Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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turkish daily news / September 13, 1993<br />

Iraq-UN talks adjourn, arms pact still in limbo<br />

• Baghdad wants a UN oil embargo<br />

lifted as soon as arms inspectors<br />

are satisfied that it has scrapped<br />

all its dangerous weapons<br />

Reuters<br />

UNITED NATIONS- U.N. and Iraqi officials<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d a week of intensive disarmament talks without<br />

an agreement but cautiously optimistic of<br />

progress towards a <strong>de</strong>al that 'eventually would allow<br />

Iraq to sell oil freely.<br />

Key differences remain, however. Iraq wants a<br />

United Nations oil embargo lifted as soon as arms<br />

inspectors arè satisfied that it has scrapped all its<br />

dangerous weapons.<br />

The U.N. Special Commission in charge of dismantling<br />

Iraq's war machine insists that a long-term<br />

monitonng program <strong>de</strong>signed to ensure Baghdad<br />

does not reacquIre banned arms must be implemented<br />

before it can recommend sanctions be lifted. U.N.<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Boutras Boutros-Ghali conferred<br />

with the chief Iraqi negotiator, General Amir Rasheed,<br />

director of Baghdad's military-industrial authority.<br />

U.N. sources said he sent a personal message<br />

to Iraqi Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hussein but they<br />

would not reveal its contents.<br />

Rolf Ekeus, the Swedish head of the U.N. commission,<br />

has threatened not tocontinue the crucial<br />

weapons talks, expected to resume in Baghdad in<br />

October, unlessIraq activates U.N. surveillance<br />

cameras installed at two missile sites near Baghdad.<br />

The cameras were put in place but not turned on<br />

after a standoff b<strong>et</strong>ween Iraq and the United Nations<br />

in June which brought a threat of force from the Security<br />

Council. Rasheed said Iraq had consi<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

cameras part of the long-term monitoring program<br />

but now <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d they were just a technical issue. He<br />

said he foresaw no problem in activating them but<br />

nee<strong>de</strong>d 'approval first from his &overnment. ~e<br />

sanctions, which have caused conSI<strong>de</strong>rable hardship<br />

to the Iraqi people as well as the country's economy,<br />

were imposed in Aug: 1990 shortly after B~ghdad's<br />

troops inva<strong>de</strong>d KuwaIt. The troops were dnven out<br />

during the 1991 GulfWar.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r a cease-fire resolution in April 1991, Iraq<br />

must <strong>de</strong>stroy an~ disclose th~ s~urces of its nuclear,<br />

chemical, bIOlogIcaland ballIstic weapons. The special<br />

commission would then recommend that the Security<br />

Cou~cillift ~heembargo on eXlX!rts,including<br />

oil. SanctIOns on Imports to Iraq are lInked to compliance<br />

with a hast of ~t~er <strong>de</strong>mands, rangi~g from<br />

human rights to recogmtIOn of ~he bor<strong>de</strong>r WI~ Kuwait.<br />

After three years of suffenng un<strong>de</strong>r a stnngent<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> embargo, diplomats believe Iraq has shown increasing<br />

willingness to compromise and reveal data.<br />

Ekeus said fraq provi<strong>de</strong>d new information about<br />

its chemical and mIssile production plants and suppliers<br />

but said he expected more data.<br />

Rasheed told a news conference he thought all<br />

outstanding problems -- the data Ekeus was seeking<br />

on weapons and suppliers as well as plans for the<br />

ongoing monitoring -- could be s<strong>et</strong>tled by the end of<br />

November.<br />

-------------------------11~411<br />

But he said the Security Council should I!ft the<br />

embargo on oil sales or at l~ast. assure Iraq It was<br />

willing to do so before ~o~ltonng plans co~ld be<br />

implemented. But there IS lIttle chance he will g<strong>et</strong><br />

any such assur~ce.s from the Council: Ekeus estimates<br />

his commISSIOnneeds at least SIXmonths to<br />

check all information and implement the monitoring<br />

plans once an agreement is r~ched. .<br />

The Iraqi general ma<strong>de</strong> It clear hIs government<br />

was apprehensive about ongoing U.N. <strong>de</strong>mands<br />

without any indicat!on that ~e e~bargo w~uld be<br />

lifted. "We cannot Just contInue ImplementIng ac-<br />

-tions," he said: Ekeus.in the p~st months has had<br />

private talks WIthAmencan, Bntlsh and Frenc~ offi.<br />

cials in an effort to g<strong>et</strong> assurances they woul~ hft t.he<br />

embargo once he is satisfied Iraq has complIed WIth<br />

all weapons <strong>de</strong>mands.<br />

Some U.S. officials fear that they would hav~ no<br />

controlover Iraq in implementing other resolutIOns<br />

once the oil embargo is 1ifted.<br />

CHPSoutheast report warns<br />

wsnch to 'mass action'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- A CHP (Republican People's Party)<br />

probe on recent <strong>de</strong>velopments in the Southeast<br />

warns of a switch in the PKK's (outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party) hit-and-run tactics to "mass action,"<br />

Anatolia news agency reported Friday.<br />

"Therefore, security forces must be trained to a<strong>de</strong>quately<br />

counter such mass actions while doing<br />

their utmost not to harm people's right to life and<br />

security," reads the report prepared by CHP parliamentary<br />

group <strong>de</strong>puty chairman, Ali Dinçerler, and<br />

Kard <strong>de</strong>puty Atilla Hun.<br />

"The PKK has managed to garner popular support<br />

through terrorist activity.<br />

That fact cannot be used to justify further violence<br />

committed by state security forces in the region.<br />

Such practices as the forced evacuation of villages<br />

for security reasons must immediately be<br />

abolished," it says. '<br />

The report says the CHP believes there are efforts<br />

to justify militaryoperations against those who<br />

have been forced to.si<strong>de</strong> with the PKK.<br />

"Such an adventurist policy per se is highly dangerous<br />

to the future of the country. Even the fact<br />

that such speculation has arisen among the masses<br />

is dangerous enough," itadds. The report points out<br />

that tra<strong>de</strong> centers such as Dogubeyazlt, Yüksekova<br />

and Cizre are the s<strong>et</strong>tlements har<strong>de</strong>st hit by rampant<br />

violence in the region ..<br />

"If violence there is a tesult of an attempt to prevent<br />

the PKK from extorting protection money<br />

from small businesses, then that means the people<br />

of the region are being targ<strong>et</strong>ed as well as the PKK.<br />

To erase the popular belief to that effect, the state<br />

must follow consistent, trustworthy policies," the<br />

report maintains.

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