Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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62<br />

. Why don't you' all move to, l<strong>et</strong>'s say Iraq - or Albania ~<br />

where you 'would feel more athome with the laWs. God, had<br />

that Wall not collapsed, you.could have been so powerful and<br />

happy lip in Derzinsky SquâJ~! . .<br />

. No, you did not hear what I said and you had to make up a<br />

story, som<strong>et</strong>hing so powerful that you seriously believed this<br />

was my "end." You had to spread unconfinned reports from<br />

xour untrustworthy sources and you had to call your <strong>de</strong>voted<br />

'allies" in the press, one by one; tellingthem what to write.<br />

Absent-min<strong>de</strong>dly though, you also sent an "open cable" back<br />

home, i<strong>de</strong>ntifying your "source," in Congress. r<strong>de</strong>ntifyi~& your<br />

"Turkish embassy source" in "the Congress of the united<br />

States." . ....<br />

Iknow him by n~e and WIthholdthat Inf0T,latlOn. But.was<br />

it not clumsy to say In that cable that he was a congressIOnal<br />

staffer of Turkish origin" only months after a Turkish paper<br />

there boasted that there was only one "~ongr~ssional staffe~ of<br />

Turkish origin?" And, someone who IS saId to be working<br />

mainly against Anneni~ intere.sts. , "<br />

How could you do this, I stIll don t un<strong>de</strong>rstand. And, whe.n<br />

you were filing those three "secr<strong>et</strong>" reports on me, you sent this<br />

one as an open cable? "<br />

" And what about that parting comment saying that your "same<br />

source" was not able to obtain further mformatlOn on my<br />

whereabouts or plans in the United States?<br />

Is there any intelligence in even implYÎ~gon the recor~ that a<br />

m~mber of !he ~ongressional staff, working, for a co~~tJtue~cy<br />

WIthAnneman Influence, could actually be Involved In actIVIties<br />

beyorid his official capacity.'~ " . .<br />

Just think of what trouble you have .now created. Think of<br />

this Democrat congressman working towards the November<br />

elections àgainst fiis Republican opponent. How cou,ld he<br />

explain it? And, think of those Democrats who are now gOIngto<br />

s~much trouble to cover up for this blun<strong>de</strong>r - yours to be precIse.<br />

.<br />

What good have you done to this "source?"<br />

In fact~I don't iliink even his own Congressman would ever<br />

believe hiin again if he knew also how his own staffe~ was<br />

"making up" information regarding an off-the~record me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

We love shooting ourselves in the foot, don't we?<br />

***<br />

There are some creepy peoplearound who are missing those<br />

"good-old Cold War days."13ut there's no lack of the same<br />

m~dd~hat about those allies you have used within the press? "<br />

If only we still had. that Cold War, and if. only you were III<br />

Moscow, so much fictIOncould have been w!ltt~n. :<br />

Just look at thein! One spends most of his time braggmg of<br />

howhis father used to be doing i~tellige~c~ work, how ne liim-<br />

.self went "through counter-guemlla trammg and ,~ow he .ha,~<br />

" ma<strong>de</strong> sure that I WIn be <strong>de</strong>alt WIth<br />

back in Turkey. A man with many<br />

dark connections. Had he not been a.<br />

citizen of US-ally, NATO-member<br />

Turkey, he would have~n some

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