Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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106<br />

be called a terrorist?"<br />

Aydar claimed that in todais Turkey no one<br />

openly expressing his i<strong>de</strong>ntIty as a Kurd had<br />

the chance of opening the doors of the state.<br />

"Th~ only doors of the state open to the Kurds<br />

are those of courts and prisons," he said. .<br />

He argued that they did not want anyone to<br />

die but that a dialogue and <strong>de</strong>bate was necessary<br />

for a peaceful solution to the dispute.<br />

He ad<strong>de</strong>d, however, that "as long as Turkey<br />

f~els i~self powerf~l and as long as the West<br />

gives I.t weapons, a peaceful solution was<br />

Impossible.<br />

Aydar called for a full arms embargo to be<br />

imposed in Turkey and was hailed by Lord<br />

A vebul)' ~ho said this was a priority issue in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to bnng peace to the conflict.<br />

More attacks<br />

DEP's Aydar also claimed that as of August<br />

and September, Turkey would increase its<br />

attacks OQ civilian Kurds owing to the reshuffle<br />

which will take in the top liierarchy of the<br />

Turkish Armed Forces. He recalled that the<br />

current Chief of Staff had promised to end the<br />

problem before his r<strong>et</strong>irement but had failed to<br />

âo so. "The comman<strong>de</strong>rs who come to power,<br />

at the end of August," he said, "will see it as<br />

thèir flfst task to prove themselves."<br />

"The <strong>de</strong>puty claimed that unless the situation<br />

could be prevented, there would be fullfledged<br />

genoci<strong>de</strong> in the Southeast and said he<br />

feared that soon the world could come face to<br />

fac~ with a "Rwanda-style massacre" in the<br />

region.<br />

Aydar said the Kurdish people were in a diffi~ult<br />

situation and required thehelp of a<br />

fnendly hand. "I want tbe British people to<br />

show the s~me support that they did to the<br />

ANC prevIOusly,' he said. "We should<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand a compl<strong>et</strong>e arms embargo on Turkey<br />

until the conflict is over." .<br />

Other participants in the high-toned me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

in support of DEP inclu<strong>de</strong>d Brenda Nixon, of<br />

the y.;omen Against Pit Closures, who gave a<br />

<strong>de</strong>taIled account of what she said was her own<br />

"horrible experience" in Turkey. ...<br />

Famous Turkish writer Vedat Turkali was<br />

also among the s~akers and stressed that he<br />

supported the Kurdish people and believed that<br />

"tlIe Turkish people will be freed only when<br />

the Kurdish people are freed." , .<br />

He said it was a shame for the .Tùrkish government<br />

to b!l" the DEP and arrest its <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

Tbe ~e<strong>et</strong>Ing .was organized as part of an<br />

overall InterI}atlonal campaign tbe DEP bas<br />

tauncped:-pnor to nexnveek'-s trial 'of its<br />

<strong>de</strong>putle,s Il! Ankara .. A Sta.te. S,~curity çourt<br />

prosecutor IS <strong>de</strong>manding the <strong>de</strong>ath sentence for'<br />

all the accus~ <strong>de</strong>puties on grounds that they<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> subversIve speeches. '<br />

European HR Commission seeks<br />

infonnation on pro-Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

.ANKARA- The European Human<br />

Rights Commission has <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

ask for information from Turkey<br />

abQut the six <strong>de</strong>puties - five<br />

Democracy Party (DEP) and one<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt - who have been<br />

<strong>de</strong>tained pending their trial.<br />

A group of European lawyers, led<br />

by former French Foreign Minister<br />

Roland Dumas, applied to the com-<br />

~s~ion last month claiming that the<br />

hftmg of the <strong>de</strong>puties' immunity<br />

Çiller's fight for privatization proves fruitless<br />

TDN Parliament Bureau<br />

ANKARA- Prime Minister Tansu<br />

Çi~er'.s h?pes.of rapid progress on the<br />

pnvatIzatlon Issue have been dashed<br />

again. '<br />

The Constitutional Court has<br />

annulled two I>rivatization laws in the<br />

past year and Çiller has been trying to<br />

g,<strong>et</strong> the program through for the third<br />

time but due to the lack of a quorum<br />

Parliament on Friday failed to vote on<br />

the draft bill. Many DYP<strong>de</strong>puties<br />

oppose privatization and support the<br />

~Iliance, formed by the .main opposition<br />

Motherland Party (ANAP) and the<br />

pro-Islamic Welfare Party (RP), to<br />

~bstruct th~ passage of the privatization<br />

draft bill by not attending parliamentary<br />

sessions. Ç1l1er is now faced<br />

with another disappointment. Last<br />

year, Çiller's coalition government<br />

passed an authorization law In<br />

Parlia~ent to privatize some State<br />

Enterpnses (SEE). Based on this law<br />

the government issued <strong>de</strong>crees to start<br />

the I>rivatization procedures. However<br />

the C.?nstitutional Court, at t!1e request<br />

of Mumtaz Soysal, now foreign mmister,<br />

annulled both the authorization bill<br />

and the subsequent <strong>de</strong>crees. Last<br />

April, the government tried again but<br />

With the same result, the annulment of<br />

the law and the <strong>de</strong>crees this time at<br />

ANAP's request. The co~rt ruled thàt<br />

.Parliament must flfSt establish a legal<br />

framework for the proposed legislation.<br />

:<br />

Çiller placed a lot of emphasis on<br />

changes ID the tax legislation which<br />

c~~tltute. the cor, 6{ the,.(\priI 5 ecollOmiC<br />

atisteiity' pa\:bgè': When she<br />

facttl problems in pâssing the changes<br />

In tax laws, sh~ sought Soysal's views<br />

on the preparatIon of a new authoriza-<br />

and their <strong>de</strong>tention were human<br />

rights violations.<br />

Meanwhile, diplomatic sources<br />

ch~racterized the commission' s<br />

qui~k <strong>de</strong>cision as be~ng meaningful,<br />

saYIng every month It receives hundreds<br />

of files from European<br />

Council member countries.<br />

The commission also <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>dto<br />

revie~ the 'complaint of a Turkish<br />

first heu tenant who was dismissed<br />

from the Army dOe to his fundamentalist<br />

activities.<br />

t~on law prop

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