Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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../i~/ Iraqi affairs<br />

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UilitedNatfô1zs plans to s<strong>et</strong> up new<br />

export-impQrt monitoringfor Iraq<br />

Reuters<br />

UNn:ED NATIONS- U.N. disannament<br />

offIciaIs said they were<br />

s<strong>et</strong>ting up a complicated exportimport<br />

plan to make sure ~ does<br />

not rebuild its waf machine once<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions are lifted.<br />

Rolf Ekeus, director of the U.N..<br />

Special Commission in charge of<br />

dIsmantling Iraq' s weapons of<br />

mass <strong>de</strong>struction, told reporters<br />

that thescbeme would eventually<br />

require aU U.N. members.tolist<br />

items bought or sold to Iraq that<br />

could be used to rebuild its military<br />

industry. .• •.•.<br />

Because some of the tools,<br />

chemicals or other <strong>de</strong>vices can be<br />

used for industrial purposes. also,<br />

. Ekeus said his cömmission would<br />

want a list of anything sold to Iraq<br />

so inspectors could monitor them.<br />

Although Iraq has been un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

sanctions since August 1990,<br />

Ekeus has been s<strong>et</strong>ting up longterm<br />

monitoring plans in tI:ie event<br />

sanctions are eventually lifted.<br />

Without the plans, the Security<br />

Council will not consi<strong>de</strong>r easing<br />

the embargo. The plan was the<br />

main topic of diSCUSSIOnlast week:end<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Ekeus and ~offi-<br />

. dais wh() 11l<strong>et</strong> in the Jordaniancapita!<br />

of Amman. .<<br />

Ekeus told Reuters that the commissiol);)Vould<br />

also seek the ability<br />

to moni.IDr goods at bor<strong>de</strong>rs, sùch<br />

as tp.e/one b<strong>et</strong>ween Iraq and<br />

Jordan, or airports if there was a<br />

special reason to do so.<br />

''But Idon't expect that we will<br />

be systematically sitting at bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

or entry posts, "he said.<br />

Iraq s reaction was cool, diplomats<br />

said. Ekeus said Baghdad<br />

"had a number of concerns but<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstands what and why we are<br />

doing it"Un<strong>de</strong>r al991 Gulf War<br />

cease-fÏre.resolution. exports from<br />

Iraq. such as oil, can be lifted once<br />

Ekel1sjssatisfied weapons have<br />

beell<strong>de</strong>stroyed and the long-term<br />

monitoring prosram is put in place.<br />

The momtonng plan is the last<br />

major disarmament project before<br />

the Security Council can consi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

l.iftipg oil sanctions against Iraq.<br />

Ankara to continue efforts for summit<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Talabani and Barzani in Turkey<br />

community to pressure it to stop. The<br />

PUK lea<strong>de</strong>r sald the Kurdish regional<br />

govel!lment should remain in power<br />

but hinted that some ministers should<br />

be changed and portfolios given to<br />

Arat c.<br />

"A serious reconsi<strong>de</strong>ration of the<br />

whole working program in the area<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs welcome cease.fire agreement ma<strong>de</strong> in Silopi should be conducted by the PUK, the<br />

ANKARA-<br />

TDN with Wire Dispatches.<br />

As Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs on Tuesday wel- sald, and confmned<br />

KDP and the Iraqi National Congress<br />

to adopt a new policy that would reinthat<br />

the Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r would fly to force stability and <strong>de</strong>mocracy,"<br />

corned an agreement they say will end a bloody con- Irbil in a Turkish helicopter when the date was s<strong>et</strong>. Talabani said there ',\'as no need to<br />

frontation b<strong>et</strong>ween rival Kurds in northern Iraq, Ankara A spokesman for the Kurdist,an Democratic Party push fo~ new elections as polls would<br />

<strong>de</strong>clared that it was going to continue efforts for a new (!illP), led by Massoud Barzam, said the agreement be held m.1uly, ] 9~5,<br />

summit. SIgned by .PU~ and KDP lea<strong>de</strong>rs ID the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r ,He praIsed Syna and Turkey and<br />

"A me<strong>et</strong>in~ b<strong>et</strong>ween northern Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs town of. Sllopl was holding, "We hop,e that aH differ- saId they "were good mediators who<br />

Ialal Talabaru and Massoud Barzani can be realized in ences wlll be solved through dialogue, 'he ad<strong>de</strong>d. wanted to put an end to ti£htin£" hut<br />

Turkey if both<br />

spokesman Ferhat<br />

si<strong>de</strong>s agree," Foreign<br />

Ataman said, He ad<strong>de</strong>d<br />

Ministry<br />

that Ankara<br />

I7evious tru~e agreements<br />

whIch has claImed several<br />

have failed to halt fighting<br />

hundred lives in parts of<br />

he accused Iran of "interfering to sup-<br />

port the revolu~onary Hizbollab party<br />

was in favor of such a summit and advised both si<strong>de</strong>s to<br />

f h lk I h h d h<br />

come tog<strong>et</strong>her or t e ta s, a t oug no ate as y<strong>et</strong><br />

been s<strong>et</strong> for the me<strong>et</strong>ing,<br />

Talabani, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Patriotic Union of<br />

Kurdistan (PUK), <strong>de</strong>scribed the agreement reached in<br />

nortllern Iraq. A U.N, ottlclal III<br />

Baghdad said on Monday that fighting<br />

had spread to Irbil, the regional capital<br />

d f th K d' h P I'<br />

an seat 0, e. ur IS ar lament, for<br />

the first tune smce the clashes began<br />

on May 1. Nort,hern Iraq has be,en<br />

and the IslamIC movement in Iraqi<br />

Kurdistan."<br />

A PUK statement later said that Iran<br />

I hId<br />

a so e pe the KDP, "Iran provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

bad:up troops and artillery observers,<br />

~rtlllery shellings, rock<strong>et</strong> launchers,<br />

Turkey on Monday as one "not only to put an end to u,n<strong>de</strong>r the protection of Western allies lIght weapons, ammunition, military<br />

fighting but to r<strong>et</strong>urn things to normal," SInce the Gulf War and the PUK and experts and food supplies," it ad<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

Talabani said he was r<strong>et</strong>urning to northern Iraq within KDP have shared control of the area It urged the international communithe<br />

next two days through Turkey and that he would since Iraq's <strong>de</strong>feat in 1991. Tur~~h- ty "to 'put pressure on .the Islamic<br />

me<strong>et</strong> with Barzani "to reinforce the areement." based planes of the U,S,-led coalitIon Republic of Ir,an to stop Interfering in<br />

Talabani, who has been in Syria SInce the latest flare<br />

up, told Reuters he had been unable to go back earlier as<br />

patrol northern Iraq to <strong>de</strong>ter attacks by<br />

the Baghdad government.<br />

the domestIc<br />

Kurclistan,"<br />

affaIrS of Iraqi<br />

his security was not guaranteed, "The situation now is Talabani's PUK accused neighbor- He said he un<strong>de</strong>rstood Turkish senclifferen~,"<br />

he said, Ataman co~mned that efforts were<br />

contmumg to enable Talabam to reach Irbll through<br />

Turkey, "We have agreed to his request in principle," he<br />

i~g,Iran of fuelling the conflict by pro-<br />

Vldmg weapons and support to nval<br />

factions and urged the international<br />

sitivities toward<br />

WIth the outlawed<br />

Party (PKK),<br />

Kurdish<br />

Kurdistan<br />

relations<br />

Workers'<br />


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