Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Äslan were each sentenced at Izmir State.<br />

Security Court to 20 months in jail and fines of .<br />

TL 208 million because of their speeches at the<br />

Manisa Provincial Congress. Another case<br />

involving Aysun KIvanç, the presenter of the<br />

"Peace Festival" program organized by the<br />

Democracy Party (DEP), en<strong>de</strong>d with him being<br />

sentenced to two years prison and a fine of TL<br />

250 million by the Ankara State Security court.<br />

Aliye Pekediz, who gave a speech at the festival,<br />

received the same sentence.<br />

In KIvanç's <strong>de</strong>fense his lawyer said: "In<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r for an action to be called separatist propa-<br />

US State Dept <strong>de</strong>clines<br />

wholesale con<strong>de</strong>mnation of<br />

terror groups in Turkey<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- The U.S. State Department today<br />

<strong>de</strong>clined the opportunity to con<strong>de</strong>mn whoTesale the terror<br />

groups in TurKey and instead implied that such situations<br />

will be evaluated by the administration on a case-by-case<br />

. basis.<br />

Answering a question on Algeria during the daily State<br />

Department press briefing, spOKesmanMike McCurry said,<br />

that "our problems are with extremism and terrorism, not<br />

with Islamic fundamentalism." In relation to Algeria,<br />

.' McCurry ma<strong>de</strong> it clear that "those who are committed to a<br />

course of violence and terrorism have no part in the (lOlitical<br />

dialogue and in broa<strong>de</strong>ning that political dialogue.<br />

Then a Turkish journalist asked if McCurry could say the<br />

same thing for those who are involved in terrorism in<br />

Turkey. He wanted to know if the U.S. State Department<br />

. would also justify the exclusion of such terrorist groups -<br />

like the PKK- from political dialogue in Turkey. ,<br />

McCurry replied by basically sayino that the attitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />

the U.S. would <strong>de</strong>pend on who the inâividuals in question<br />

are. McCurry's exact reply to the question concerning the<br />

exclusion of terrorist groups from political dialogue in<br />

Turkey was as follows: "Well, I thinK in the case of whatever<br />

government we're <strong>de</strong>alino with when we have contacts<br />

with those who are in politicaflife, the dialogue occurs on a<br />

case-by~case basis in many cases. It's individual people<br />

who we can talk to and reach out to and establish contact<br />

with, and individual people who can then participate in a<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>r political dialogue. And the important thing is wh,at<br />

is the disposition of tnose individuals and are they part of<br />

activity. iliat is terroris!ic or vio.lentin its nature." .•<br />

TUrkish observers In WashIngton were puzzled by thIS<br />

circuitous answer where they expected a straight forward<br />

reply con<strong>de</strong>mning all terrorist groups .in Turkey. An observer<br />

who wished to remain anonymous found this reluctance<br />

on the part of the U.S. State Department to exclu<strong>de</strong> any ter-<br />

. ror group in Turkey in principle from political dialogue<br />

rather curious at a time when Turkey is un<strong>de</strong>r a constant<br />

barrage of human rights violalion accusations and when the<br />

. PKK has stepped up its activities in Europe for political<br />

respectability and even diplomatic recognition. .<br />

The interesting reference to "activity that is terroristic"<br />

recalled the administration's recent <strong>de</strong>nial of genoci<strong>de</strong> iQ<br />

Rwanda. Although the administration admitted thatthere<br />

had been "genocidal acts" in Rwanda it surprisingly<br />

refrained from characterizing the sum total of such acts as a<br />

genoci<strong>de</strong>. The observer mentioned above questioned if the<br />

~tate Department"was similarly bringing a new interpr<strong>et</strong>a~<br />

lion to tne terror would be recognIzed as such and con~<br />

<strong>de</strong>~ed without however con<strong>de</strong>mning the organization that<br />

carnes out such acts.<br />

110<br />

ganda, it nas to.be proved thatthëre was inténtion<br />

to commit a crime. Reading messages at<br />

the festival has. nothing to do with separatism."<br />

The heaviest sentence han<strong>de</strong>d down by the<br />

Ankara DGM was passed on the administrators<br />

of the "Pir Sultan Abdal" association.<br />

. Both Ibrahim Halit Elçi and Kemal Altm~<br />

were sentenced to two-year prison terms and<br />

fines of TL 250 million for having written a l<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

to the August 1993 issue of the association's<br />

magazine regarding the Sivas massacre. The<br />

court sentenced Murtaza Demir, chairman of<br />

the association to six months in jail and a TL 5<br />

billion fine, the editor M<strong>et</strong>in Kuzugü<strong>de</strong>noglu to<br />

six months and a TL 2 billion fme, the owner<br />

.of the "Kaya Matbaa" printing works Burhan<br />

Günel to 6 months and a TL 5 billion fine.<br />

.AydIn Dogan, publisher of the book entitled<br />

"A Discussion of the Works of Musa Anter":<br />

was sentenced to six months and a fine of TL<br />

. 100 million at the Ankara DGM. Mustafa Pala,<br />

.who prepared the book for printing, was sentenced<br />

to two years in jail and a fine of TL 250<br />

million.<br />

The State Security Courts are in recess from<br />

July 20 until Sep. 5. Thus the sud<strong>de</strong>n rash of<br />

verdicts.<br />

HADEP convention held in<br />

Ankara amid pro-PKK slogans<br />

Turkish Dailv News<br />

ANKARA- The fustconvention of<br />

the Peoples' Democracy Party<br />

(HADEP) was held in Ankara on<br />

Sunday in a çrow<strong>de</strong>d sports hall.<br />

Slogans in support of the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)<br />

were heard for hours on end.<br />

During the convention, speakers<br />

stressed that unless Turkey opened<br />

the way for a free <strong>de</strong>bate on the<br />

Kurdish problem, there was no way<br />

to find a solution to it. In his speech<br />

on the Kurdish issue, HADEP chairman<br />

Murat Bozlak <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d radical<br />

amendment of the 1982 constitution,<br />

the lifting of the anti-terrorism<br />

<strong>de</strong>cree, and the dissolution of<br />

Emergency Rule and the village<br />

guard system. .<br />

He also said that all "militarist<br />

organizations" had to be broken up<br />

and that a general amnesty shouldbe<br />

Exiled DEP <strong>de</strong>puty confesses<br />

involvement in bomb attacks<br />

Aydar says in Frankfurt that the bombs were 'necessary'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

, ANKARA- A member of the<br />

Turkish Parliament of Kurdish origin<br />

from the <strong>de</strong>funct Democracy Party<br />

(DEP) confessed this weekend his<br />

involvement in a spate of bomb<br />

attacks in western Turkey which<br />

woun<strong>de</strong>d at least 21 people.<br />

, According to the semiofficial<br />

Anato\ia news agency, Zübeyir<br />

Aydar told reporters in Frankfurt,<br />

Germany, on Saturday that three<br />

recent bomb attacks in the toùrist<br />

towns of F<strong>et</strong>hiye and Marmaris<br />

<strong>de</strong>dared.As the convention oPened,<br />

and <strong>de</strong>spite earlier warnings, groups<br />

of HADEP supporters shouted slogans<br />

in support of the PKK which,<br />

observers said, would certainly lead<br />

to a legal investigation. Amono the<br />

slo!!ans heard wi<strong>de</strong>lv were: RThe'<br />

gue'rrillas will strike imd Kurdistan:<br />

will be created" and "freedom to<br />

Kurdistan - Long live Chairman<br />

Apo." Bozlak pointed out that the<br />

Kurdish problem was not being<br />

, solved un<strong>de</strong>r the present circumstances<br />

and that every problem<br />

Turkey faced, including the country's<br />

economic problems, <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d<br />

. on a solution being found to the<br />

Kurdish issue. HADEP is a continua-<br />

, tion of the Democracy Party (DEP)<br />

which was closed down recently by<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r of the Constitutional Court. .<br />

"were necessary." At least 10<br />

Turks, eight Britons, an Austrian and<br />

two Germans were woun<strong>de</strong>d in the<br />

attacks. "Single or collective attacks<br />

are being carried out. We do not<br />

want to inflict harm on civilians. But<br />

th~ conditions called for this," Aydar<br />

said when questioned about the<br />

bomb attacks.Aydar had gone' to<br />

Europe along with five other DEP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties after the Constitutional<br />

Court or<strong>de</strong>red the closure of his party<br />

and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d the eviction of its 13<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties from Parliament.

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