Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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86 nabbed in security operations in Turkey<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- At least 86 suspected members<br />

of the clan<strong>de</strong>stine Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK) were caught by security forces during<br />

operations conducted in Adana, Mersin and.<br />

DiyarbakIr provinces, officials announced on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

The Adana Security Directorate statement<br />

on the subject said 25 PKK members, including<br />

a 56-year-old woman, were captured<br />

in two separate operations in the Mediterranean<br />

province of Adana.<br />

In another <strong>de</strong>velopment in Mersin, police<br />

anti -terrorism teams a~prehen<strong>de</strong>d 19 suspected<br />

PKK members, mcluding high-level<br />

":Iembers in charge of the region and Mersm.<br />

Eighteen molotov cocktails, three pistols<br />

and a great number of organizational documents<br />

were also seized in the operations.<br />

In Diyarbakir, 42 suspected PKK militants<br />

were taken into police custody in security<br />

operations.<br />

Three Kalashnikovs, five pistols, one<br />

RPG-7 rock<strong>et</strong> launcher, five rock<strong>et</strong>s, and<br />

five grena<strong>de</strong>s were seized.<br />

In a separate <strong>de</strong>velopment, three Kurdish<br />

militants on Tuesday were killed by security<br />

forces in a clash in the rural. areas of<br />

Diyarbaklr's ~Irnak township.<br />

Tourist bed capacity surpasses 87,000<br />

Turkish Dilily News<br />

ANTAL VA- The total bed capacity in facilities<br />

of the currently operatmg IT.ember<br />

firms of the Tourism Investors Association<br />

(TYD) reached 87,533, the Anatolia news<br />

agency reported. The TYD-member hotels<br />

that hold tourism permits increased to 120 as<br />

(jr July Hotels accountJor .56,297 beds;28<br />

holiday villages, 22,493;,and 38 various mo-<br />

Police<br />

block<br />

Sincar<br />

funeral<br />

• Ankara security units prevent<br />

ceremony for mur<strong>de</strong>red Kurdish MP<br />

• Kurdish MPs p<strong>et</strong>ition to Inter<br />

Parliamentary Union for protection<br />

tels and rest stops, 8,743. TYD companies<br />

are currently ~lanning 240 investment projects,<br />

which Will potentially increase the bed<br />

capacity by another 117,704.<br />

Accordmg to the TYD report, member<br />

firms in the marina sector have 1,732 berths<br />

available in various yacht harbors. An additional<br />

530 berths are being planned,and 450<br />

are un<strong>de</strong>r construction.<br />

By Ism<strong>et</strong> G. Ims<strong>et</strong><br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Police on Tuesday took over a major hospital<br />

morgue in Ankara in a bid to block <strong>de</strong>puties of the Kurdishbased<br />

Democracy Party (DEP) from pIcking up the body of<br />

a Kurdish MP killed this weekend and placmg it on a ceremonial<br />

catafalque.<br />

"They came here and took everything into their hands, we<br />

no longer have any control," a senior hospital official said.<br />

Director of the Hac<strong>et</strong>tepe Hospital, Professor Çelik Ta~er,<br />

told DEP <strong>de</strong>puties on the telepnone that the <strong>de</strong>cision to hold<br />

on to the body of DEP Deputy Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar, mur<strong>de</strong>red in<br />

the eastern province of Batman on Saturday, was of political<br />

origin. "I can cite no medical reason for thIS. We have recei-<br />

TYD member Turkish Airlines (THY)<br />

leads the air transportation sector in ~assenger<br />

capac.ity. THY anticipates a seatmg capacity<br />

of 43,540 by 1999, according to TYD<br />

reports.<br />

Of the highway passenger transportation<br />

companies, Ulusoy bas a 19,392 seating capacity;<br />

Bosfor Tourism, 13,860;.and,Varan,<br />

6,750.<br />

ved a verbal or<strong>de</strong>r from the gove~or," he reportedly said.<br />

Ankara Governor Erdogan ~ahmoUu announced earlier in<br />

the day. that he had placed a ban on laying Sincar on a catafalque<br />

JO front of the DEP headquarters "for security rea-<br />

~ons." "This is ridiculous," one DEP <strong>de</strong>puty commented.<br />

We see now how they treat a <strong>de</strong>ad parliamentarian" Ahm<strong>et</strong><br />

Türk, the former chaiI1?an .of the. <strong>de</strong>funct Peopl~s' Labor<br />

Party (HEP) add~. Hatlp Dlcle, DIyarbakir <strong>de</strong>puty, explained<br />

that both PreSI<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel and Prime Minis-<br />

.ter Tansu -ç iller had approved of the party's funeral cerem?,nyprogram,<br />

which was publicized on Monday.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>velopments show that neither have control oftheir<br />

own local authorities," Van Deputy Remzi<br />

Kartal conclu<strong>de</strong>d. Early Tuesday morning.<br />

bus loads of uniformed police officers accompanied<br />

by dozens of plainclothes officers<br />

arrived at the Emergency Service entrance<br />

of Hac<strong>et</strong>tepe.<br />

Reporters overheard or<strong>de</strong>rs issued on poli-<br />

~e radio fo~civilian-plated cars to be parked<br />

m the hospItal yard so the area will be full<br />

and the parliamentarians cannot enter."<br />

Three rows of riot police held the front and<br />

back entrances of the compound and prevel1:<br />

ted all visitors from entenng. A hearse, prepared<br />

to carry the coffin of Sincar, was turned<br />

back from the gate.<br />

Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her this was a <strong>de</strong>cision ma<strong>de</strong><br />

by ho~pital autho~ties, ~ <strong>de</strong>puty director <strong>de</strong>mandmg<br />

anonymIty saId an control was in<br />

the hands of the police. "And they," he ad<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

"are controlled by the governor."<br />

Meanwhile, abOut a dozen police armed<br />

with semiautomatic and automatic guns held<br />

guard in front of the hospital's basement corridor<br />

leading to the morgue.<br />

Ankara's police <strong>de</strong>partment issued a statement<br />

during the inCi<strong>de</strong>nt and said Sincar'~<br />

body would un<strong>de</strong>r no condition be given to<br />

anyone but his family, and on condition 01<br />


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