Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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July 9,1994<br />

24<br />

Amnesty International<br />

report slams Turkey<br />

Summary of 1993 human rights violations focuses<br />

on torture cases and extrajudicial executions<br />

By Ugur Akmel involved in .separatist activities or<br />

Turkish Daily News <strong>de</strong>fending pro-PKK.and/or pro-<br />

WASHINGTON" Amnesty Kurdish views makevery painful<br />

International' s "Report 1994" reading:<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails many of th~ hum.an rights "He .said he ,:"ashung by the<br />

violation cases momtored m Turkey anns, given electnc shock to hIs finby<br />

the int.ernatio~al human rights gers, tongue and penis, an~ had .a<br />

organizatIOn dunng the January- truncheon repeatedly forced mto his<br />

December 1993 period.. anus.<br />

The 352-page report also contains . As a result his anns became parsimilar<br />

violations in 150 other coun- tJally paralyzed ... [She was] given<br />

tries. In this global survey, Amnesty electric shocks, to her fingers and<br />

International says: "Prisoners of nipples; dragged around by hair;<br />

conscience were held in 63 coun- forced to stand on one le~; sexually.<br />

tries' more than 100,000 known assaulted; and'suspen<strong>de</strong>d m a CruCIpoliti~al<br />

prisoners were locked .up !n fix position..,"<br />

<strong>de</strong>tention without charge or tnal m The report also relates several<br />

53 countries' more than 112 govern- cases of suspicious disappearances<br />

ments tortu~ed or ill-treated prison- where the body of the victi!TI is<br />

ers; and political killin~s~rthe state fo.und a few days later, som<strong>et</strong>imes<br />

took place in 61 countnes. with marks of torture.<br />

, Concerning the pressures brought<br />

Record on Turkey: upon thepro-Kurdish daily Ozgur<br />

list of horrors Gun<strong>de</strong>m, Amnesty International<br />

The report's three-and-~-half page said: "Since mid-1992, Il journalsection<br />

on Turkey reads hke a cata- ists and distributors of the newspalog<br />

ofhorrors. ''Torture by police or per have been killed in circumgendarme.s<br />

(~oldiers carrying ~ut stances giving rise to allegations of<br />

police dulles m rural areas) contm- security force involvement." Attacks<br />

ued to be reported from all parts of on DEP <strong>de</strong>puties also received a<br />

Turkey, p.artlc?larly the major cities prominent treatment in the report,<br />

and the Sdtltb'east. Including mur<strong>de</strong>rs of such DEP<br />

D<strong>et</strong>ainees ,Suspectedof links with p'.oliticiansas Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar, M<strong>et</strong>in<br />

illegai"aHned'organizatlons were Oz<strong>de</strong>mir and Habib Klhç. '<br />

held for up to 30 days in incommu- In probably the most damag-"<br />

nicado <strong>de</strong>tention, unprotected by ing testimony against the Turkish<br />

even the most basic safeguards security forces, Amnesty<br />

against torture." International reports that the follow-<br />

Graphic <strong>de</strong>tails of tortures ing case of official overkill in the<br />

endured by different individuals Southeast; "In October, 12 hours<br />

turkish daily news<br />

after an operation iil which one<br />

guerilla and a gendarmerie officer<br />

were killedin Altlnova, Mus<br />

province, a laroer body of gendarmes<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urned to the town and<br />

allegedly burned 30 houses, app'arently<br />

selecting in particular families<br />

whose sons and daughters had left to<br />

join the PKK. '<br />

Animals were killed and burned<br />

tog<strong>et</strong>her with foodstuffs and fod<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Inflammable material was thrown<br />

into the house of Nasir Ögüt - who<br />

died in the flames to*<strong>et</strong>her with his<br />

wife and six children. '<br />

In two paragraphs <strong>de</strong>voted to<br />

PKK mur<strong>de</strong>rs, Amnesty<br />

Interniitional. says: "PKK. gueril~as ,<br />

wereresponslble for over 200 <strong>de</strong>ltberate<br />

and arbitrary killings. The victims<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d children, teachers,<br />

local politicians and other civilians ...<br />

Amnesty International con<strong>de</strong>mned<br />

these grave abuses and in June<br />

(1993) and publicly urged the PKK<br />

to cease executions and other abuses."<br />

Conscientious<br />

objector in TRNC<br />

The Amnesty International report<br />

also inclu<strong>de</strong>s the case of a conscientious<br />

objector, Sa1ih Askerogul, who<br />

refused to go military service in the<br />

Turkish Republic of Northern<br />

Cyp,rus(TRNC).<br />

I Salih Askerogul was arrested in<br />

September and In November was<br />

sentenced to three months' imprisonment<br />

for failing to enlist for mili- '<br />

tacy service and a further three years<br />

for "making propaganda against the<br />

armed forces after he ma<strong>de</strong> a public<br />

statement on his reasons for refusing<br />

to perform military service." Two<br />

foreign nationals who visited TRNC<br />

to monitor Askerogul's trial were<br />

arrested as well.<br />

Amnesty International<br />

<strong>de</strong>mands the immediate release of<br />

Askerogul and the foreign nationals<br />


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