Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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their own will out of fear of ending up in the<br />

cross- fire and<br />

5. ViII.ages evacuated because the village men<br />

are refuslngto be part of the para-military village<br />

guards.<br />

Since I?89, hun~reds of villages have been<br />

evacuated In the regIOn although thousands of vil-<br />

1agers have accepted to move out of their own<br />

will, frightened by clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween the PKK and<br />

government forces.<br />

The practice of burning down villages, which<br />

is said to have started over the past two years<br />

takes place in two forms. Either some houses ~<br />

burned do~n or the w~ole village is. torched. L0cal<br />

sources say that If only some houses are<br />

burned down by security forces, this is either to<br />

punish suspected PKK collaborators or force the<br />

rest of th~ popul~tion to arm themselves against<br />

the terronsts; VIllages are compl<strong>et</strong>ely torched<br />

only when the whole population basto be evacuated<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to prevent !be s<strong>et</strong>tlement from being<br />

used again. This is mainly for logistic reasons, to<br />

prevent the PKK from receiving local sup~lies.<br />

On Thursday, the leftwing daily Aydlnhk c131med<br />

in a third page headline iliat thiee villages in Kulp<br />

had been burned down by troops after villa~érs<br />

turned down <strong>de</strong>mands to arm themselves aB3Inst<br />

the PKK. The news report named the haml<strong>et</strong>s of<br />

Savusça, Melle Ohli and Tekilka as the targ<strong>et</strong>s of<br />

the attack. The villagers were apparently suspected<br />

of being "PKK supporters."<br />

Torchings <strong>de</strong>cline, claims continue<br />

.ivilian-related claims voiced by<br />

C Kurdish activists:<br />

August 26<br />

Security forces reportedly rai<strong>de</strong>d 20 villages<br />

including Danik, Simak, Mlshecerk, Kuzlik, Sekis,<br />

Qirikan, Sasi and Sahis and alle~edly maltreated<br />

many peasants who later claimed they<br />

were threatened and beaten. Security forces allegedly<br />

beat villagers in the village square of Merali,<br />

in Silvan, DIyarbakir, during another operation.<br />

August 27<br />

Kurdish activists claimed Dotubeyazlt's Siphan<br />

village was fired upon by security forces<br />

who in turn claimed terrorists had o~ned fire on<br />

them from the village. Villagers saId all houses<br />

were shot at by troops. The same day, villagers<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urning from a wedding ceremony at the<br />

Sögütlü village of Mu~ claimed they were<br />

stopped and beaten by special crack teams.<br />

August 30<br />

Activists claimed police crack teams and the<br />

state-paid village guards attacked Urfa's Bulamk<br />

156<br />

district. They said many houses were <strong>de</strong>stroyed.<br />

August 31<br />

Siverek's Silopi district was allegedly rai<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

special crack teams and the state-paid village<br />

guards of the anti-PKK Bucak tribe. After the operation,<br />

the peasants were forced to migrate and<br />

two villagers were taken intocustody when they<br />

refused to move. Security forces also 0r.t~anized<br />

an operation on the Derecik village of ~ Irnak's<br />

Silopi district. The raid, accompanied by ar.<br />

moured vehicles, left behind five <strong>de</strong>stroyed haus.<br />

es. A villager was killed and the peasants were<br />

forced to move out. At least 20 houses were damaged.<br />

The same day, all houses were torched allegedly<br />

bX village gu~ds in the ~avsheliqiya village<br />

of Dlyarbalar. VIllagers claImed they were<br />

raI<strong>de</strong>d by guards from the Riqala village.<br />

September 9<br />

Furniture, household goods and foodstuff were<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroyed when security forces rai<strong>de</strong>d the Hester<br />

village of DiyarbakIr. All the houses were <strong>de</strong>stroyed<br />

and eIght peasants were taken into custody'<br />

during another operation on Silvan's Re~ik<br />

VIllage.<br />

There were also claims that many houses were<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroyed during an air strike on the villages of<br />

Du<strong>de</strong>rya and Badike Hewre in Kulp, Diyarbaklf.<br />

September 12<br />

During operations conducted by security forces<br />

on Diyarbalar's Eloxuso haml<strong>et</strong>, 12 houses and<br />

the village mosque were allegedly torched.<br />

September 13<br />

Security forces conductéd an operation on<br />

Diyarbaklr's Giregos village. During the operation,<br />

houses were searched and furniture were <strong>de</strong>stroyed.<br />

The inhabitants of Van's Xavi~ta, Perisan, Sukan<br />

Govakevxan, Xelila, Men<strong>de</strong>ska, Terxin,<br />

Ting, Simcar and Diresa villages were forced to<br />

evacuate their homes and move to Cç tak and<br />

other districts of Approximately 100 families<br />

were displaced during the operation.<br />

September. 15<br />

Three haml<strong>et</strong>s in the Kulp district of<br />

DiyarbakIr were reportedly torched by security<br />

forces. These were named as Savu~ça, Melle Ohli<br />

and Tekilka.

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