Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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146<br />

The Killing of A Kurdish MP<br />

ism<strong>et</strong> G. ims<strong>et</strong><br />

The killing of Mehm<strong>et</strong>.Sincar, member of parliament<br />

and local party executive of the Kurdish<br />

pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP), in<br />

the eastern refinery city of Batman on Sept. 4, has<br />

led to <strong>de</strong>velopments which indicate that Turkey's tolerance<br />

for Kurdish politics -- l<strong>et</strong> alone separatism -is<br />

nearly exhausted. Not only was Sincar, an elected<br />

representative of the people, killed, but he was<br />

killed un<strong>de</strong>r highly controversial circumstances.<br />

What followed his <strong>de</strong>ath actually showed that <strong>de</strong>spite<br />

all official assurances, there may in<strong>de</strong>ed be a<br />

new clan<strong>de</strong>stine campaign to "eliminate" the remaining<br />

17 Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puties in Parliament.<br />

Initial claims by Sincar's colleagues that pOlice<br />

protection for the <strong>de</strong>puties -- who were in Batman<br />

to investigate the mur<strong>de</strong>r of another party official -was<br />

withdrawn before the MP was mur<strong>de</strong>red never<br />

received a serious reply.<br />

Local officials only toyed with words in a fruitless<br />

attempt to explain why Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puties, in a city<br />

famous for ruthless violence targ<strong>et</strong>ing pro-Kurdish<br />

activists, was not un<strong>de</strong>r protection.<br />

A security chief argued that the <strong>de</strong>puties did not<br />

like to be followed around. Another official argued<br />

that they had <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d not to be protected. Y<strong>et</strong><br />

another said there was protection, in front of the<br />

DEP building, but the <strong>de</strong>puties had used the back<br />

door. Et c<strong>et</strong>era. None of the statements served to<br />

tell the nation what hadreally go~e on.<br />

According to other DEP <strong>de</strong>puties however, there<br />

was police protection (or tailing) from the beginning<br />

of their visit in the region, but it was lifted as of Saturday<br />

morning, when the killing took place.<br />

Naturally, the DEP and Kurdish activists conclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that without the cooperation of local officials -or<br />

at least their turning a blind eye -- such a mur<strong>de</strong>r<br />

could not take place. What strengthened their argument<br />

was anotherinci<strong>de</strong>nt this weekend during<br />

which another DEP parliamentarian survived only<br />

by chance.<br />

Sincar's family house in Klziltepe, Mardin, was visited<br />

by at least 6,000 friends and supporters after<br />

Sept. 9 and was constantly un<strong>de</strong>r observation by<br />

local troops and armored vehicles.<br />

On Saturday, however, the troops and vehicles<br />

were reportedly withdrawn at around 7 p.m. local time.<br />

About four hours later, three explosions rocked<br />

the house, followed by six shots of gunfire. Five people,<br />

children among them, were woun<strong>de</strong>d in the<br />

attack.<br />

Leyla lana, one of the most outspoken pro-Kurdish<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties in Parliament said to have links with<br />

the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) was<br />

supposed to be on the roof of the house, along with<br />

the other women, when bombs lan<strong>de</strong>d there. "Instead,<br />

I was downstairs, watching television," she exp-<br />

Turkish Probe September 14, 1993<br />

lained later.<br />

According to DEP lea<strong>de</strong>r Ya~ar Kaya, the targ<strong>et</strong><br />

of the attack was lana. According to most everyone,<br />

even including Turkey's Interior Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Gazioglu, there have been attempts in the country<br />

to spoil the brotherhood b<strong>et</strong>ween Kurds and<br />

Turks.<br />

The attack on Sincar's house mayin<strong>de</strong>ed be<br />

another step toward a har<strong>de</strong>ning of the DEP which<br />

already faces internal pressure to take radical action<br />

against the Turkish Parliament. Last week, Turkey<br />

witnessed a cat-and-mouse game put on by<br />

Turkish authorities and DEP officials, further strengthening<br />

the position of hardliners in the pro-Kurdish<br />

legal movement. All attempts by Sincar's family and<br />

DEP authorities to stage a funeral ceremony for the<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>red MP were blocked. But they were blocked<br />

in such a skilful way that Ankara always gave the<br />

impression Turkey was doing what it could to help<br />

the party out. First, the DEP moved Sincar's body<br />

from Batman, where he was killed, to Ankara -where<br />

he even had the right to be given an official<br />

ceremony at Parliament.<br />

Later, DEP announced that it would stage its own<br />

alternative funeral ceremony for its MP, would turn<br />

down a ceremony at the Grand National Assembly<br />

and would cover Sincar's coffin with a party flag instead<br />

of a Turkish one.<br />

This naturally angeredmany Turks, among them<br />

soldiers as well as politicians, taken as a signal that<br />

DEP was turning down the Turkish i<strong>de</strong>ntity altog<strong>et</strong>her.<br />

A day after the attack on lana, Turkey's agriculture<br />

Minister Refaeddin $ahin <strong>de</strong>livered a stri<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

speech in Kayseri, saying that everYone who <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

the Turkish national i<strong>de</strong>ntity should, inhis words,<br />

go to hell.<br />

"Those who say I am not a Turk, those who do<br />

not accept the Turkish flag, can go to whichever<br />

hell they want," $ahin said. Three days prior to the<br />

attack on Sincar's life, Turkey's presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demirel had ma<strong>de</strong> a similar remark, telling the nation<br />

that anyone who sympathized with those shedding<br />

blood in the Southeast were themselves "killers."<br />

Knowing the level that the national reaction to<br />

their policies had reached, the first thing DEP <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

did after bringing Sincar's body to the Turkish<br />

capital was to seek official backing and un<strong>de</strong>rstanding.<br />

Thus, early last week, party executives and several<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties marched into the presi<strong>de</strong>ntial palace in<br />

Ankara and ma<strong>de</strong> their first appeal to Demirel.<br />

A day later, they m<strong>et</strong> with Prime Minister Tansu<br />

Çiller. "We had positive replies from both,. Kaya<br />

explained to the Turkish Probe later. "They said

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