Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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196 United Nations -- Treaty Series 1956 the Convention of 27 August 1949 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting the reciprocal payment of old-age pensions ;1 the Convention of 20 July 1953 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting reciprocity as regards benefits in respect of reduced working capacity ;2 the Agreement of 12 February 1919 between Denmark, Norway and Sweden respecting accident insurance for workers ;3 the Agreement of 11 September 1923 between Finland and Sweden concerning reciprocity in respect of compensation for industrial accidents ;4 the Agreement of 30 November 1923 between Denmark and Finland respecting industrial accident insurance ;5 the Agreement of 13 October 1927 between Denmark and Iceland respecting reciprocity in connection with the accident insurance of workers and invalidity insurance ;6 the Agreement of 31 May 1930 between Iceland and Norway respecting reciprocity in connection with accident insurance ;7 the Agreement of 31 October 1930 between Iceland and Sweden respecting compensation for industrial accidents ;8 the Convention of 3 March 1937 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting the application of the accident insurance legislation of the said countries in cases where an employer in one contracting country carries on a business or employs workers in another contracting country;9 the Convention of 20 July 1953 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting the reciprocal provision of maternity assistance;1 ° the Convention of 28 August 1951 between Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting the reciprocal payment of child allowances ;"1 the Convention of 9 January 1951 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden respecting the reciprocal giving of assistance to persons in need. 12 This Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the Danish Foreign Ministry, and certified copies shall be sent by the Danish Foreign Ministry to the government of each contracting country. 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 47, p. 127. - 'United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 228, p. 41. ' De Martens, Nouveau Recuedi gdndral de Traitds, troisi~me srie, tome XIV, p. 493. 4 International Labour Office : Legislative Series, 1923 (Int. 3 A, i). 5 International Labour Office: Legislative Series, 1923 (Int. 3 A, ii). 6 League of Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. LXVII, p. 411. 7 League of Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. CVIII, p. 339. 8 League of Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. CIX, p. 171. ' League of Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. CLXXXII, p. 127. 10 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 228, p. 3. " United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 198, p. 17. 12 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 197, p. 341. No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recuedi des Traitds 197 la convention de rgciprocit6 entre le Danemark, la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Suede, concernant le paiement des pensions de vieillesse, conclue le 27 aofit 19491; la convention du 20 juillet 1953 entre le Danemark, la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Suede, sur l'octroi d'avantages r6ciproques en cas de reduction de la capacit6 de travail 2 ; la convention du 12 f6vrier 1919 entre le Danemark, la Norv6ge et la Suede sur la r6ciprocit6 en ce qui concerne l'assurance contre les accidents du travail 3 ; la convention du 11 septembre 1923 entre la Finlande et la Suede, sur la rgciprocit6 en ce qui concerne la rgparation des accidents du travail 4 ; la convention du 30 novembre 1923 entre le Danemark et la Finlande sur la r6ciprocit6 dans les questions relatives h l'assurance-accidents 5 ; la convention du 13 octobre 1927 entre le Danemark et l'Islande relative la rgciprocit6 en mati~re d'assurance ouvri~re en cas d'accident et en mati~re, d'assurance-invalidit6 6 ; la convention du 31 mai 1930 entre l'Islande et la Norv~ge concernant la r6ciprocit6 en mati~re d'assurance-accidents 7 ; la convention du 31 octobre 1930 entre l'Islande et la Suede concernant la r6paration des accidents du travail 8 ; la convention du 3 mars 1937 entre le Danemark, la Finlande,l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Su~de, concernant l'application de la l6gislation d'assurance-accidents des diff6rents pays dans les cas oti un employeur de l'un des pays contractants exerce une activit6 ou occupe des travailleurs dans un autre de ces pays 9 ; la convention du 20 juillet 1953 entre le Danemark, la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Suede, relative h l'assistance r6ciproque en cas de maternit6 10 ; la convention du 28 aofit 1951 entre la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Suede, tendant h 6tablir la r~ciprocit6 en mati~re d'allocations familiales 1 ; la convention du 9 janvier 1951 entre le Danemark, la Finlande, l'Islande, la Norv~ge et la Suede sur la r~ciprocit6 en mati6re d'assistance aux indigents 1 2 . La pr~sente convention sera d~pos~e aux archives du minist~re des Affaires ,sociales du Danemark, qui en adressera des copies certifi~es conformes au gouver-nement de chaque pays contractant. 1 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 47, p. 127. Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 228, p. 41. 'De Martens, Nouveau Recuell gtnral de Traitds, troisiime s~rie, tome XIV, p. 493. 4 Bureau international du Travail: Sie lgislative, 1923 (Int. 3 A 1). 5 Bureau international du Travail: Sfrie ldgislative, 1923 (nt. 3 A 2). Socit6 des Nations, Recued des Traitds, vol. LXVII, p. 411. ' Soci&6 des Nations, Recueil des Traitds, vol. CVIII, p. 339. 8 Socik6 des Nations, Recuei des Traitds, vol. CIX, p. 171. ' Socit6 des Nations, Recuei des Traitds, vol. CLXXXII, p. 127. 10 Nations Unies, Recuei des Traitds, vol. 228, p. 3. 11 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 198, p. 17. is Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitis, vol. 197, p. 341. N* 3593

196 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> -- <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

the Convention of 27 August 1949 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway<br />

and Sweden respecting the reciprocal payment of old-age pensions ;1<br />

the Convention of 20 July 1953 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway<br />

and Sweden respecting reciprocity as regards benefits in respect of reduced<br />

working capacity ;2<br />

the Agreement of 12 February 1919 between Denmark, Norway and Sweden<br />

respecting accident insurance for workers ;3<br />

the Agreement of 11 September 1923 between Finland and Sweden concerning<br />

reciprocity in respect of compensation for industrial accidents ;4<br />

the Agreement of 30 November 1923 between Denmark and Finland respecting<br />

industrial accident insurance ;5<br />

the Agreement of 13 October 1927 between Denmark and Iceland respecting<br />

reciprocity in connection with the accident insurance of workers and invalidity<br />

insurance ;6<br />

the Agreement of 31 May 1930 between Iceland and Norway respecting reciprocity<br />

in connection with accident insurance ;7<br />

the Agreement of 31 October 1930 between Iceland and Sweden respecting<br />

compensation for industrial accidents ;8<br />

the Convention of 3 March 1937 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway<br />

and Sweden respecting the application of the accident insurance legislation<br />

of the said countries in cases where an employer in one contracting country<br />

carries on a business or employs workers in another contracting country;9<br />

the Convention of 20 July 1953 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway<br />

and Sweden respecting the reciprocal provision of maternity assistance;1 °<br />

the Convention of 28 August 1951 between Finland, Iceland, Norway and<br />

Sweden respecting the reciprocal payment of child allowances ;"1<br />

the Convention of 9 January 1951 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway<br />

and Sweden respecting the reciprocal giving of assistance to persons in need. 12<br />

This Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the Danish Foreign<br />

Ministry, and certified copies shall be sent by the Danish Foreign Ministry to the<br />

government of each contracting country.<br />

1 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 47, p. 127.<br />

- '<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 228, p. 41.<br />

' De Martens, Nouveau Recuedi gdndral de Traitds, troisi~me srie, tome XIV, p. 493.<br />

4 International Labour Office : Legislative Series, 1923 (Int. 3 A, i).<br />

5 International Labour Office: Legislative Series, 1923 (Int. 3 A, ii).<br />

6 League of <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. LXVII, p. 411.<br />

7 League of <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. CVIII, p. 339.<br />

8 League of <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. CIX, p. 171.<br />

' League of <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. CLXXXII, p. 127.<br />

10 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 228, p. 3.<br />

" <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 198, p. 17.<br />

12 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> Series, <strong>Vol</strong>. 197, p. 341.<br />

No. 3593

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