Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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182 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 latter country's legislation respecting insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases subject to the same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of that country. Service on a ship flying the flag of a contracting country shall count as employment in such country. Nationals of one contracting country who are covered by the accident insurance legislation of another contracting country shall not be governed by the provisions of the said legislation that restrict entitlement to benefit in the case of persons who are not nationals of or permanently domiciled in the latter country. The provisions of the first and second paragraphs shall apply, mutatis mutandis, as regards benefits under accident compensation legislation other than the legislation mentioned above. Article 10 The provisions of Article 9 as to which country's legislation shall apply shall be subject to the following exceptions : (a) If a person is sent by an undertaking which has its principal place of business in one contracting country to work in another contracting country the legislation of the former country shall continue to apply during the first 12 months of residence in the latter country. If employment in the latter country exceeds such period the legislation of the former country may continue to apply by way of exception if and for such time as the competent authorities in the latter country so permit. (b) Travelling personnel employed by a land or air transport undertaking which operates in two or more contracting countries shall be covered by the legislation of the country in which the undertaking has its principal place of business : Provided that, if any such person is not domiciled in the latter country but in another contracting country and works for the undertaking in such other country the legislation of the other country shall apply. Corresponding rules shall apply in the case of persons employed in other activities that are directly co-ordinated on both sides of the frontier between two contracting countries. (c) If, while a ship registered in one contracting country is lying in another contracting country, persons are engaged in the latter country to load or unload the ship, carry out repairs or serve as watchmen on board, such persons shall be covered by the legislation of the latter country. (d) Officials employed by public administrative authorities (customs, post office, passport control, etc.) who are sent from one contracting country to another contracting country shall be covered by the legislation of the former country. No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitds 183 contractant, assujettis A la l6gislation de ce dernier pays relative l'assurance contre les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles, dans les mfmes conditions et conform~ment aux m~mes r~gles que les ressortissants de ce pays. Toute occupation exerc~e bord d'un navire battant pavilion de l'un des pays contractants sera assimil~e h un emploi exerc6 dans ce pays. Les ressortissants de l'un des pays contractants assujettis la l6gislation d'un autre pays contractant relative l'assurance contre les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles ne seront pas soumis aux dispositions de cette lgislation restreignant les droits des intress~s du fait qu'ils ne sont pas ressortissants de ce dernier pays ou qu'ils n'y ont pas leur domicile fixe. Les dispositions du premier et du deuxi~me paragraphe seront applicables par analogie en ce qui concerne les prestations accord~es en vertu d'une lgislation relative i la reparation des accidents autre que la lgislation mentionn~e cidessus. Article 10 Les dispositions de l'article 9 fixant les cas dans lesquels la lgislation d'un pays d6termin6 sera applicable feront l'objet des drogations ci-apr~s : a) si une personne est envoy~e par une entreprise ayant son si~ge d'exploitation principal dans l'un des pays contractants pour travailler dans un autre pays contractant, la l6gislation du pays cit6 en premier lieu continuera d'6tre applicable pendant les douze premiers mois de residence dans l'autre pays. Si l'emploi dans cet autre pays se prolonge au-deli de cette p6riode, la lgislation du pays cit6 en premier lieu pourra continuer d'6tre applicable a titre exceptionnel, avec le consentement des autorit~s comp~tentes de l'autre pays et pendant la dur~e pour laquelle l'autorisation aura 6t6 accord6e dans chaque cas particulier; b) le personnel ambulant au service d'une entreprise de transport par terre ou par air qui est occup6 dans plusieurs pays contractants sera assujetti la l6gislation du pays dans lequel l'entreprise a son si~ge d'exploitation principal. Toutefois, si l'int~ress6 n'est pas domicili6 dans le pays cit6 en dernier lieu mais dans un autre pays contractant et travaille pour 1'entreprise dans cet autre pays, la legislation de ce dernier pays sera applicable. Des dispositions correspondantes seront applicables dans le cas de personnes occup6es dans d'autres activit6s directement coordonn6es de chaque c6t6 de la fronti~re s~parant deux pays contractants; c) si un navire immatricul dans l'un des pays contractants relache dans un autre pays contractant et que des travailleurs soient engag6s dans ce dernier pays pour charger ou d6charger le navire, y effectuer des r6parations ou exercer un service de garde A bord, ces personnes seront assujetties A la legislation de ce pays; d) les fonctionnaires occup~s au service d'administrations publiques (douanes, postes, contr6le des passeports, etc.) qui sont envoy6s d'un pays contractant dans un autre pays contractant seront assujettis h la lgislation du pays cit6 en premier lieu. Vol. 254-13 No 3593

182 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

latter country's legislation respecting insurance against industrial accidents and<br />

occupational diseases subject to the same conditions and in accordance with the<br />

same rules as the nationals of that country. Service on a ship flying the flag of a<br />

contracting country shall count as employment in such country.<br />

Nationals of one contracting country who are covered by the accident<br />

insurance legislation of another contracting country shall not be governed by the<br />

provisions of the said legislation that restrict entitlement to benefit in the case of<br />

persons who are not nationals of or permanently domiciled in the latter country.<br />

The provisions of the first and second paragraphs shall apply, mutatis<br />

mutandis, as regards benefits under accident compensation legislation other than<br />

the legislation mentioned above.<br />

Article 10<br />

The provisions of Article 9 as to which country's legislation shall apply shall<br />

be subject to the following exceptions :<br />

(a) If a person is sent by an undertaking which has its principal place of<br />

business in one contracting country to work in another contracting country the<br />

legislation of the former country shall continue to apply during the first 12 months<br />

of residence in the latter country. If employment in the latter country exceeds<br />

such period the legislation of the former country may continue to apply by way of<br />

exception if and for such time as the competent authorities in the latter country<br />

so permit.<br />

(b) Travelling personnel employed by a land or air transport undertaking<br />

which operates in two or more contracting countries shall be covered by the<br />

legislation of the country in which the undertaking has its principal place of<br />

business : Provided that, if any such person is not domiciled in the latter country<br />

but in another contracting country and works for the undertaking in such other<br />

country the legislation of the other country shall apply.<br />

Corresponding rules shall apply in the case of persons employed in other<br />

activities that are directly co-ordinated on both sides of the frontier between two<br />

contracting countries.<br />

(c) If, while a ship registered in one contracting country is lying in another<br />

contracting country, persons are engaged in the latter country to load or unload<br />

the ship, carry out repairs or serve as watchmen on board, such persons shall be<br />

covered by the legislation of the latter country.<br />

(d) Officials employed by public administrative authorities (customs, post<br />

office, passport control, etc.) who are sent from one contracting country to another<br />

contracting country shall be covered by the legislation of the former country.<br />

No. 3593

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