Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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210 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 NORWAY: I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and Old-Age Benefits Benefits under : The Act of 19 June 1936 respecting disabled persons. The Old-Age Pensions Act of 16 July 1936. The Transitional Act of 16 July 1936 respecting aid to the blind and disabled. The Act of 3 December 1948 respecting pension insurance for seamen. The Act of 30 June 1950 respecting pension insurance for civil servants. The Act of 3 December 1951 respecting pension insurance for forestry workers. Vocational training and retraining for partially incapacitated persons under special schemes wholly or partially financed by the State. II. Sickness Benefits Benefits under the Act of 6 June 1930 respecting health insurance. III. Benefits in Respect of Accidents and Occupational Diseases Benefits under : The Act of 10 December 1920 respecting accident insurance for fishermen. The Act of 24 June 1931 respecting accident insurance for industrial workers, etc. The Act of 24 June 1931 respecting accident insurance for seamen. The Act of 13 December 1946 respecting war pensions for military personnel. The Act of 13 December 1946 respecting war pensions for persons serving in the Home Guard and for civilians. The Act of 27 June 1947 respecting accident insurance for employees of Norwegian enterprises in Svalbard. The Act of 19 June 1953 respecting invalidity insurance for military personnel. The Civil Defence Act of 17 July 1953. The Act of 26 November 1954 respecting benefits payable in connexion with war injuries. IV. Unemployment Benefits Benefits under the Act of 24 June 1938 respecting unemployment insurance. V. Maternity Benefits Benefits under : The Act of 10 April 1915 respecting child welfare. The Act of 6 June 1930 respecting health insurance. No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 211 NORViGE: I. Prestations en cas de rdduction de la capacitj de travail et prestations de survivants et de vieilesse Les prestations pr6vues par : La loi du 19 juin 1936 sur les invalides. La loi du 16 juillet 1936 sur l'assurance-vieillesse. La loi transitoire du 16 juillet 1956 sur l'aide aux aveugles et aux invalides. La loi du 3 d6cembre 1948 sur l'assurance-pension des gens de mer. La loi du 30 juin 1950 sur l'assurance-retraite des fonctionnaires. La loi du 3 d~cembre 1951 sur l'assurance-pension des ouvriers forestiers. La formation et la r6adaptation professionnelles des personnes atteintes d'une incapacit6 de travail partielle, dans des 6tablissements finances en tout ou en partie par l'tat. II. Prestations de maladie Prestations pr6vues par la loi du 6 juin 1930 sur l'assurance-maladie. III. Prestations en cas d'accident et de maladieprofessionnelle Prestations pr~vues par: La loi du 10 d~cembre 1920 sur l'assurance des p~cheurs en cas d'accident. La loi du 24 juin 1931 sur l'assurance-accidents des ouvriers de l'industrie. La loi du 24 juin 1931 sur l'assurance des gens de mer en cas d'accident. La loi du 13 d6cembre 1946 relative aux pensions des anciens combattants. La loi du 13 d6cembre 1946 relative aux pensions de guerre des membres de la garde territoriale et des civils. La loi du 27 juin 1947 relative t l'assurance-accidents des employ6s des entreprises norv6giennes de Svalbard. La loi du 19 juin 1953 relative l'assurance-invalidit6 des militaires. La loi sur la d6fense civile du 17 juillet 1953. La loi du 26 novembre 1954 relative aux prestations vers6es aux blesses de guerre. IV. Prestations de ch6mage Les allocations pr6vues par la loi du 24 juin 1938 concernant l'assurancech6mage. V. Prestations de materniti Les prestations pr6vues par: La loi du 10 avril 1915 concernant la protection de l'enfance. La loi du 6 juin 1930 sur l'assurance-maladie. N- 3593

210 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

NORWAY:<br />

I. Benefits Payable in the Event of Reduced Working Capacity, Survivors' and<br />

Old-Age Benefits<br />

Benefits under :<br />

The Act of 19 June 1936 respecting disabled persons.<br />

The Old-Age Pensions Act of 16 July 1936.<br />

The Transitional Act of 16 July 1936 respecting aid to the blind and disabled.<br />

The Act of 3 December 1948 respecting pension insurance for seamen.<br />

The Act of 30 June 1950 respecting pension insurance for civil servants.<br />

The Act of 3 December 1951 respecting pension insurance for forestry workers.<br />

Vocational training and retraining for partially incapacitated persons under<br />

special schemes wholly or partially financed by the State.<br />

II. Sickness Benefits<br />

Benefits under the Act of 6 June 1930 respecting health insurance.<br />

III. Benefits in Respect of Accidents and Occupational Diseases<br />

Benefits under :<br />

The Act of 10 December 1920 respecting accident insurance for fishermen.<br />

The Act of 24 June 1931 respecting accident insurance for industrial<br />

workers, etc.<br />

The Act of 24 June 1931 respecting accident insurance for seamen.<br />

The Act of 13 December 1946 respecting war pensions for military personnel.<br />

The Act of 13 December 1946 respecting war pensions for persons serving<br />

in the Home Guard and for civilians.<br />

The Act of 27 June 1947 respecting accident insurance for employees of<br />

Norwegian enterprises in Svalbard.<br />

The Act of 19 June 1953 respecting invalidity insurance for military<br />

personnel.<br />

The Civil Defence Act of 17 July 1953.<br />

The Act of 26 November 1954 respecting benefits payable in connexion<br />

with war injuries.<br />

IV. Unemployment Benefits<br />

Benefits under the Act of 24 June 1938 respecting unemployment insurance.<br />

V. Maternity Benefits<br />

Benefits under :<br />

The Act of 10 April 1915 respecting child welfare.<br />

The Act of 6 June 1930 respecting health insurance.<br />

No. 3593

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