Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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A Bush-Clinton Pact to Keep Iraqgate Covered Up?<br />

ASHINGTON - Oeor$.e<br />

W Bush privately assured Bill<br />

Clinton that he would not criticize<br />

the new presi<strong>de</strong>nt during the first<br />

year of his term. I cannot attribute<br />

that to any source, but trust me.<br />

And Mr. Bush has kept his word.<br />

In what may be an unspoken<br />

quid pro quo, the Clinton administration<br />

has moved to quash any<br />

revelations about Mr. Bush's Iraqgate<br />

scandal.<br />

You remember Iraqgate: the<br />

White House corruption of the Agriculture<br />

Department's loan guarantee<br />

program to slip foreign aid bila<br />

lions through an Italian bank to<br />

Saddam Hussein, which he used to<br />

finance his secr<strong>et</strong> nuclear buildup.<br />

The Bush Justice Department<br />

sought to contain the scandal by<br />

pr<strong>et</strong>ending that the Italian bank.<br />

knew nothing of its Atlanta office's'<br />

Iraqi <strong>de</strong>alings, <strong>de</strong>spite suppressed<br />

CIA evi<strong>de</strong>nce to the con trill}';<br />

During the '92 campaign, tu<br />

Gore accurately charged that "the<br />

CIA reported to Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State<br />

James Baker ... that Iraq was<br />

clan<strong>de</strong>stinely procuring nuclear<br />

weapons" while the State Department<br />

was urging more loan guar.<br />

antees to appease the dic~tor.<br />

Candidate Clinton, asked if he<br />

would favor a special Iraqgate<br />

prosecutor un<strong>de</strong>r a new In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Counsel Act, replied unequivocally,<br />

"Yes."<br />

That was then. Last week, in Atlanta<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral court, Mr. Clinton's<br />

Justice Department arranged for<br />

the local Banca Lavoro manager !o<br />

cop a plea on three minor charges of<br />

what had been a 347-count indict.<br />

roent, thereby blocking full disclosure<br />

of Rome's corrupt involvement<br />

- with guilty knowled$e of U.S.<br />

officials - in a public tnal.<br />

John Ho,-an, Attorney General<br />

Jan<strong>et</strong> Reno s longtime assistant in<br />

Miami, is the prosecutor who insists<br />

that the bank in Rome was<br />

innocent, over the plea bargainer's<br />

continued disputation.<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>ral JudgeMarvin Shoob rejects<br />

Mr. Hogan's contention as.<br />

"absurd ... never-never land,"<br />

He sees a "wi<strong>de</strong>r-rangin$ sophisticated<br />

conspiracy that Involved<br />

BNL-Rome ... and the governments<br />

of the U.S., England, Italy<br />

and Iraq,"<br />

But Ms. Reno's man, who joined<br />

the Justice Department on June 7,<br />

has conducted what she falsely<br />

calls "a thorough in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt investigation,"<br />

resulting in "no reason<br />

to change our opinion."<br />

Thus Clinton appointees at Justice<br />

have closed ranks with prose-<br />

....<br />

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~ • Sincar's body moved to Klzlltepe, lai<br />

~ to rest after religious service<br />

~ • Mur<strong>de</strong>red <strong>de</strong>puty buried without family,<br />

~ relatives and colleagues<br />

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Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Turkish authorities on<br />

Thursday buried a mur<strong>de</strong>red Kur.<br />

dish MP whose family and friends<br />

were prevented for three consecutive<br />

days from holding a 'prearranged<br />

funeral ceremony for him in Ankara.<br />

Democracy Party (D.EP) Depu~y<br />

Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar was laId to rest m<br />

his home town of KlZIltepe, Mardin,<br />

by security forces but wit~out<br />

the participation of any relatlves<br />

and friends. Sources said Sincar's<br />

family was a;skedto sign a paper saying<br />

they dId not claIm the body<br />

before hIS coffin was flown out of<br />

Ankara to the burial site in the t<strong>et</strong>-<br />

ror-rid<strong>de</strong>n Southeast region un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

heavy security measures.<br />

Security forces prevented local<br />

people and supporters from attending<br />

the funeral and rushed Sincar's<br />

body. through a religious ceremony<br />

held In a KlzIltepe Mosque.<br />

Turkish Human Rights Association<br />

Chainnan Akm Birdal said in<br />

statement that <strong>de</strong>velopments surrounding<br />

Sincar's funeral were against<br />

pnncipal human rights and con<strong>de</strong>mned<br />

the inci<strong>de</strong>nt. Sincar and<br />

another DEP provincial official were<br />

shot <strong>de</strong>ad last Saturday in the<br />

Eastern refinery city of Batman by<br />

gunmen said by the government to<br />

belong to Hezbollah. The DEP sus-<br />

cUlors and Î1xers <strong>de</strong>sperate not to<br />

be brought before a grand jury by a<br />

truly in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt counsel. Mr.<br />

Bush's Justice Department appointed<br />

the lawyer for Saddam's<br />

main arms purchaser as U.S. attorney<br />

in Atlanta; Mr. Clinton's Justice<br />

Department is appointinJ a<br />

lawyer from King & Spalding,<br />

BNL's law firm, who had worked<br />

on the case as a prosecutor to the<br />

U.S. attorney there now.<br />

Ms. Reno is unconcerned at how<br />

her assertion of BNL-Rome's innocence<br />

bolsters the Italian bank's<br />

claim against the United States for<br />

$380 million of the loans to Saddam<br />

that James Baker persua<strong>de</strong>d<br />

the Agriculture Department's<br />

Clayton Yeutter to guarantee. If<br />

the Criminal Division holds that<br />

Rome was victimized, shouldn't<br />

the United States pay up? "Apples<br />

and oranges," Mr. Hogan tells me;<br />

~at is the Civil Division's Job.<br />

Mr. Hogan is familiar WIth Ital.<br />

ian suits, having once been accused<br />

Öl receiving stolen clothing in a Mi.<br />

ami "hot suit" case; he earned a<br />

*aight-arrow reputation by resign.<br />

ßg as prosecutor <strong>de</strong>spite his innotence.<br />

But now he uses "ongoing<br />

Utvestigation" to duck questions,<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite SI. Jan<strong>et</strong>'s claim of his work<br />

having already been "thorough"; it<br />

k \!1Iltentlv""lt'~ir:J<strong>de</strong>Den<strong>de</strong>nt,"<br />

pe<strong>et</strong>s that local security forces have<br />

had a hand in the mur<strong>de</strong>rs, as well<br />

as in the killing of 52 other activists<br />

and politicians affiliated with the<br />

party over the past two years.<br />

Neither the DEP nor the family<br />

of Sincar were allowed in Ankara<br />

to organize their own funeral ceremony,<br />

which inclu<strong>de</strong>d placing the<br />

coffin on a catafalque and marching<br />

500 m<strong>et</strong>ers to a nearby mosque.<br />

"This is a body s~izure," DEP<br />

Chairman Ya~ar Kaya protested<br />

earlier. Police at the hosRilal refused<br />

to hand over Sincar s body to<br />

his 15 parliamentarian colleagues<br />

for two days as the governor's office<br />

dictated to relatives its own<br />

program for a ceremony. Neither<br />

DEP nor Sincar's family agreed to<br />

claim the lxxIy un<strong>de</strong>r these conditions.<br />

Witnesses at Ankara's Hacellepe<br />

Hospital on Thursday said a state<br />

ambulance collected Sincar's coffin<br />

!>id Mr. Hogan take testimony<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r oath from ex-Attorney General<br />

Dick Thornburgh about a<br />

White House me<strong>et</strong>ing with Ambas-<br />

06ador Rinaldo P~rignani of Italy,<br />

:directed by Rome to "raise the case<br />

to a political level"? Or ask the<br />

Criminal Division why an update<br />

on the BNL investigation was prepared<br />

for the attorney general just<br />

three days before that me<strong>et</strong>ing?<br />

Did he convene a grand jury to<br />

examine the Oct. 26, 1989, memo<br />

to Mr. Baker, with attached talking<br />

points and Baker notations,<br />

showing how commodity credits<br />

were abusC(d for Saddam's back-<br />

Kloor finanting?<br />

Is it not a blatant conflict of<br />

interest for him to close out the<br />

Atlanta case while purporting to<br />

investigate the Atlanta prosecutors<br />

on whose work he <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d?<br />

Ms. Reno's man s.ay<strong>et</strong>h not.<br />

No won<strong>de</strong>r we hear not a peep<br />

of criticism about Bill Clinton<br />

from George Bush; the former<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt and his men are being<br />

well protected. The Congress<br />

should pass the In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Counsel Act and <strong>de</strong>mand that it<br />

be used in this case.<br />

The New York Times.<br />

!Authorities bury Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puty<br />


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