements i ces prestations, pr~vus par la loi du 29 juin 1946 sur les pensions nationales. Les allocations aux veuves et veufs avec enfants, pr~vues par la loi du 26 juillet 1947. Les facilit6s accord~es par l'lltat ou par des regimes subventionn6s par 1'tat pour la pr6vention de l'invalidit6, et les services de pr~voyance de l1']tat ou subventionn~s par l'1tat au b~n~fice des invalides, y compris les services de pr~voyance en faveur des sourds-muets et des aveugles. II. Prestations de maladie Les prestations de maladie pr~vues par la loi du 3 janvier 1947 sur l'assurance-maladie publique. Les m~dicaments pr~vus par l'ordonnance du 4 juin 1954 relative la fourniture de m~dicaments gratuits ou h prix r~duit. III. Prestations en cas d'accident et de maladie professionnelle Les prestations pr~vues par: La loi du 14 mai 1954 sur l'assurance contre les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles. La loi du 14 mai 1954 concernant l'assurance contre les risques de guerre des gens de mer et d'autres personnes. L'ordonnance du 14 mai 1954 relative A l'indemnisation par l'tat des gens de mer et autres personnes victimes d'accidents caus6s par des mesures du temps de guerre. N- 3593

212 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

VI. Children's Allowances<br />

Benefits under the Act of 24 October 1946 respecting children's allowances.<br />

VIII. Public Assistance<br />

Benefits under-:<br />

The Public Assistance Act of 19 May 1900.<br />

The Child Welfare Act of 17 July 1953.<br />

Article 12 of the Act of 26 February 1932 respecting temperance committees<br />

and treatment of inebriates.<br />

SWEDEN:<br />

I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and<br />

Old-Age Benefits<br />

Old-age, invalidity and widows' pensions, sickness allowance and supplements<br />

to such benefits under the Act of 29 June 1946 respecting the national<br />

pensions system.<br />

Allowance for widows and widowers with children under the Act of<br />

26 July 1947 providing for such allowances.<br />

Facilities provided by State or State-aided schemes for the prevention of<br />

invalidity, and State or State-aided welfare services for the disabled, including<br />

welfare services for deaf-mutes and blind persons.<br />

II. Sickness Benefits<br />

Sickness benefit under the Act of 3 January 1947 respecting public sickness<br />

insurance.<br />

Medicaments under the Order of 4 June 1954 respecting the provision of<br />

medicaments free of charge or at reduced cost.<br />

III. Benefits in Respect of Accidents and Occupational Diseases<br />

Compensation under :<br />

The Employment Injury Insurance Act of 14 May 1954.<br />

The Act of 14 May 1954 respecting war-risk insurance for seamen and<br />

others.<br />

The Order of 14 May 1954 concerning Government compensation in<br />

respect of accidents occurring to seamen and others as a result of war measures.<br />

No. 3593

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