Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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and breadth of the Southeast, countermeasures to be taken<br />

against the PKK must surely ta~e this fact into ~c~oun~.<br />

First, l<strong>et</strong>'s consi<strong>de</strong>r PKK <strong>de</strong>sIgns on the admInIstratIve<br />

structure of the region. Gaziantep, Kahrama~~ara~,<br />

Adlyaman Malatya, ElaZlg, and ~anhurfa are wllhln the<br />

areas that the PKK calls the states of '~outheast and G~P.'<br />

Through efficient action, PKK t~rrorlsm co.uld be pu: an<br />

end to in these 'states.' This is not dlfficul~ and.ls a necessl~.<br />

It is also possible to wipe out terrorism In Kars, ;\gn,<br />

Erzurum, Erzincan, and Tunceli, provinces inclu<strong>de</strong>d ln the<br />

self-styled PKK states, Serhat and, Dersim. ~n en~ to<br />

terrorist activity there may necessItate more intensIve,<br />

coordinated, efficient state action, th,ough.<br />

Then there are provinces stuck In b<strong>et</strong>ween, such as<br />

DiyarbakIr, Bingöl, Mu~, Bitlis, and Van. The PKK prefers<br />

to call them such names as Amed, Middle, and Garzan<br />

states. If proper action is taken against the Serha~ and<br />

Dersim states in the north and the Southwest and GAP m the<br />

west the PKK could be weakened in the said 'in-b<strong>et</strong>we~n'<br />

state's. To suppress. PKK activity in Botan, those '10b<strong>et</strong>ween'<br />

regions are of crucia,l importa!lce. ~ey serve. as<br />

bases for security forces. If therr controlls lost, mterventton<br />

"The solution of the problem in<br />

16 provinçesjn the East and<br />

Southeast IS possible. But the<br />

sovereignty of the Turkish state<br />

over the last 70 years in Siirt,<br />

Batman, $trnak, Mardin, and ..<br />

Hakkari has only been a superfIcIal<br />

formality. Purging the locals of<br />

Kurdish nationalism and then<br />

instilling a sense of Turk;s~ ;d~ntity<br />

is !JO easy feat to accomplIsh.<br />

in other states might prove impossible, l<strong>et</strong> alone in Botan.<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to make b<strong>et</strong>ter use of them, security forces have to<br />

g<strong>et</strong> rid of PKK activity in Serh~t, Dersim, Southwest, and<br />

GAP states. This could be possIble throug~ I~al .support.<br />

When these regions are won over to the state s sI<strong>de</strong>, It ~11I ~<br />

possible to come up with an 'antidote' to seceSSIOnIst<br />

violence.<br />

Apart from its militants in the mountains, what<br />

support can the PKK count on in ~he reg~on?<br />

"To give a satisfactory answer to thISquestIon, one has to<br />

'\':,~:\, ..1\:~:f'i.r.tft~'~~lfl~.çg!J~lJtf>,.}ll.<br />

.,' ",.the'areal! calls.Botall'aIJi:J\)',<br />

',segments o(thearea' àre};<br />

cut off (romone.another,'<br />

then, .<strong>de</strong>spite'tlJ,eir.fr~e.dQft!;:'<br />

of action behind the lines,)<br />

ancl,supportl(f!J!,~br9~fl': '<br />

.l~!fl;~~~~~:F~:<br />

in those cOrJtaine.cJ.~,"e.'<br />

,~:.:;}:'ttt:,':;..{;\',i:. 'i;', f.<br />

make a <strong>de</strong>tailed examination of the area consisting of the<br />

provinces of Gaziantep, Kahramanmara~, Adlyaman,<br />

Malatya, and ~anhurfa, where the PKK has proven most<br />

intransigent, unwilling to bend before security forces. As in<br />

other areas in the region, security forces have failed to curb<br />

terrorist activity in these provinces. Mount Nurha1c and<br />

Mount Engizak are PKK strongholds in their self-<strong>de</strong>clared<br />

Southwest state. If their bases hid<strong>de</strong>n away in those<br />

mountains are wiped off the map, the local population will<br />

extend its heartfelt support to the state. That way,<br />

Gaziantep and Kahramanmaras will have been saved from<br />

the terrorist threat, the organization will have lost its ability<br />

to recruit new members from among the locals, and the<br />

contact b<strong>et</strong>ween the urban and rural cadres of the PKK will<br />

have been disrupted. In this region where the Kurdish<br />

secessionist movement is relatively weak, it is possible to<br />

initiate a strong anti-separatist movement and propagate it<br />

"T , he strategy to be urgently<br />

adopted against the PKK is this:<br />

Since armed conflict strengthens<br />

Kurdish nationalism, it must be<br />

annihilated. Since organized<br />

groups of militants engage in<br />

armed conflict, they must be<br />

<strong>de</strong>nied the chance to organize.<br />

Since (PKKlea<strong>de</strong>r) Abdullah 'Apo'<br />

Öca/an keeps the organization<br />

alive, he must be done in."<br />

both in the international arena and insi<strong>de</strong> the country.<br />

The PKK has started an operation from its northern states<br />

to besiege the provinces in the so-called 'in-b<strong>et</strong>ween'<br />

regions. Forced shutter chl6ures, hunger strikes, ambushes,<br />

arson attacks have become common recently. If such<br />

tactics are spread to Southwest as well, the 'in-b<strong>et</strong>ween'<br />

area will fall. .<br />

Then that will mean the whole regiori has become a<br />

bigger Botan, the whole Southeast. If this comes off,<br />

security forces <strong>de</strong>ployed in the region will have to merely<br />

protect their official resi<strong>de</strong>nces, barracks, other official<br />

buildings perhaps. The Southeast will be PKK property if<br />

this region is lost."<br />

What, then, can be done to save the "in-b<strong>et</strong>ween"<br />

region from possible PKK rule?<br />

"The region must be kept alive until Botan is crippled.<br />

This can be done by wiping out terrorists up north and in the<br />

Southwest state. Thus will the PKK have been contained in<br />

Bolan and its activity in Mardin, Siirt, ~lfI1ak, and Hakkari<br />

curbed. To keep the 'in-b<strong>et</strong>ween' region un<strong>de</strong>r control,<br />

tacticalsuperiority both in cities and rural areas is<br />

compulsory. To effect.tactical superiority in ruraI areas, the<br />

annihilation of PKK groups is an absolute necessity. To<br />

effect such superiority in city centers, preventing the PKK's<br />

from front-line action is a must.This can be done through<br />

efficient intelligence work, sound interrogations and<br />

operations. Another thing ~at must be taken into account.<br />

PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan's importance for the<br />

organization is gradually increasing. If Apo loses his<br />

footing, this will mean the end of the PKK as well, given the<br />

current conflict b<strong>et</strong>ween the PKK and the Kurdish<br />

bourgeoise. "<br />


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