Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Curfewlifted in Cizre<br />

after major operation<br />

• Mayor says security forces<br />

fired on town after clash<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Local authorities in. the<br />

Southeastern town of Cizre on Sunday<br />

lifted a daylong curfew after compl<strong>et</strong>ing a<br />

major crackdown on districts where sympathizers<br />

of the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) are believed to be<br />

living. Cizre Mayor H~him H~hjmi said<br />

that following an early morning operation,<br />

security forces opened fire on.certain<br />

buildings in the town. .<br />

DespIte official statements that two<br />

PKK militants had been killed, local<br />

sources claimed two children were also<br />

. <strong>de</strong>ad. Coinciding with the operation, Tur-<br />

~ey's Agriculture Minister Refaeddin<br />

~ahin <strong>de</strong>livered a stri<strong>de</strong>nt speech in Kayseri,<br />

<strong>de</strong>manding everyone who <strong>de</strong>nied the<br />

Turkish national i<strong>de</strong>ntity to "go to hell.tt<br />

Officials said during the weekend that<br />

two PKK militants and -a police officer<br />

were killed in Saturday's clashes, which<br />

erupted with a raid on an alleged organizatIOnsafe-house.<br />

..<br />

Local sources said police, accompanied<br />

by troops, armored vehicles and Cobra<br />

helicopters, launched the operation early<br />

Saturday morning on the district of Cudi -<br />

• named after the mountain where the<br />

PKK is currently said to have more than<br />

20 trainirig camps. . .<br />

After a ~~ef clash, they said, iJ91JCé iïi~<br />

formed cItizens from armored vehicle<br />

loudspeakers that a curfew had been imposed<br />

on the town. But the gunfire continued<br />

throughout the day. A reliable source<br />

in DiyarbakIr told the TDN that it had<br />

now become standard for town raids. to<br />

start off with a single operation in the early<br />

hours of the morning to justify what he<br />

called "<strong>de</strong>terrent fire," which lasts almost<br />

all day. At least 10 civilians were reportedly<br />

injured during tJ.teinci<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

The pro-Kurdish Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m, quoting<br />

sources, said on Sunday that two children,<br />

aged two and 12, were killed in the<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nt, and another 15-year-old boy was<br />

hospitalized. ..<br />

The newspaper claimed that a house<br />

where three PKK militan~s were hiding<br />

was. surroun<strong>de</strong>d by security forces a~d<br />

fired upon for at least five hours. It saId<br />

the forces opened fire on other houses as<br />

well,causing great damage in the town.<br />

. ~ahin said In a sJleeçJi he ma<strong>de</strong> at t.he<br />

Grape Festival in Kayseri, as security<br />

forces oJlened,firè in Cizre,!hat :no o.ne<br />

who <strong>de</strong>nied hIs or her TurkIsh I<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

should have thè right to live in Turkey.<br />

142<br />

"Those who say I am not a Turk, those<br />

who do not accept the Turkish flag, can<br />

go to whichever hell they want," ~ahin<br />

said in a clear reference to the Kurdishbased<br />

Democracy Party DEP. Locals reported<br />

that the Ci?:re. operation soon<br />

spread from the Cudi district to the districts<br />

of Kurtulus, Sur and Darkapl Saturday<br />

afternoon. On Sunday, calm was restored<br />

in the town. Meanwhile, sources in<br />

the region reported three separate operations<br />

were continuing on thePKK's<br />

mountain units, the ARGK military flank;<br />

The Agn and Tendürek mountains are reportedly<br />

bein~ bombed, while an opera"<br />

tion also contmues on Herekol Mountain;<br />

where five Jlaramilitary village guards<br />

were reportedly woun<strong>de</strong>d. The <strong>de</strong>ath toll<br />

in four days of clashes and violence in the<br />

region has excee<strong>de</strong>d 40, official statements<br />

said.<br />

On Sunday, in an exclusive interview<br />

. wiUt the daily Sabah, Turkey's Çhiefof<br />

Staff Gen. Dogaït.Gûre~ .promised'()n~<br />

again to <strong>de</strong>feat the PKK within a year.<br />

Güre~ said the PKK would be crushed<br />

by next spring, and ad<strong>de</strong>d that the activities<br />

of the organization for the time being<br />

were areflectlOn that it was in trouble.<br />

On Sunday, ,the PKK continued with<br />

low-level armed attacks. In 13atman,gunmen<br />

opened rocke! and machine gun fire<br />

on a house, wounding four people, allegedly<br />

in r<strong>et</strong>aliation for the killing of Mardin<br />

D~uty Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar. .<br />

In I du, Kars, a roup of militants<br />

opene fire on a bor!er station Saturday<br />

n!ght; ~o casualtie~ were reported. Offi-<br />

CIals saId the terronsts also burned down<br />

a school building.<br />

Italians establish contact with PKK<br />

• Five-member<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation in Turkey to<br />

secure tourist release<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

. ANKARA- A five-member <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

of Italian lawmakers hea<strong>de</strong>d<br />

for Turkey this weekend in a bid to<br />

free two of their nationals, who<br />

among seven foreigners held hostage<br />

by the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) since last<br />

month, the Associated Press said...<br />

. AP said the five Italian members<br />

of Parliament, Including conservatives,<br />

communists and a Greens<br />

party member, aimed to establish<br />

contact with thePKK militants to<br />

, secure the release of Angelo Palego<br />

and Anna d'Andrea.<br />

Two Germans, two Swiss and a<br />

New Zealan<strong>de</strong>r are also among<br />

those being held by the Kurdish<br />

separatisis, who reportedly seized<br />

them on Mount Ararat during August..<br />

,<br />

, After arriving in Ankara, the five<br />

lawmakers were scheduled to fly to<br />

another area to me<strong>et</strong> Kurdish representatives,<br />

the Italian news agency<br />

ANSA said. '<br />

Uni<strong>de</strong>ntified sources quoted by<br />

ANSA. said the Turkish government<br />

had agreed to suspend its of-<br />

fensive in the area where the hostages<br />

were being held. .<br />

The mission follows contacts<br />

with the Kurds in recent days by<br />

Roberto Formigoni, un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary<br />

of the environment, ANSA said.<br />

Last Monday Italy freed a PKK<br />

spokesman, Ali Sapan, after arresting<br />

him the week before at a Rome<br />

news conference in which he urged<br />

1t~ly to establish (Iirect .contact<br />

with the Kurds to negOllate the<br />

hostages' release. Sapan is wanted<br />

for sedition and weapons ~ossession<br />

in Turkey, but an Itahan appeals<br />

court said the statute of limitations<br />

on the charges had èxpired.<br />

Hürriy<strong>et</strong> withdraws atlas on mention of<br />

Kurdistan in Turkey's southeast region<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

. ANKARA- Turkey's mass circulation<br />

daily Hürriy<strong>et</strong> this weekend<br />

withdrew all copies of an example<br />

print of the Turkish world atlas<br />

'Grosser Weltatlas" after realizing<br />

that it contained a region in Turkish<br />

territory called "Kurdistan."<br />

The private InterStar television<br />

reported this weekend that Hurriy<strong>et</strong><br />

on Saturday had sent all newspaper<br />

sellers and kiosks nationwi<strong>de</strong> copies<br />

of the Atlas it will be giving<br />

to rea<strong>de</strong>rs in r<strong>et</strong>urn for 40 coupons.<br />

. .<br />

The newspaper announced earlier<br />

that anyone with 40 Hürriy<strong>et</strong><br />

coupons could g<strong>et</strong> the world's lead-<br />

ing atlas.<br />

InterStar reported that after copies<br />

of the atlas were distributed,<br />

Hürriy<strong>et</strong> offi,cials realized it contained<br />

the word "Kurdistan"<br />

marked across southeast Turkey. It<br />

was withdrawn and the mistake<br />

will be corrected, the television<br />

news said.

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