Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection Vol. 254 - United Nations Treaty Collection

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178 United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such other country : if they have stayed in the latter country without interruption for five years or more immediately before applying for such pension, or if they have stayed in the latter country without interruption for at least one year immediately before applying for such pension and during such stay of one year or more have been physically and mentally capable of carrying on a normal occupation. Nationals of one contracting country who have a permanent domicile in another contracting country shall be entitled to prosthetic appliances and other aids and to medical care, training and rehabilitation subject to the same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of.such other country. Article 3 Nationals of one contracting country shall be entitled to a widow's pension and supplementary benefits and to benefits payable to widows and widowers with children in another contracting country subject to the same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such other country: if the deceased person had been resident in the latter country without interruption for at least five years immediately prior to his or her death or was in receipt of an invalidity pension (on condition in either case that at the time of the said person's death the survivor was domiciled in the country in question), or if the surviving spouse has been resident in the latter country without interruption for at least five years immediately before applying for such benefit. Article 4 Nationals of one contracting country shall be entitled to an old-age pension and supplementary benefits in another contracting country subject to the same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such other country, if they have been resident in the latter country without interruption for at least five years immediately before applying for an old-age pension. If such persons are receiving from the country of residence the benefits specified in Articles 2 and 3 they shall, regardless of the period of residence, receive instead axi old-age pension in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of the said country. Article 5 If in one contracting country other benefits in respect of reduced working capacity, survivors' benefits or old-age benefits are provided in lieu of or in addition to those specified in Articles 2 to 4 and the cost of such benefits is borne No. 3593

1956 Nations Unies - Recuei des Trait6s 179 suppl~mentaires du r6gime g6n6ral dars les mmes conditions et conform6ment aux m~mes r~gles que les ressortissants de cet autre pays : s'ils habitaient dans ce dernier pays depuis cinq ann~es cons~cutives au moins A la date du d6p6t de la demande de pension, ou s'ils habitaient dans ce dernier pays depuis une annie au moins sans interruption a la date du d~p6t de la demande de prestation et s'ils ont 6t6 physiquement et mentalement capables d'exercer une occupation normale pendant toute la dur~e de cette annie. Les ressortissants de 'un des pays contractants qui poss~dent un domicile permanent dans un autre pays contractant auront droit aux proth~ses et autres fournitures et pourront b6n~ficier des soins aux malades ainsi que de la formation et de la r6ducation professionnelles dans les mmes conditions et conform~ment aux m~mes r~gles que les ressortissants de cet autre pays. Article 3 Les ressortissants de l'un des pays contractants s6journant dans un autre pays contractant auront droit A une pension de veuve du regime g~n6ral, accompagn~e des prestations suppl~mentaires et de l'allocation de veuve et de veuf avec enfants dans les m6mes conditions et conform~ment aux mmes r~gles que les ressortissants de cet autre pays : si le d~funt r6sidait dans ce dernier pays depuis au moins cinq ann6es cons~cutives a la date du d6c~s ou b6n~ficiait d'une pension d'invalidit6, A condition que le survivant ait 6t6 domicili6 dans le pays en question h la date du d~c~s de l'int6ress6; si le conjoint survivant r~sidait lui-mrme dans ce dernier pays depuis au moins cinq ann~es cons6cutives 6 la date du d~p6t de la demande. Article 4 Les ressortissants de Fun des pays contractants s~journant dans un autre pays contractant auront droit une pension de vieillesse du r6gime g6n~ral, accompagn~e des prestations suppl~mentaires, dans les m6mes conditions et conform~ment aux m~mes r~gles que les ressortissants de cet autre pays s'ils r~sidaient dans ce dernier pays depuis cinq annes cons~cutives au moins h la date du d6p6t de la demande de pension de vieillesse. Si ces personnes recoivent du pays de residence les prestations pr~vues aux articles 2 et 3, elles b~n~ficieront, quelle que soit la dur~e de la p6riode de r~sidence, d'une pension de vieillesse conform~ment aux m~mes r~gles que les ressortissants dudit pays. Article 5 Si l'un des pays contractants accorde d'autres prestations au titre de la r~duction de la capacit6 de travail ou d'autres prestations de survivants ou de vieillesse au lieu ou en sus de celles qui sont pr~vues aux articles 2 a 4 et que NO 3593

178 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> Series 1956<br />

same conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such<br />

other country :<br />

if they have stayed in the latter country without interruption for five years or<br />

more immediately before applying for such pension, or<br />

if they have stayed in the latter country without interruption for at least one<br />

year immediately before applying for such pension and during such stay of one<br />

year or more have been physically and mentally capable of carrying on a normal<br />

occupation.<br />

Nationals of one contracting country who have a permanent domicile in<br />

another contracting country shall be entitled to prosthetic appliances and other<br />

aids and to medical care, training and rehabilitation subject to the same conditions<br />

and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of.such other country.<br />

Article 3<br />

Nationals of one contracting country shall be entitled to a widow's pension<br />

and supplementary benefits and to benefits payable to widows and widowers<br />

with children in another contracting country subject to the same conditions and in<br />

accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such other country:<br />

if the deceased person had been resident in the latter country without<br />

interruption for at least five years immediately prior to his or her death or was in<br />

receipt of an invalidity pension (on condition in either case that at the time of the<br />

said person's death the survivor was domiciled in the country in question), or<br />

if the surviving spouse has been resident in the latter country without<br />

interruption for at least five years immediately before applying for such benefit.<br />

Article 4<br />

Nationals of one contracting country shall be entitled to an old-age pension<br />

and supplementary benefits in another contracting country subject to the same<br />

conditions and in accordance with the same rules as the nationals of such other<br />

country, if they have been resident in the latter country without interruption for<br />

at least five years immediately before applying for an old-age pension.<br />

If such persons are receiving from the country of residence the benefits<br />

specified in Articles 2 and 3 they shall, regardless of the period of residence,<br />

receive instead axi old-age pension in accordance with the same rules as the<br />

nationals of the said country.<br />

Article 5<br />

If in one contracting country other benefits in respect of reduced working<br />

capacity, survivors' benefits or old-age benefits are provided in lieu of or in<br />

addition to those specified in Articles 2 to 4 and the cost of such benefits is borne<br />

No. 3593

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