l'artillerie lisse britannique: étude technologique sur l'identification, l ...

l'artillerie lisse britannique: étude technologique sur l'identification, l ...

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Majendie, Vivian Dering<br />

Ammunition: A Descriptive Treatise on the Different Projectiles, Charges, Fuzes,<br />

Rockets, &c., at Present in Use for Land and Sea Service, and on other War Stores<br />

Manufactured in the Royal Laboratory. Part 1. Ammunition for Smooth-bore<br />

Ordnance, Londres, Eyre and Spottiswoode pour Her Majesty's Stationery Office,<br />

1867.<br />

-----. "On the Causes which led to the Suppression of the Original Shrapnel Shell, and<br />

the Adoption of the Diaphragm Pattern", Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal<br />

Artillery Institution, vol. 4 (1865), p. 152-158.<br />

-----. "On the Validity of General Shrapnel's Claim to the Invention of Shells in which<br />

the true Principle of Shrapnel Fire was first Enunciated and Applied", Minutes of<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, vol. 3 (1863), p. 398-408.<br />

-----. "Sorne Considerations Respecting the Practical Value of Shells of the Shrapnel<br />

Class", Minutes of Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, vol. 4 (1865), p. 4-9.<br />

A Memoir on Subjects Connected with Artillery<br />

Paris, J. Smith, 1818.<br />

Miller, Major<br />

Equipment of Artillery. Formin Part Il. of the Series relatin to Army Equipments,<br />

Londres, Eyre and Spottiswoode pour Her Majesty's Stationery Office<br />

Mountaine, William<br />

The Practical Sea-Gunner's Companion; or an Introduction to the Art of Gunnery...,<br />

Londres, Mount, Page, 1781.<br />

Muller, John<br />

Treatise of Artillery, 3e éd., Londres, Millan, 1780. (Réimpression, Ottawa, Museum<br />

Restoration Service, 1965.)<br />

MUller, William<br />

The Elements of the Science of War; containing the Modern, Established, and<br />

Approved Prindples of the Theory and Practice of the Military Sciences..., Londres,<br />

Longman, et al.; 1811, 3 vol.<br />

Nelson, R.J.<br />

Gun Cardages: An Aide Memoire to the Military Sciences, 1846, Ottawa, Museum<br />

Restoration Service, 1972.<br />

Owen, Charles H.<br />

E1ementary Lectures on Artillery, prepared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of<br />

the Royal Military Academy, 4e éd., Woolwich, Royal Artillery Institution, 1865.<br />

-----. Rough Notes on the Manufacture of Ordnance, Cardages, and Ammunition<br />

prepared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the R.M. Academy, Woolwich, Royal<br />

Artillery Institution, 1867.<br />

-----. The Principles and Practice of Modern Artillery, 2e éd., Londres, John Murray,<br />

1873.<br />

Owen, John F., et Morton Porter<br />

Treatise on the Construction and Manufacture of Ordnance in the British Service,<br />

reimpression, Londres, Eyre and Spottiswoode pour Her Majesty's Stationery Office,<br />


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