Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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A fight has been fought against the PKK for so many<br />

years. How come that the things have assumed such<br />

proportions? .<br />

"To me, it would be very wrong to assess the fight against<br />

the PKK as one that has always followed the same lines. In<br />

my opinion, until 1986, the struggle was carried ~ut along<br />

rationallines. But from that date on, the whole thmg went<br />

off track, all of a sud<strong>de</strong>n, in an incomprehensible way, too."<br />

What do you mean by "in an incomprehensible<br />

way"? '<br />

"If I elaborate on that particular word, I might be dragged<br />

before the judge. Y<strong>et</strong> l<strong>et</strong> me tell you this. L<strong>et</strong> me tell you<br />

what's bound to happen if they keep' on offering the classic<br />

remedy. Half of the population in Çukurova is Kurdish.<br />

That is, Çukurova is some sort of a Kurdish state. There are<br />

2 million to 3 million Kurds in Istanbul. To the PKK, that<br />

means a war zone worth five to six states. 500,000 to<br />

600,000 Kurds live in izmir. There are consi<strong>de</strong>rable<br />

numbers of Kurds in Konya. Along the Aegean and<br />

Mediterranean coasts where construction is big business,<br />

there are great numbers of Kurds working on a temporary<br />

basis. That is, the sphere of PKK influence may grow<br />

bigger in case the campaign against the PKK fails further."<br />

Faced with such realities, what line of urgent action<br />

should be adopted against the PKK?<br />

"The cure is hid<strong>de</strong>n somewhere insi<strong>de</strong> the disease. Since<br />

armed conflict strengthens Kurdish nationalism, it must be<br />

armihilated. Since organized groups of militants engage in<br />

48<br />

anucd conflict, they must be <strong>de</strong>prived of the chance to<br />

organlzc.<br />

Since Abdullah Öcalan keeps the organization alive, he<br />

must be done in. Here arc the means wherehy to fight<br />

against the PKK: An organization of professionals must be<br />

s<strong>et</strong> up, an organization able to <strong>de</strong>al with terrorist activity<br />

and enjoying requisite legal powers. This organization<br />

must be entrusted with authority to conduct operations and<br />

engage in intelligence work both within and without the<br />

country. Furthennore, it must be able to drag before the<br />

judge chiefs who manipulate and or<strong>de</strong>r terrorists from<br />

abroad." .<br />

What medium- and long-term solutions would you<br />

suggest,against PKK terrorism?<br />

"Since t~e PKK feeds on foreign support through<br />

ft..bdullah Ocalan, these channels of support must be<br />

blocked up and their cooperation sabotaged. Since the PKK<br />

enjoys the backing of certain European states, the stance of<br />

such countries must be opposed, <strong>de</strong>feated if possible. Since<br />

the PKK sees villagers, unemployed masses in cities, and<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts as potential recruits, these people should be<br />

protected, channeled into other pursuits. Since certain<br />

circles abuse a certain portion of the masses to further their<br />

political interests, they must be stopped.<br />

Since the Easteill and Southeastern regions have failed to<br />

become an integral part of Turkish economy, this must<br />

urgently be done. These regions must be part of the national<br />

culture. Since in these regions the administrative, judicial,<br />

and security apparatuses are mere fonnalities, the state<br />

must be ma<strong>de</strong> the sole sovereign power in the area."<br />

Neuf ans <strong>de</strong> rébellion<br />

Jjgguie: plus <strong>de</strong> 80 morts en <strong>de</strong>ux jours<br />

Au moins neuf personnes ont été<br />

tuées <strong>et</strong> une vin,gtaine d'autres blessées<br />

lors d'une mtervention <strong>de</strong>s forces<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques hier à Digor,<br />

province <strong>de</strong> Kars frontalière avec<br />

l'Arménie, contre une foule qui «tentait<br />

<strong>de</strong> {>rocé<strong>de</strong>rà une manifestation<br />

séparatiste illégale», a rapporté<br />

l'agence turque Anatolie. Ce bilan<br />

porte à près <strong>de</strong> 80 le nombre <strong>de</strong><br />

morts <strong>de</strong>puis quarante-huit heures<br />

lors d'operations <strong>de</strong> l'armée tur9-ue<br />

contre <strong>de</strong>s militants du PKK <strong>et</strong> d attaques<br />

punitives <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

Les inci<strong>de</strong>nts ont éclaté lorsque<br />

les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques ont ordonné<br />

aux «membres» du Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK),<br />

qui tentaient <strong>de</strong> manifester à Digor,<br />

<strong>de</strong> se disperser. Neuf manifestants<br />

ont été tués <strong>et</strong> 22 autres blessés<br />

lorsque les forces <strong>de</strong> sécurité turques<br />

ont «riposté» contre <strong>de</strong>s «coups <strong>de</strong><br />

feu tires <strong>de</strong>puis la foule» bloquée à<br />

l'entrée <strong>de</strong> Digor, selon la même<br />

source. Cinquante personnes ont été<br />

placées en gar<strong>de</strong> à vue <strong>et</strong> un couvrefeu<br />

a été décr<strong>et</strong>é à Digor.<br />

Ces inci<strong>de</strong>nts se sont produits à la<br />

veille du ge anniversaire <strong>de</strong> la rébel-<br />

lion armée du PKK contre le pouvoir<br />

central d'Ankara, dans le sud-est<br />

anatolien} déclenchée par une attaque<br />

rebel e contre <strong>de</strong>ux postes <strong>de</strong> la<br />

gendarmerie turque dans c<strong>et</strong>te région<br />

le 15 août 1984. Une guerre qui<br />

a déjà fait au moins 6500 morts.<br />

Le premier ministre Tansu Ciller<br />

a récemment annoncé la création<br />

d'une force spéciale <strong>de</strong> 5000 hommes<br />

pour lutter contre les «terroristes sé-<br />


L'armée a son soutien pour «anéanti nI le PKK.<br />

paratistes», terminologie officielle<br />

pour dési~er les militants armés du<br />

PKK, qUI opèrent notamment dans<br />

le sud-est anatolien frontalier avec<br />

l'Iran, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> la Syrie.<br />

Les défenseurs <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme estiment que c<strong>et</strong>te mesure<br />

risque «d'envenimer la situation <strong>et</strong><br />

d'accroître la tension» entre la population<br />

à m8jorité kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te région<br />

<strong>et</strong> les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques,<br />

qui. comprennent déjà <strong>de</strong>s unités<br />

spéciales semblables à celles <strong>de</strong> la<br />

nouvelle force. - (ats-afp-LMil)<br />


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