Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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only government represented by FH's Washington<br />

office.<br />

An in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt source shared with TDN the way<br />

FH showed up before the ~urkish int~ragency com7<br />

mission when the five finalist comparues were called<br />

to Ankara this past March for the final pitches. Some<br />

companies sent two representatives. Some sent four.<br />

FH flew to Ankara with eight reps, armed with pre.<br />

sentation packages, and sli<strong>de</strong> shows. They created a<br />

favorable frrst impression that lasted.<br />

Buckmaster makes it clear that, <strong>de</strong>spite the media.<br />

vacuum that Turkey found itself in the past, "measuring<br />

success by news courage in Washington is not a<br />

healthy way to measure success." Press coverage is<br />

only a part of an ongoing long-term educational<br />

effort, he explains.<br />

There won't be any quick overnight solution on the<br />

press coverage front, he implies. When asked to name<br />

any specific programs plànned to counteract the<br />

media silence of the past years, Buckmaster sufficed<br />

to say that they work closely with the Turkish<br />

embassy and will continue to work tirelessly on the<br />

media. On the recent Colman McCarthy article in the<br />

Washington Post, for example, which <strong>de</strong>picted the<br />

Ciller government as a "brutal regime" on the basis of<br />

the testimony of Kathryn Porter, he said an immediate<br />

resp~msewas prepared noting the many errors that the<br />

artIcle contained.<br />

I know that the office of the Turkish press attache<br />

also frred off a response to the Post, as well as the<br />

American Turkish Council. None of their responses<br />

were published. A l<strong>et</strong>ter from the Greek press attache<br />

was published though, <strong>de</strong>crying Macedonian intransigence.<br />

That is, I could not g<strong>et</strong> a clear sense of how<br />

such media barriers would be tackled but I felt that<br />

the approach would be to educate the American public<br />

patIently and win the media over by persuasion. I<br />

can 't help but pray that such a rational approach<br />

would in<strong>de</strong>ed work in this toWn where the dominant<br />

liberal press usually don't take any Turkish prisoners.<br />

Working closely with Buckmaster on the Turkish<br />

account is FH Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Selim Bingöl, a Turkish<br />

American PR professionalborn to a Turkish father<br />

and American mother. Having lived both in Turkey<br />

Gamk - 20-21 .uin 1994<br />


and the U.S. dunng his youth has given Mr. Bingöl<br />

the multicultural perspective necessary to address the<br />

Turkish media needs.<br />

FH seems flexible enough to provi<strong>de</strong> a spectrum of<br />

related services when called upon by the Turkish<br />

Embassy. Most recently, they co-hosted a portion of<br />

the U.S. visit of the Turkish Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary of Energy<br />

and NJtural resources. Again, during Prime Minister<br />

Çiller's private visitto U.S. last month, FH arranged<br />

her appearance on CNN in Boston.<br />

"We are committed to two things," Buckmaster<br />

emphasizes: "To provi<strong>de</strong> real advocacy to the Turkish<br />

Embassy on a daily basis. And to keep in mind the<br />

long view, to make sure that Turkey is affor<strong>de</strong>d the<br />

resoect it <strong>de</strong>serves from much of the world community.'~<br />


Heishman-Hillard (FH) received the highest ranking<br />

in recent years from a respected industry source,<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> PR , "the magazine of reputation management."<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> PR's 1993 agency report card listed<br />

FH's Washington office as the top agency in the<br />

whole nation. FH's St. Louis headquarters was also<br />

among the top five agencies.<br />

FH was the only agency to be ranked fITStor second<br />

worldwi<strong>de</strong> in five consecutive Insi<strong>de</strong> PR surveys<br />

conducted b<strong>et</strong>ween 1989 and 1993. For comparison,<br />

Hill & Knowlton (HK), for example, who held<br />

the Turkish account for a number of years, ranked<br />

seventh in 1989 and was not even ranked by the<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> PR magazine in the top ten since then. The<br />

ma~azine's fax poll conducted in 1993 among 1,000<br />

semor PR and mark<strong>et</strong>ing executives, plus 20 personal<br />

interviews with clients of each agency, produced the<br />

following result in different areas:<br />

In terms of Strategic Thinking, FH ranked first<br />

among the PR a~encies. (HK ranked fourth.) In<br />

Creativity, FH slipped back to fourth but still did<br />

much b<strong>et</strong>ter than HK's 14th. In terms of TaIent (i.e.<br />

reputation for quality personnel), PK was rated frrst.<br />

(HK was not among the top sixteen.) FK's Work<br />

Environment was again ranked fITSt( HK was ranked<br />

sixteenth).<br />

Vague d'attentats à Istanbul<br />

Alors que les autorités militaires<br />

turques annoncent avec une<br />

assurance croissante la fin prochaine<br />

du PKK, Istanbul connaît<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis une semaine une vague q'attentats<br />

à la bombe non revendiqués mais<br />

attribués par la police au PKK. Un regain<br />

d'activité terroriste qui ne <strong>de</strong>vrait pour<br />

autant pas inquiéter outre masure les<br />

militaires turcs, qui n'ont eu <strong>de</strong> cesse<br />

d'attribuer les opérations urbaines <strong>de</strong>s<br />

rebelles à une érosion <strong>de</strong> leurs forces<br />

dans leur terrain d'action traditionnel, le<br />

sud-est anatolien. Pour le PKK au<br />

contraire, dont le lea<strong>de</strong>r avait promis l'an<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnier une série d'actions armées dans<br />

les villes, visant essentiellement les<br />

cibles touristiqu..e.,il s'agit d'un change.-<br />

ment <strong>de</strong> stratégie, qui ne signifie<br />

d'ailleurs aucunement "abandon <strong>de</strong> la<br />

guérilla au Kurdistan turc.<br />

Pourtant, les attentats sont dirigés<br />

c<strong>et</strong>te fois contre <strong>de</strong>s lieux publics <strong>et</strong><br />

non <strong>de</strong>s sites touristiques, ce qui, à<br />

l'approche <strong>de</strong> l'été, n'est d'ailleurs pas<br />

vraiment contradictoire. Alors que la saison<br />

touristique commence, ou <strong>de</strong>vrait<br />

commencer, ces attentats risquent<br />

d'avoir <strong>de</strong>s inci<strong>de</strong>nces tout aussi dissuasives<br />

sur les touristes <strong>et</strong> tout autant porter<br />

préjudice à l'industrie touristique<br />

turque déjà en difficultés en raison <strong>de</strong>s<br />

menaces proférées par le PKK.<br />

Cinq attentats,. dont <strong>de</strong>ux ont<br />

pu être évités <strong>de</strong> justesse, ont été ainsi<br />

enregistrés à Istanbul <strong>de</strong>puis une dizaine<br />

<strong>de</strong> jours. Six personnes ont été blessées<br />

par l'explosion d'une bombe ce<br />

jour-là sur un bateau assurant la <strong>liaison</strong><br />

entre les rives asiatiques <strong>et</strong> européennes<br />

<strong>de</strong> la ville. Mardi <strong>de</strong>rnier, le chauffeur<br />

d'un autobus, alerté par <strong>de</strong>s passagers,<br />

a pu j<strong>et</strong>er <strong>de</strong>hors un paqu<strong>et</strong> suspect<br />

avant l'explosion <strong>de</strong> la bombe qui se<br />

trouvait <strong>de</strong> dans. Même scénario jeudi<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnier, quand les responsables d'une<br />

compagnie <strong>de</strong> bus ont refusé <strong>de</strong> charger<br />

sur un autocar une valise abandonnée<br />

par <strong>de</strong>ux passagers. Ils ont été bien àvisés:<br />

l'engin qu'elle contenait a explosé<br />

dans le dépôt <strong>de</strong> la compagnie sans .faire<br />

<strong>de</strong> victimes. Samedi, c'est encore les<br />


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