Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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194 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 contracting country within the time prescribed. In such cases the latter body shall immediately forward the said applications, declarations and appeals to the competent body in the other country. Article 32 Unless the contrary follows from this Convention all expenses incurred in connection with the granting of benefit under this Convention shall be defrayed by the country of residence. Article 33 This Convention shall not in any way limit the right of each contracting country to make general provisions respecting the right of aliens to stay in the country: Provided that such provisions shall not make it possible for this Convention to be evaded. Article 34 The appropriate authorities in the contracting countries shall notify one another at the earliest opportunity of all amendments and additions to the legislation relating to the benefits specified in Article 1. Article 35 This Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This Convention shall come into operation on the first day of the month following the expiration of two calendar months from the date on which the instruments of ratification of all the contracting countries have been deposited. Article 36 If any of the contracting countries wishes to denounce the Convention it shall notify in writing the Danish Government, which shall forthwith inform the other contracting countries of the fact and of the date on which notificationwas received. Such denunciation shall apply only as regards the denouncing country and shall take effect from the first day of January falling not less than six months after notification of denunciation is received by the Danish Government. The denunciation of the Convention shall not affect rights acquired in virtue of the provisions thereof. Article 37 On the coming into force of this Convention the following shall cease to have effect : No..3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 195 dans le d~lai prescrit l'autorit6 correspondante dans un autre pays contractant. Dans de tels cas, l'autorit6 cite en dernier lieu transmettra imm~diatement les demandes, declarations et appels en question h l'autorit6 comptente de l'autre pays. Article 32 Sauf dispositions contraires de la pr6sente convention, toutes les d6penses encourues en 'relation avec l'octroi de prestations en vertu de cette convention seront mises & la charge du pays de r6sidence. Article 33 La pr6sente convention n'aura en aucune manire pour effet de limiter le droit de chaque pays contractant d'6dicter des r~gles g~n~rales relatives au droit des 6trangers de resider dans le pays int~ress6. Toutefois, ces r6gles ne pourront rien comporter qui permette d'duder les stipulations de cette convention. Article 34 Les autorit~s comptentes de chacun des pays contractants s'informeront mutuellement aussit6t que possible de toutes les dispositions modifiant et compl&ant la l6gislation relative aux prestations vis6es h l'article 1. Article 35 La pr~sente convention sera ratifi~e et les instruments de ratification seront d~pos~s aussit6t que possible au minist6re des Affaires 6trangres du Danemark. La pr6sente convention entrera en vigueur le ler du mois suivant l'expiration des deux mois civils suivant la date laquelle les instruments de ratification de tous les pays contractants auront 6t d~pos~s. Article 36 Si l'un quelconque des pays contractants d6sire d6noncer la convention, il avisera par 6crit le gouvernement danois de son intention, lequel en informera aussit6t les autres pays contractants en leur faisant connaitre la date de r6ception du pr~avis. Cette d~nonciation n'affectera que le pays qui l'a formul6e et portera effet t compter du 1er janvier post~rieur d'au moins six mois h la reception du pr~avis de d~nonciation par le gouvernement danois. La d6nonciation de la convention n'affectera pas les droits acquis en vertu des dispositions de cette convention. Article 37 Cesseront d'avoir effet la date d'entr~e en vigueur de la pr6sente convention: N- 3593

194 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

contracting country within the time prescribed. In such cases the latter body<br />

shall immediately forward the said applications, declarations and appeals to the<br />

competent body in the other country.<br />

Article 32<br />

Unless the contrary follows from this Convention all expenses incurred in<br />

connection with the granting of benefit under this Convention shall be defrayed<br />

by the country of residence.<br />

Article 33<br />

This Convention shall not in any way limit the right of each contracting<br />

country to make general provisions respecting the right of aliens to stay in the<br />

country: Provided that such provisions shall not make it possible for this<br />

Convention to be evaded.<br />

Article 34<br />

The appropriate authorities in the contracting countries shall notify one<br />

another at the earliest opportunity of all amendments and additions to the legislation<br />

relating to the benefits specified in Article 1.<br />

Article 35<br />

This Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall<br />

be deposited as soon as possible in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.<br />

This Convention shall come into operation on the first day of the month<br />

following the expiration of two calendar months from the date on which the<br />

instruments of ratification of all the contracting countries have been deposited.<br />

Article 36<br />

If any of the contracting countries wishes to denounce the Convention it shall<br />

notify in writing the Danish Government, which shall forthwith inform the other<br />

contracting countries of the fact and of the date on which notificationwas received.<br />

Such denunciation shall apply only as regards the denouncing country and<br />

shall take effect from the first day of January falling not less than six months<br />

after notification of denunciation is received by the Danish Government.<br />

The denunciation of the Convention shall not affect rights acquired in<br />

virtue of the provisions thereof.<br />

Article 37<br />

On the coming into force of this Convention the following shall cease to have<br />

effect :<br />


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