Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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US senator urges Turks tohold<br />

Turkish- Kurdish conference<br />

Offers an eight-step 'political program'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- U.S. Senator from<br />

Arizona Dennis DeConcini railed at<br />

Turkey's <strong>de</strong>cision to c1osedownthe pr~-<br />

Kurdish Democracy Party (D~P), He saId<br />

that his "concern and frustratIOn reached<br />

new heights" after the Turkish<br />

Constitutional Court banned the DEP on<br />

Junë 16 "and kicked 13 DEP members out<br />

of Parliament because of the statements<br />

they ma<strong>de</strong>." .' .<br />

DeConcini m~ntioned the possibilityof<br />

holding a by-ele~tion witl?n three m?nths<br />

"if the four KurdIsh <strong>de</strong>puties who resIgned<br />

from the DEP before legal action was taken<br />

should leave Parliament." If such by-elections<br />

do take place, DeConcini, who isalso<br />

the co-chairman of the Conference for<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe<br />

(CSCE), suggested that "(the U.S.)<br />

Government and the many nongovernmental<br />

election monitors, should be prepared to<br />

. send observers to ensure that international<br />

standards are m<strong>et</strong>." DeConcini has previ-<br />

.ously raised the possibility of sending<br />

CSCE observers to monitor human rights<br />

violations in the Southeast in an editorial he<br />

. p~blished back in April in The Washington<br />

TImes. .<br />

. He said that in the upcomingme<strong>et</strong>ings of<br />

the CS CE he will "press for official. CSCE<br />

missions to be sent to Turkey to morutor the<br />

<strong>de</strong>teriorating.rights situation." " .<br />

. "What kind of a <strong>de</strong>mocracy finds ItS own<br />

legislators either in prison or fleeing arrest<br />

to seek political asylum?" he asked. The<br />

Arizona senator un<strong>de</strong>rhned the dangers<br />

involved in the arrest of DEP <strong>de</strong>puties. "By<br />

criminalizing even mo<strong>de</strong>rate expressio~s of<br />

Kurdish discontent, the government stIfles<br />

legitimate discour~e ~ith!~ a <strong>de</strong>mocratic.<br />

framework and <strong>de</strong>rues Its CItIzenry an outl<strong>et</strong><br />

through which tolegally articulate their<br />

frustration ... In the interests of peace and .<br />

stability, I appeal to Turk~y's ~ivilia~ and<br />

military lea<strong>de</strong>rs to reco~sl<strong>de</strong>r ~nçreasmgly .<br />

intolerant and unproductIve polICIes toward<br />

Turkey's Kurdish citizenry."<br />

122<br />

DeConcini warned that "<strong>de</strong>spite a confluence<br />

of foreign policy interests with our<br />

government on numerous issues, Turkey's<br />

<strong>de</strong>teriorating human rights situation m~es<br />

it increasingly difficult to support a leadmg<br />

role for Turkey in regional political un<strong>de</strong>rtakings,"<br />

DeConcini said that "a key element of<br />

any political a~proach must be official willingness<br />

to distmguish b<strong>et</strong>w~n PKK ten:orism<br />

and nonviolent ex~reSS!~h pr~!TI0tmg<br />

rights for Turkey's Kurdish cItIzens.<br />

Official conference on<br />

Turkish.Kurdish relations'<br />

Not content with a general critique of<br />

human rights violations, DeConcim said,<br />

"A bilateral cease-frre could be a frrst step<br />

toward establishing a political dialogue, ~ot<br />

with the PKK, but wIth mo<strong>de</strong>rate KurdIsh<br />

elements," Within such a climate of ceasefire,<br />

he urged .the !urkish government to •<br />

take the followmg eIght steps:.' .<br />

Former DEP chairman<br />

.sentenced to 4 years<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Yalar Kaya, former chairman of the<br />

Democracy Party (UEP), has been sentenced to four years<br />

in prison and fined TL 500 million by the Ankara State<br />

SecuritY Court (DGM) for his comments that resulted in the .<br />

closure of his party, Moreov~r,Jhe Ankara DGM p~ssed a<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath sentence on Selmalll Ozcan, who was tned on<br />

charges of outlawed 'Revolutionary Left (DEV -SOL) organizatIOn<br />

membership and manslaughter. .<br />

~aya was tried in !ùsabs~nce and was sentenced un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Article 8/1 of the AntI- Terronsm Law. .'<br />

There was criticism of the fact that the Constitutional<br />

Court had notwaited for a judgement in the Kaya case<br />

before closing the DEP. .<br />

Legal experts un<strong>de</strong>rlined that the Constitutional C.ourt<br />

had acc~pted Kaya's r~marks as crim,i~al and as a reas~n<br />

for c10smg the DEP wIthout fIrSt waItmg for the DGM s<br />

judgement on the criminality of Kaya's words. In bo.th<br />

cases, the' con<strong>de</strong>mnation of thought. and the c1osu're of the<br />

party because of its thoughts are totally unlawful, some<br />

said. .<br />

Özcan was sentenced un<strong>de</strong>r Article 146/1 of the Turkish<br />

Criminal Co<strong>de</strong>, having been charged with wounding a<br />

police officer, killing a taxi driver and being a member of<br />

DEV-SOL. . .<br />

turkish daily news<br />

Thursday, June 30,1994<br />

1) Convene an official, high profile ~onference<br />

examining all aspects of Tprklsh-<br />

Kurdish relations<br />

2) Allow all nonviolent political parties<br />

to participate in political life<br />

3) Abolish al[ restriction~ on free ~xpression<br />

including those stated m the antIterrorismlaw<br />

4) Repeal the state of emergency<br />

5) Dismantle the village guard syst~m ,<br />

6) Remove all restrictIon~ on KurdIsh linguistic<br />

and culnu:al expressIQ~' . .<br />

7) Lift constramts on the, d!ssemmatIon ?f<br />

Kurdish language televlSlon and radIo<br />

broadcasts, pnnt, music, and other mediums<br />

8) Develop a government-sponsored<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e of Kurdish Studies and allow<br />

schools to offer instniction in Kurdish.<br />

"I sincerely hope Turkey's government<br />

will seek to protect free speech and pur~ue<br />

nonmilitary approaches to the KurdIsh<br />

dilemma to avoid plunging the nation into<br />

further turmoil," he conclu<strong>de</strong>d.

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