Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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with un<strong>de</strong>r Turkish laws.<br />

, In one village near the town of<br />

Kulp in Diyarbakir, there were even<br />

claims of a Hezbollah-~ecurity force<br />

raid after which all houses were<br />

burned down and the local governor<br />

was chased off by the comman<strong>de</strong>r of<br />

the operation. "<br />

In another village of Silvan, security<br />

forces ran a house-by-house search<br />

and seized all weapons, after which<br />

the Hezbollah ma<strong>de</strong> its attack on the<br />

civilians.<br />

In one case, in which an alleged<br />

Hezbollah gunman was caught by the<br />

people and surren<strong>de</strong>red to tile security<br />

forces, he was never heard of<br />

'again, indicating that he was secr<strong>et</strong>ly<br />

s<strong>et</strong> free.<br />

The "coinci<strong>de</strong>nce" of the escalation<br />

in activities attributed to the<br />

Kurdish Hezbollah in southeastern<br />

Turkey and the purge in the police<br />

force Instigated oy Minister KalernIi<br />

forgoodpurposes is still regar<strong>de</strong>d as<br />

132<br />

stri~ng. Despit<strong>et</strong>his,. th~re are local<br />

clams that the orgaruzatIon' actually<br />

started with Aksu's own appointments<br />

and was only topped by the<br />

purge.<br />

And, what is even more striking is<br />

the local claim that the Hezbollah<br />

enjoys immunity not only from the<br />

police but also from this country's<br />

secular military forces. Suspected<br />

Hezbol-contra supporters or collaborators<br />

are found among gendarmerie<br />

intelligence group officers as well as<br />

police special crack teams.<br />

, Many people still do not even<br />

believe that a separate Hezbollah<br />

organization exists and say that most<br />

activities carried out on its behalf are<br />

part of the secr<strong>et</strong> warfare in the<br />

region. " "<br />

Thus, the state has for some time<br />

been subject to a new form of erosion,<br />

losing regional confi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

rapidly in face of activities attributed<br />

to the Hezbollah, ad<strong>de</strong>d to the numer-<br />

?us cl3:Ïms of human rights violations<br />

III the troubled region. It is aIsöJac-<br />

!ng a different kind of regional threat,<br />

In the sense that as an organization<br />

claiming to pursue a religious goal<br />

and as a movement which has managed<br />

to attract the backing of a part<br />

of soci<strong>et</strong>y, Hezbollah could become<br />

even more dangerous than the PKK<br />

in the future - operating in an area<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the influence of regional religious<br />

trends.<br />

Observers argue that if there are<br />

those who see the Hezbol-contra as a<br />

God-sent saviour (or solution) in the<br />

war on separatist terrorism, it is evi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

that they will have to cope with<br />

the consequences of their mistaJœs. ,<br />

The killing of Sincar and an escalation<br />

of attacks in Batman show, however,<br />

that at this stage, the government<br />

must do everything it can to<br />

investigate all claims into the<br />

Hezbollah, to catch their local lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

and their collaborators in official<br />

offices, and prevent the massacre<br />

which is being staged by this ruthless<br />

organization in the Southeast. '<br />

This is the only way the state can<br />

maintain its credibility in the region.<br />

But, such a task will be difficult.<br />

For, looking at the claims which have<br />

surfaced over the past two years, such<br />

an operation will unavoidably have to<br />

concentrate on suspected officials as<br />

well. People, such as police chiefs<br />

reassigned from Batman to Agri or<br />

new <strong>de</strong>puty vice squad chiefs who<br />

have turned up in Batman, also must<br />

be investigated.<br />

All indications are that if the<br />

Hezbol-contra is to be busted and the<br />

killers are to be revealed, the investigation<br />

has to concentrate not on the<br />

15- and 16-year-old triggers, but on<br />

those 'who control them. The future<br />

will show wh<strong>et</strong>her Ankara is truly<br />

prepared to go this far - having literally<br />

slept as the Hezbollah turned<br />

into a monster and went loose ...<br />

Turkish Probe September 7, 1993<br />

IranUnhappy With the Iraqi Kurds<br />

The recent attacks by Iran against Iraqi Kurdistan<br />

show that thepro-lslamic regime is<br />

unhappy with Iraq's Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rship, diplomatic<br />

sources say. They say Iran is unhappy for<br />

three reasons.<br />

One is the fact that they feel the Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

have established too close relations with Turkey<br />

.and want a similar treatment from Tehran. Diplomatic<br />

sources say that in the past, the Iranians<br />

and the Syrians became too accustomed to steering<br />

and dominating the Iraqi Kurds, but after the<br />

Gulf War the Iraqi Kurds opted to establish closer ties<br />

with the Türkish government. At the time, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Turgut Özal forged warm ties with Kurdish Democratic<br />

Party (KDP) lea<strong>de</strong>r Mesoud Barzani and<br />

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) chairman Jalal<br />

Talabani.<br />

In time these relations became even warmer, and<br />

today the Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs say they would be very<br />

happy to be an integral part of a political arrangement<br />

with Turkey.<br />

The Iranians hate the i<strong>de</strong>a. Second is the fact<br />

that the Iranians feel seriously threatened by the<br />

West and are scared that Iraqi Kurdistan could be<br />

used as a forward base by Western powers in an<br />

assault against their country.<br />

They reportedly feel Iran is being encircled by<br />

unfriendly powers. "They feellike a cat cornered by<br />

several dogs, and are trying to strike back in self<strong>de</strong>fense,"<br />

a leading kaqi Kurdish official told the<br />

Turkish Probe recently. Third is the fact that Iran's<br />

own secessionist Kurdish Democratic Party lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

are ail living in exile in Iraqi Kurdistan and the Iranians<br />

are, to say the least, unhappy with their activities,<br />

which may seriously <strong>de</strong>stabilize Iran. The Iranians<br />

have asked the Kurds to extradite the Iranian<br />

KDP lea<strong>de</strong>rs but have been turned down. "The Iranian<br />

KDP is not a terrorist organization like the<br />

PKK.<br />

They are well-educated people who want to reach<br />

their goals through political means. They feel<br />

they can achieve this because internally the situation<br />

in Iran is much more fragile than people think it<br />

is," the Kurdish official says.<br />

Back in Turkey, however, the Iraqi Kurds feel<br />

they are not being treated so warmly. Talabani's<br />

people feel that Turkish officials are biased in favor<br />

of Barzani.<br />

There are even hints that Barzani and the Turkish<br />

military are making secr<strong>et</strong> arrangements, while Ankara<br />

puts distance b<strong>et</strong>ween itself and Talabani. Talabani's<br />

men say this is unjustified, and stress that<br />

they have done everything in their power to combat<br />

the PKK and are angry because they have been<br />

blamed for the failures of the Turkish military against<br />

the separatists.<br />

Last week Turkish Gendarmerie Comman<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gen. Aydin liter had a me<strong>et</strong>ing jointly with Talabani<br />

and Barzani in Iraqi Kurdistan, in which he said Turkey<br />

expects the two, to make all the necessary arrangements<br />

in the bor<strong>de</strong>r areas to prevènt PKK attacks<br />

against Turkish military bor<strong>de</strong>r stations. Iraqi<br />

Kurds in r<strong>et</strong>urn say they will do their best, but Turkey<br />

also has to guard its bor<strong>de</strong>rs more effectively,<br />

and if the PKK militants manage to pen<strong>et</strong>rate the<br />

Peshmerga patrols they should at least be halted<br />

by the Turkish military patrols.<br />

Meanwhile, there are reports that there is growing<br />

frustration in the Talabani camp and that if the Turkish<br />

complaints about the PUK continue, Talabani's<br />

men mayalso strike back at Ankara with their own<br />


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