Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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MPs have been charged with a concr<strong>et</strong>e<br />

crime, The prosecution of the<br />

DEP and the closure of the party<br />

were not the result of crimes accepted<br />

by Western <strong>de</strong>mocracies but<br />

crimes of opinion, in the shape of<br />

(WO speeches ma<strong>de</strong> by a former<br />

chainnan and a statement issued by<br />

. the party last year. On S~tu!day,<br />

newspapers reported the begmrnng of<br />

tensIOn b<strong>et</strong>ween Cindoruk and<br />

Demiral with the fanner saying the<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties could not be touched until<br />

the <strong>de</strong>tailed verdict came out, and the<br />

latter challenging him by saying:<br />

'That is his personal opinion."<br />

The same day, Cindoruk appeared<br />

on television and publicly warned<br />

Demiral that if he failed to respect<br />

the Padiament speaker and the country's<br />

electedbody of representatives,<br />

he would take steps for legal action<br />

againstth1! proseéùtor.! Oh5liri'day;<br />

Cindoruk went even further and, in a<br />

statement to the mass ~irculation .<br />

daily Hürriy<strong>et</strong>, ,compiained that<br />

Turkey was always the object of criticism<br />

because of remarks ma<strong>de</strong> by<br />

Demiral. .<br />

. "It is always Demiral's remarks<br />

which are put before us," Cindoruk<br />

said. "In the talks we have and in<br />

bilateral talks ... these remarks are<br />

always being quoted .. In his indictments,<br />

he <strong>de</strong>mands the <strong>de</strong>ath sen-<br />

. tence ... There are claims that he is<br />

prejudiced. We talk about the in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of the judiciary but. we<br />

have problems in explaining all this."<br />

Cindoruk also noted that because<br />

of Demiral's behaviour, he receives<br />

l<strong>et</strong>ters from all over the world, to<br />

which he had to reply. "But when we<br />

come face to face, I have problems in<br />

explaining," he said.<br />

Demiral is the chief republican<br />

prosecutor of the Ankara State<br />

Security Court (DGM) and has a<br />

record of filing cases against journal-<br />

By UgurÀklncl<br />

Turkish Daily Ne»'s<br />

WASHINGTON- When Prime Minister Tansu<br />

ÇiIler visited Washington last year she blew into town<br />

likea celebrity. After all, she was the first female<br />

prime minister Turkey ever had. She was young,<br />

beautiful, had fluent English and could communicate<br />

Turkey's stand with an ease and flair that won over<br />

audiences wherever she went.<br />

But when she left the United States Çiller was not<br />

. in good mood. It wasn't the Washin~ton weather. It<br />

wasn't her talks with Washington's high and mighty.<br />

It was the fact that she received zero coverage from<br />

the U.S. media. Even wining and dining the heavyweights<br />

of U.S. press and TV at the.prestigious Blair<br />

House ap~arently did not help an !ota. R~liable<br />

sautees claIm that was the day when Çiller <strong>de</strong>cI<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

strap Turkey's all existing public relations account in<br />

Washington and start anew. Out went the old boys. In<br />

came the new boys. Fleishman and Hillard is one of<br />

them.<br />

Fleishman and Hillard (FH)'s Washington office is<br />

one of 14 in North America. It is housed in a <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>dly<br />

inconspicuous, but centrally located, eight-floor<br />

building in downtown Washington, perfectly reflecting<br />

the company's low-profile but focused approach<br />

to the business at hand.<br />

: Tom Buckmaster, the affable senior vice presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

- and partner - of the corporation, heads the public<br />

affairs <strong>de</strong>partment which is responsible for the<br />

Turkish account. A world-travelled man and an archeology<br />

buff who says he fell head over heels for<br />

Istanbul, Buckmaster comes aCrOSSas a seasoned profession-al<br />

who would rather steer away from the<br />

treacherous rapids of short-tenn tactics and sail for<br />

the sound waters of general strategy.<br />

His enthusiasm and belief in his lang-tenn strategic<br />

vision comes across loud and strong. "Turkey is a<br />

critical pillar of <strong>de</strong>mocracy and economic <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

in the region in this new multipolar world," he<br />

says. "Turkey's crucial role as a <strong>de</strong>pendable partner<br />

of the U.S. and a secular <strong>de</strong>mocracy must be recognjzed<br />

by all Americans most of whom know very little<br />

about Turkey," he continues. "Turkey's sacrifices<br />

after the Gulf War in such a tough neighborhood still<br />

continue,"<br />

ists,writers and publishers -'- äJwâys<br />

<strong>de</strong>manding the maximum punishment.<br />

.<br />

. Last year, in one speech he ma<strong>de</strong>,'<br />

the prosecutor implied he possessep<br />

.infannation relatmg to' top Turkish<br />

officials, and referred to "all of those<br />

files in my hands." He has been the .<br />

DGM prosecutor since the courts<br />

were flfSt established to look into<br />

"crimes éoiriiÎÏitted agaiiist th'1state.;'"<br />

- There is general belief in Turkey<br />

and among civil rights groups mornl~ring,<br />

th~ <strong>de</strong>t~riorating human ri~hts<br />

SItuatIon In this country that DeIDIral<br />

enjoys the support of the military<br />

and that this is the reason why it he<br />

cannot be transferred from hIS current<br />

post.<br />

Most of the cases launched by<br />

Demiral over the pasttwo years have<br />

led to international critIcism and<br />

appear to have harmed Turkey' s<br />

overalliong-tenn interests and credibility<br />

abroad.<br />

But in way everybody pays lip service these days to<br />

"Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy," "Turkey's crucial role in the<br />

. region" <strong>et</strong>c. Those generalities in themselves do not<br />

of courseexplain why Turkey has .chosen FH over<br />

other comp<strong>et</strong>Itors to handle its media relations, When<br />

I ask Buckmaster the reason why they've won the<br />

account, he flashes his wann smile and pauses for a<br />

beat before answering. He boils it down to four factors:<br />

"I think we won the Turkish account because of<br />

I) Our energy<br />

2) Our intellectual engagement,<br />

3) Our commitment to maintaining focus on advocacy,and<br />

4) Our very strong emphasis on client service."<br />

Having the WI<strong>de</strong> breadth of talent profile that the 50<br />

year old company can tap into from among its 800<br />

employees of course does not hurt either.<br />

"We have human rights specialists, fonner State<br />

Department experts, writers, data base specialist$;<br />

New York media specialists, financial experts ... you<br />

name it, working for us. Currently we have 10 staff<br />

members working exclusively on the Turkish account<br />

here in Washington and in New York," Buckmaster<br />

says,<br />

At $525,000 a, quarter - all fees and expenses<br />

including - Turkey seems to have chosen the right<br />

top-rated agency for image building and spin control.<br />

That kind of concentration on client service and<br />

aggressive advocacy has apparently served FH's<br />

Washington office well when they started out in 1985<br />

with a staff of 4 and ballooned.in nine years to its present<br />

size of 105 staff and annual billing of over $11<br />

.million.<br />

. The industry magazine Insi<strong>de</strong> PR , <strong>de</strong>scribes the<br />

Washington office as "the office other PR finns do<br />

not want to compl<strong>et</strong>e with the most."<br />

Currently, the St. Louis, Missouri headquartered<br />

.company is the largest nonpublic company of its kind<br />

in the world, consistently earning highest ranking<br />

from its peers (see the SI<strong>de</strong>bar). Anheuser Busch,<br />

Mastercard, Caterpillar, Honda, Novell and American<br />

Plastics Council are among the other clients represented<br />

by FH. Past governmental accounts inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

Spain, Puerto Rico, China and Mexico. Turkey is the

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