Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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46<br />

Senate passes the Foreign Aid Bill<br />

,<br />

Le Figaro - 16 juill<strong>et</strong> 1994<br />


Next stop for H.R. 4426 is the Conference Committee .65 morts -<br />

en <strong>de</strong>ux jours<br />

By U~urAkmtl<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

~ o Soixante-cinq personnes<br />

WASHINGTON- The U.S. 0\ (cinquante-<strong>de</strong>ux rebelles ,.<br />

......<br />

Senate passed on Friday, 84-9, the<br />

k.u.rd.es.<strong>et</strong> treize s.oldats) ont<br />

Foreign Aid Bill H.R. 4426 which . eo. .été tuees <strong>de</strong>puis mercredi<br />

..... . ~ans "est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anato- ,<br />

allocates $364,500,000 of direct<br />

loans to Turkey. The bill will provi<strong>de</strong> ~ hens lors d'accrochages entre<br />

~<br />

forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>et</strong> militants du<br />

a total of $13.7 billion in aid to for- P.arti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kureißn<br />

countries - an amount $632 ~ dlstan (p.KK. séparatiste), a-tmIllion<br />

less than what's proposed in<br />

~<br />

on appris <strong>de</strong> sources oHi-<br />

c::<br />

the 1994 U.S. budg<strong>et</strong>. Turkey's share<br />

clelles.<br />

represents 2.7 percent of thIS year's<br />

:@.<br />

total U.S. foreign aid and is about 25<br />

percent less than<br />

received last year.<br />

what Turkey<br />

The Senate draft of the bill has ,<br />

eliminated a sentence that required a<br />

7-to-1O ratio in aid to Greece and<br />

Turkey. But Greece is nevertheless<br />

given $255,150,000- which is<br />

Jirance-Soir<br />

16 juill<strong>et</strong> 1994<br />

e.xactlJ 70 !tercent of the aid earmarke<br />

for urkey.<br />

Senators also toneddown. the language<br />

introduced by the House con-<br />


Accrochages.<br />

cerning the restrictions placed on 25 sanglants<br />

lfercent of the aid earmarked for<br />

urkey; THe House asked that 25 Soixante-cinq personnes ont<br />

ßercent be withheld until the State été tuées <strong>de</strong>?euis mercredi<br />

epartment and the Pentagon were dans l'est <strong>et</strong> e sud-l;!st (Ie la<br />

convinced that 6 rogress was being Turquie, lors d'accrochages<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> on the y~rus and human entre forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>et</strong> mi-<br />

rights issues. The. enale <strong>de</strong>l<strong>et</strong>ed that 'litants du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs<br />

duKllrdistan.<br />

wordi1 but later on stipulated that 37 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> 13 sol<br />

the U. . arms could not be used by dats ont été tués à Kagiz-<br />

Turkey "for internal securitt< purpos- man, près <strong>de</strong> Kars (est).<br />

es," i.e. a~ainst the PK in the Quinze autres rebelles ont<br />

Southeast. he final Senate version<br />

CZ)<br />

reads that the U.S: military equipment<br />

can not be used "in violation of ~<br />

internationallaw"- a much less ~<br />

<strong>de</strong>manding re~uirement. Prime<br />

Minister Tansu Iller went on record<br />

as saying Turkey will not accept U.S.<br />

aid if it comes with anb conditions.<br />

~<br />

attached. Turkish Am assador to ....c::<br />

Washington Nüzh<strong>et</strong> Kan<strong>de</strong>mir joined<br />

ÇilIer and told TON that Turkey<br />

~<br />

might in<strong>de</strong>ed reject such an aid. The B<br />

bill also prOVI<strong>de</strong>s $3 billion for.<br />

Israel, $2.1 billion for Egypt, $802 million for Sub-Saharan Africa,<br />

$539 million for East Europe, $450 million for international family<br />

~anning proÔrams, $75 million for Armenia, $50 million for<br />

eorgia, $8 million for Palestinians, $5 million for the<br />

Transcaucasus Fund and $839 million for the former Sovi<strong>et</strong> states.<br />

Rossia will be <strong>de</strong>nied U.S. aid if by August 31 it does not withdraw<br />

its troops from the Baltic countries or reach ari agreement to<br />

do so.<br />

Since the House and Senate versions of the bill are different, it<br />

été tués lors d'opérations sur<br />

la frontière turco-irakienne<br />

au sud <strong>de</strong>s villes <strong>de</strong> Hakkari<br />

<strong>et</strong> Sir.nJlk.<br />

L'Humanité-16juill<strong>et</strong> 1994<br />

TURQUIE. Soixante-cinq<br />

pel'sonnes, dont 13 soldats,<br />

ont été tuées <strong>de</strong>puis mercredi<br />

dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie,<br />

lors d'accrochages entre les<br />

forces armées <strong>et</strong> les militants du '.'<br />

Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du<br />

.Kurdis.tan (PKK).<br />

,<br />

, r<br />

'-<br />

will soon be forwar<strong>de</strong>d to the Conference Committee which will<br />

~ive the bill its final shape. The bill can become law only after it<br />

as been discussed and accepted at the Conference Committee.

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