Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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••<br />

Ocalan: Turkey turns up heat on PKK<br />

• Separatist lea<strong>de</strong>r claims<br />

Anatolia, the new Balkans<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Outlawed Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK) lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah 0calan has accepted<br />

that with general elections scheduled for<br />

1996, the Turkish government has intensified<br />

its efforts a~ainst his movement.<br />

In an artIcle titled "Turkey turns up heat on<br />

Kurd in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce movement," he wrgte for<br />

the International Press Service (IPS), Ocalan<br />

claimed the Ankara government hoped to eradicate<br />

the PKK "and to clean up the mountains<br />

which are its stronghold as sQon as possible,<br />

until the elections at least." 0 calan's article,<br />

which also reflected that the PKK was feeling<br />

the Rressure placed on it by Ankara, said Turkey<br />

s "war with the PKK now <strong>de</strong>termines the<br />

government's every action." "It is clear that a<br />

special elan has<br />

gone Into effect for the next six months, using<br />

not only economical and social structures<br />

but military policy and dir.lgmacy as well, in<br />

the fight against the Kurds,' Ocalan wrote.<br />

He quoted Turkish Prime Minister Tansu<br />

ç iller saying "we won't l<strong>et</strong> them create a new<br />

Balkans in the South-Eastern region and will<br />

do everything necessary to prevent this."<br />

"But Anatolia is the new Balkans, and the<br />

government itself is the cause of the problem,"<br />

Ocalan said.<br />

He argued that the Turkish Republics was<br />

more oppresive, reactionary and <strong>de</strong>structive<br />

than the" Ottoman Empire which it replaced,<br />

and that the so-called "special war" was not only<br />

against the Kurdish people but also other<br />

<strong>et</strong>hniC groups. "In<strong>de</strong>ed since the September 12,<br />

1980, military coup d'<strong>et</strong>at, the TurkIsh republic<br />

had been rema<strong>de</strong> into a 'special war republic' to<br />

<strong>de</strong>feat the Kurdish nation in its national war for<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

Abdullah Öcalan<br />

"All the past Turkish $overnments have surpassed<br />

each other only In intensifying fascism<br />

and reactionary policIes particularly aimed at<br />

socialism and the Kurdish nationalliberation.<br />

"The government had exhausted all economic<br />

and political m<strong>et</strong>hods of battling the Kurds,<br />

the special war was the only means left to<br />

them. Uniting Kurdish collaborations -- wh<strong>et</strong>h<br />

er from the left or the right-- Europeanists,<br />

Americanists, Islamists and Turkists, it has<br />

launched what it calls an all-out offensive closing<br />

all doors to us, from diplomacy to ~conomy,<br />

and seeking our final <strong>de</strong>struction," Ocalan<br />

saId.<br />

The PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r claimed that as a consequence<br />

of the regular army'sfailure to <strong>de</strong>feat<br />

the PKK, the government would now try to<br />

legitimize and expand secr<strong>et</strong> anti-guerilla forces<br />

into a so-called "Special Security Unit",<br />

which --he claimed-- will inclu<strong>de</strong> religious and<br />

extreme nationalist commandos;including the<br />

rur.!!lguard.<br />

Ocalan claimed an intensification of "the<br />

policy of massacre" could be expected as part<br />

of the government's new efforts and guessed<br />

this would be also used to subdue <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

activity."ln an attempt to cover up the military's<br />

failure, the present regime has resorted to<br />

attempts to stage shows of victory to prove to<br />

the Turkish community that they were not <strong>de</strong>feated<br />

but actually successful," he said.<br />

"However, they know very well that they are<br />

facing insurmountable difficulties as a result of<br />

the Kurdish campaign. Meanwhile the recent<br />

mass protests both In European and Turkish<br />

m<strong>et</strong>ropolitan centers and in Kurdistan prove<br />

that the government's already outdated policies<br />

have brought upon it very serious troubles.<br />

"Numerous social cnses ate about to explo<strong>de</strong>,<br />

as the recent mass protests in Sivas indicate.<br />

Socio-economic problems will 'also increase<br />

in the coming days.<br />

"Though the oovernment continues to make<br />

concessions to the us and Europe, they recognize<br />

that collaboration with them will not serve<br />

them in their special war and that they cannot<br />

use the resources of Turkey without lImitation<br />

as they did before.<br />

"The in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce movement has ma<strong>de</strong> sionificant<br />

diplomatic, military and political aâvances.<br />

The Kurdish guerrillas !lave proved<br />

that they can not only resist but also <strong>de</strong>feat the<br />

army. Moreover, their foreign bases have<br />

gained stability and staying power.<br />

"Our war alms not only at the liberation but<br />

also at the resurrection of our Kurdish nation,<br />

which lost all her national i<strong>de</strong>ntity, reduced to a<br />

condition baser than slavery which threatened<br />

to erase it from history."<br />

Military: Anti-PKK operations a success<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Operations against militants<br />

of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK) on the Ararat and Tendurek<br />

mountains have <strong>de</strong>alt the separatist<br />

organization a serious blow, military<br />

sources quoted by the semi-official<br />

Anatolian news agency Said on<br />

Thursday.<br />

Indicating that the operations by the<br />

9th army corps un<strong>de</strong>r the command of<br />

Gen. Dogu Aktulga were the "most<br />

wi<strong>de</strong> ranging in scope for the past few<br />

years," these sources said the armed<br />

forces would push on until these mountains<br />

were compl<strong>et</strong>ely rid of the PKK.<br />

A "large number" of PKK militants<br />

are reported by these sources as having<br />

been killed In the operation which is<br />

being conducted by ground troops with<br />

support from the aIr.<br />

Indicating that the PKK was in a<br />

state of disarray as a result of the operation,<br />

military sources indicated that<br />

arms caches and documents on the organizations<br />

plans had also been<br />

seized<br />

Meanwhile, PKK attacks and clashes<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the organization and Security<br />

forces on Wednesday continued to be<br />

reported in Eastern and Southeastern<br />

Anatolia as well as other parts of the<br />

country on Thursday.<br />

Six PKK militants were reported to<br />

have been killed by the secunty forces<br />

in clashes in SUrt and Mu~ on Wednes-<br />

day.<br />

Iri the Ilicalar county of Bingöl, PKK<br />

militants killed one person and woun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

two after stopping the car they were<br />

travelling in.<br />

Two other people were killed in the<br />

Konakb~1 village of Erzincan after a<br />

PKK raid on the village.<br />

Elsewhere in the holiday resort of<br />

Antalya, security forces arrested 26<br />

people on suspicIOn of PKK membership.<br />

The arrested were charged with collecting<br />

money by force for the PKK<br />

and preparing to embark on new attacks<br />

in the CIty, the scene of some attacks<br />

during the summer at the height<br />

of the tourist season.<br />


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