Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Southeastern mayors sign p<strong>et</strong>ition for cease-fire<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- In a written p<strong>et</strong>ition, 27 southeastern<br />

mayors representing four provinces<br />

and 23 townships in the troubled<br />

Kurdish-populated southeastern part of<br />

Turkey, have asked for a cease-fire in the<br />

region.<br />

The one-page document called on the<br />

gove;i,ment to take all measures to provi<strong>de</strong><br />

a peaceful atmosphere in the region.<br />

"We, the un<strong>de</strong>rsigned mayors of this region,<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand all necessary measures be taken<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to bring an end to the shedding<br />

of our brother's blood," the communique<br />

said.<br />

Saying that the existence of a Kurdish<br />

problem in Turkey is an unquestionable<br />

reality, the communique stated that the<br />

l5-year-old military and emergency rule<br />

had shown that the Kurdish problem co-<br />

Will security concerns<br />

<strong>de</strong>lay municipal polls<br />

in Southeast Turkey?<br />

• SMC members raise security question<br />

about local elections in areas hit by<br />

Kurdish separatist terrorism<br />

By Hayri Birler<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Authorities started <strong>de</strong>bating<br />

how to hold secure elections in southeastern<br />

and some parts of eastern<br />

Turkey when the country holds nationwi<strong>de</strong><br />

municipal elections in March<br />

next year.<br />

According to informed sources who<br />

asked not to be named, such concerns<br />

were aired by members of the National<br />

Security Council, and questions were<br />

raised wh<strong>et</strong>her the elections could be<br />

postponed in these troubled regions.<br />

The sources said the issue was raised<br />

at the recent SMC me<strong>et</strong>ing held in Istanbul.<br />

Comman<strong>de</strong>rs attending the me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

reportedly chatted with C~bin<strong>et</strong><br />

mimsters for awhile on the terronst attacks<br />

in Southeast Turkey and counter<br />

measures being taken.<br />

At that point one minister was heard<br />

saying, "We will have local elections<br />

in March, but how can we have them<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r these conditions in the Southeast?"<br />

The comman<strong>de</strong>rs reportedly asked<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her, if conditions were not sa.<br />

tisfactory elections in one region could<br />

be post~ned. They were told it was<br />

not legally possible becausè there ..yas<br />

no aruc1e in the Constitution allOWIng<br />

such a postponement for nationwi<strong>de</strong><br />

local elections, and that parliamentary<br />

elections could only be <strong>de</strong>layed .un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

war conditions for a one-year penod by<br />

Parliament.<br />

The' comman<strong>de</strong>rs reportedly said,<br />

"We will finish off the PKK in a year,<br />

so we will not have to bother about un-<br />

». '.' •..• Rèuters:<br />

1'1;:> AN KARA- Iraqi Kurdishguerrillas<br />

!.~ll<strong>et</strong>i an Iranian soldier andcaptured fo-<br />

~~4uringan Iranian ioo\!Sion against opi(lq.sition<br />

exiles in northern Iraq about two<br />

~ks ag? ~ K~sb.sp.c>kès1l131l said on<br />

iMôöday... ..< •.•' ... .......<br />

'. eenDizaYee,~repni5e1ltative<br />

Kurdish DemOCratic PartY. told<br />

èî's Iranian forêts pllsbedstx kin (fo-<br />

'es) into Iraq and bad tried to s<strong>et</strong> up<br />

~ Olwarta, a~0\Yn 'northeast of<br />

t~idàitnaniya.> ·..» .....<br />

It;.'fhê tar~<strong>et</strong>of theattac~ was the ~xîle<br />

'mocratlc Party of Iraman KurdIstan<br />

J()~lranacKnowledged for tb~ frrst<br />

~on Sunday that its forces bave pur.<br />

"counter-revolutionaries" and "ban-<br />

"into northern Iraq.<br />

. Iraqi ~ovemmen~inSagbdad }ost<br />

of Iraqi Kurdistan after the 1991<br />

uld not be solved through military m<strong>et</strong>hods.<br />

The said p<strong>et</strong>ition was signed by the<br />

provincial mayors of Hakkari, Van, Siirt<br />

and Bingöl, as well as the mayors ofTatvan,<br />

Esentepe, Kozluk, Baykan: Muradiye,<br />

Bayazgt, Onbirnisan, Lice, Gökçedag,<br />

Sil van, Rü stemgedik, Yagplar, Patnos,<br />

çatak, Yüksekova, Gevas, Ozalp, Sagma-<br />

Ii, Yoalan, Hizan, Aydmlar, Bahçesaray<br />

and Erois townships,.<br />

safe elections." This discussion was<br />

heard immediately by the politicians<br />

and triggered a <strong>de</strong>bate.<br />

OfficIaIs of parties in Parliament said<br />

the situation in southeastern Turkey<br />

was a source of <strong>de</strong>ep concern,' but<br />

stressed it was unacceptable to <strong>de</strong>lay<br />

the polls because of such reasons. Social<br />

Democrat People's Party (SHP) Erzu~m.<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty Ah Ib~ahim Tutu said<br />

the InCI<strong>de</strong>nts In the regIon are of coùrse<br />

rather sad but ad<strong>de</strong>d the government<br />

has to create the conditions for safe<br />

elections."We just cannot <strong>de</strong>lay the local<br />

elections, œcause if we do we will<br />

have appointed mayors and municipal<br />

officiaIs instead of elected people."<br />

True Path Party (DYP) Hatay <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

Best~mi Teke ma<strong>de</strong> a statement sa~ing<br />

electIOns cannot be held un<strong>de</strong>r 'just<br />

any condition." He said the DYP executive<br />

board will me<strong>et</strong> in September<br />

and <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> on a party policy.<br />

~!raqiKyrçj~~illirania(l<br />

:,soldier. and capture four-<br />

,.-,' :t '<br />

Gulf War, Dizayee said Iraniâllexiles'<br />

had been based there for about a )'ear,<br />

"The PDKI bas not posed anJ threat te)<br />

the Iranians," besaid. "It hasnoteDlbart.<br />

ked on cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r activities: ..1t doeS<<br />

not bave the military power tpoperate<br />

against Iran." . . .<br />

Dizayee saidt~PDKl !1adt()ld.lraq,<<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs it was ready tQinQY~;<br />

away from bor<strong>de</strong>r areas "if it beêame à<br />

bur<strong>de</strong>n." "It seems the PDKl un<strong>de</strong>rstands<br />

our situation muchb<strong>et</strong>ter thanthe PKI('<br />

does," Dizayee a.d<strong>de</strong>d, referring tothè<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party, wlûch used<br />

bases in Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r areas for attacks ili+<br />

to Turkey until Iraqi Kurds joined fo~s<br />

with Turkey last year to drive theI11 out,<<br />

He said Iranian artillery has been she};;<br />

ling across the bor<strong>de</strong>r since the ground<br />

attack, drivilig sorne 2,000 dvi~ans froni" .<br />

their homes.<br />


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